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Friday, December 12, 2014

Central bank gone mad

Hi readers
Today I read in the Australian newspaper on the web that the governor of the reserve in Australia as put a price target on how low the A$ should be..
Wow I'm conservative compared to him.
I thought 76-77 would be it but his gone further expecting 75.
Now if the dollar does fall then my Australian readers you will be in recession, no doubt about it.
Australia is a country of importers, exports are bulk commodities, so your trade deficits will blow out and the economy will tip over. Do not buy real estate or stocks discounts are on the way..
It's been confirmed by the central bank..
By the way you can't cut rates will a low A$ !
Also remember readers how the Australian government was writing up debt like it was out of fashion, well just add 25% more due to the devaluation of the dollar...

To the US readers.
It hard to come to term with it at first but now you see the benefits of  the Obama horoscope.
If he could run again you should elect him without hesitation.
The US has first paid of some 16% of its debt just with the currency appreciation.
Stock market is running on jet fuel up and tax revenue is at a 22 year high.
Why wouldn't you want this guy running the country.
His not wasting tax payers money on a stupid war ( allowing big business to make record profits on the back of his ego ).
Stock market is creating wealth as never before, and the dollar is starting to become king again.
In fact Obama is the man that is required in 2016-2019 or else trouble will arise by the people.

Quick note yes I'm sorry that I've become somewhat political. It's the last time this year.
I will stick to the astrology.
I just have so much hatred towards the Australian government at the moment for take a good year and a half way from me.
Anyway as stated oil is still falling and will continue .
So to metal commodities will also fall away.
Watch the grains , as ethanol production will start to impact on grains

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