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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election day

Hello all

Its election day and we are all waiting for something special to happen.
One side is confident of office while the other believes it has the numbers.
Either side good luck I say but the astrology says another Obama win.
So I will stick with my tools which has said Obama from the beginning..
Yes back when it all started.
There was only one man who could beat Obama and that was Ron Paul but the problem is that Mr Paul doesn't look after mates, only does the right thing, Like Obama has tried.

Maybe after the election is concluded and Obama wins the Republicans might want to invest some dollars into gaining the services of a good astrologer to look at all the candidates birth charts to see who can win with instead of the costly exercise of sucking up to people asses to get nominated.

The bottom line US business has been play politics with policies to have Romney elected.
Not hiring workers, placing people on 30 hour weeks, at the end of the day if Obama wins who will be the fool who has held back on growing there company.
Those companies will be punished by the market.

This is pure astrological view not personal ..
I'm not an American and have no interest or care who wins.
Markets open in the morning and the sun rises too.

Looking ahead for the Students of Astrology.

We are in the Mercury Retrograde.
This wont be a powerful one  in fact it will be extremely weak.
Sure double check things you do and count to 10 before pressing the buy and sell button, but it wont affect many until the last week of it (19th-30th) yes a couple of days later.
Purchases can be made on existing technologies and so forth but new devices that come out during the retrograde will be a failure.
There will be new ideas that got missed the first time around that will be seen now.
Look to close any deals your doing during this time also as it will advantage you.
Example ( getting the best deal for a house now not waiting for a better one).
Getting discounts on transport or travel.
The discounts you get now wont get better after the retrograde.

The other main event this month is also the Eclipse.

Many markets will be bottoming out around this time give or take a day or two.
Watch the commodity space metals, grains, indexes and bonds.
Most of these will be triggered by the eclipse so expect aggressive moves.

To the MA as you are all aware we haven't traded this month they due to the issues in New York.
As everything is now back to normal we will start tonight.
I'm posting something which is very interesting for all to know.

Next two years my work shows at least 2 if not 3 flash crashes hitting the market.
As for 2015 well that's where it should be 6 times... remember this readers.
Yes the Frank Dodd bill wont work.
It wasn't thought out properly and yes the shit will hit the fan when the crash comes.
Its just a case of how will the houses hide it from drawing attention to themselves.

The last 24 hours was nothing but trash in the market place.
Market trading higher, gold and oil running, bonds coming off.
Please dont read to much into what has occurred as this will be undone by midday tomorrow.
Its funny as I am posting I see the market down 8 handles, bonds up 13 and gold down $6.
In Ohio Obama is up 59% to 40% with 20% counted..
I can see a rough day tomorrow.LOL
Babies and bath tubs will be on sale.

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.


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