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Monday, May 21, 2012

Morning to you all

We have had a Solar Eclipse over the weekend, which tends to bring turns and change in momentums for many markets.
I found that pre empting Solar and Lunar moves tend to cost me money and so I tend not to trade on days after these events.
Today’s where you put technical’s to the side and just observe the market.
You will see markets very volatile and many will get washed out in the clean out.
As I said Turns.
You need to look at what was happening heading into the Eclipse and the opposite should be heading out.
But that doesn’t mean that there wont be another sucker push down.

In grains the opposite will occur.
The will continue there merry way and will gain more strength with coming weather issues affecting harvests.

With face book geez it was funny I don’t know if anyone saw it or if it was a computer glitch, but I saw 216 million shares on the bid at $38.
Never seen that before!
Lets see how long they last holding the stock up before it falls.
I think Face book might become everyone’s whipping bitch for the next month, taking over from MSFT.
Time will tell.

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