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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

So does the market understands growth?

Hi readers

Yesterday some very important numbers came out which markets have dismissed.
China's PMI was the lowest in almost a year.
That's after the stimulus of cuts in rates and government subsides.
There isn't much more government can do.
As I said before when so few have so much growth will never expand, same as what's happening in Europe and what's happening in the US.
While the U.S. seems to be growing, what is it producing which in can export to the world other than crops, or drugs.
You must understand finance has never created export dollars for a nation.
Therefore the U.S. at present is in illusionary mode, but this mode is for a while.
Australia,Germany and the U.S. in particular will be seriously affected by a Chinese slow down.

The only primitive thing left for the Chinese to do now is as everyone else does, devalue, which is an illusionary vision not a long term vision.

Nice pop today by NFLX which wasn't unexpected , hopefully tomorrow the stock hit the $450 area and we can then take positions.

I have done the astrology for TWTR and the news isn't good..
I strongly urge all who own it to liquidate, there is fraud going on in there and it's been hidden by smart accounting. It will come to light in due coarse, don't freak out when it's exposed, as stock will collapse so please use caution.
Yes I'm short this stock at the present time from $38+ and intend to hold and maybe increase at the right time.

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