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Monday, February 11, 2013

8.35am NYT 11th Feb

Hello all..

Over the weekend I went into a deep astrological meditation to see if my work is wrong or if its early.
As the last fortnight it seems as tho we are a tad early in our trading.
I can confirm that the timing of my trades is precise and the direction.
Whether we are right or wrong the fact is we take trade on astrological aspects, and not technicals.

All day today I have been defending my decision to short both gold and silver on Friday, by MA clients.
As I have stated privately and I will also state it here for the records so everyone reading this blog understands.
We take investment decisions on astrological aspects not on fundamentals or technicals set ups.
Its for this reason we have held our current positions.
Should any of the MA feels that this isn't what they want, at the end of the month please let me know and your more than welcome to go on your merry way.

I am not a metals hater as some have called me.
I see no reason to buy gold at the present time, as I have stated before.
Gold in my view should be 1100-1250.. so yes its overpriced.
In regards to silver while its an industrial metal also I see silver under $25.
Yes I am aware that many believe $30 will hold and it might but don't be so sure as I see further negatives in both metals.
For those with longer term horizons.
It will be very interesting to see if both metals can catch a bid in March and April with the Euro trouble on the way...
I suspect not as the US dollar will be the safe heaven and both could get crunched.
Gold will become once again a safe heaven in 2014 NOT 2013...
So where is the low ? I don't know but $900 or even $1000 wont surprise me.
Its for this reason your also seeing the commodity currencies get hit.

On Friday after 1pm the market was basically dead.
Volume for the next 3 hours didn't even match the first hour so please don't read anything into Fridays close.

Oil continues to strength towards the negative side and while the positive news is coming out oil wont be able to push higher this week and I still see 89-90 level.
This week once again will be a mixed bag in the market, with Mon,Tue and Wednesday down.
Use Thursday to obtain longs and the market should make highs end of the week.

Regardless of what Obama says market should trade lower.
In regards to Softs there will more more astrological positives hitting both Cotton and Coffee from Thursday will be the ideal time where these commodities can make good moves.
Many have sent me issue where rust is killing crops.
I have coffee going up 100% this year and next year.
I know its wild but this is what my work shows so I am tell you all so your aware of it.
Some of you might look at the ETF's and hold others might look at the options ... do whats right for you.
We do futures so please ask your brokers on how to take advantage of it.
Yes commercials are selling coffee and so is the floor as there is ample supply coming through but my works says otherwise so time will tell.

To the Gold bugs I have given you what I see going forward, lets be civil and cut the hate mail now.

As always please use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge profits and losses
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.


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