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Thursday, January 3, 2013

5.15 pm NYT 3rd Jan

Hello Readers

Happy New to you all ...

First... I want to say thank you to all who have become new Managed Accounts.
We did our first trade as you will see tonight in your statements.
Sold gold at 1680.50 closed out at 1664.
It's very important to note when your start trading or a business or anything of the nature that your first move is always the right move.
So ours was and yes we are very pleased.
This is why it was important to be ready by 4am 3rd Jan.

Second....I would like to welcome all new readers , traders, hedge fund managers  and astrologers to the blog.
Should you have any questions please feel free to make comments and should you want your questions personal you can always email

The agreement or arrangement that was done, regarding the fiscal cliff was ok.
Problem was it was done with Mercury in Capricorn at zero degrees which is a major problem.
Sure it took the world stage but as I have mentioned to other fellow astrologers as it moves to 1,2,3 degrees cracks and real understanding isn't going to be what was agreed upon, so watch the space.
How will the market react! will be interesting!!

After all the WHO WHA has finished with the end of year new year juniors trading, professional money is on board today and the rest comes on Monday.
As everyone is still talking up the rally and everyone feels great a reality check is coming so just be aware of it.
Markets don't go up in straight lines, and with the present gaps in the market there is no way this market will run up until they are filled.
I'm no tech guy so please check your own work or ask someone who knows technicals.

1420-1438 gap is massive.
Even a 1426-1438 gap is huge.
I see it like bricking a house.
Ok 1 maybe 2 bricks no big deal you can get away with not putting them in.
But when you leave out 18 bricks and your trying to build on top there is no way that's going to hold.
So just be aware of it.

To the metals readers well don't say I didn't warn you, the world never ended, so the reason for buy gold is what now?
Don't freak out if we see a $50 down very soon.
My concern is if it breaks $1600 there could be a huge pocket, please be careful and hedge yourselves.
In regards to gold stocks any of them which are not hedged to the price of gold at these levels dump them, as they will half in price soon.
Please remember the lower the price of gold trade, the less gold the ETF has to hold and therefore just increases the move down.
Yes I'm going to be attacking the metals aggressively this year, as it will be a bad year for them when the astrology assists.

Yes I will be teaching astrology this year.

For the students of astrology and for those who want to be able to have some understanding of how it works.
First will be understanding astrology?
How it works ?
How to use the Void of Coarse?
How the planets affect human behaviours and how to use them in trading.
Aspects to the V/C
New/Full Moon, super Moon
You need to understand the differences between a Super and a dud moon in the Financial Market.
This coarse will take a few hours.

I'm also looking at either skype conferencing or doing one on one.
My preference is for one on one at the present time.

This is the foundation to understand financial astrology once you gel this information your will begin to see the real advantage you will have in the markets and the difference in your own trading.
Please note if financial astrology saves you from making 1 or even 2 bad trades a year or month its has served its purpose.
As one reader said  It's insurance. worth every cent.

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.


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