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Monday, March 30, 2015

So now we understand what China means to the world

Hi readers

China is going to spend money on roads and public works.
How cool is that, if you need it ! but do they..
If it was that important why not do it before?
The United States economy isn't firing as many want you to believe but of the five ugly sisters it's the decent looking one.

You'll notice that the countries who deal with China got a boost from that announcement but it will be short lived.
China has all intentions of using its own companies and resources to build not international as many are hoping.
Anyway enjoy the move up hopefully better prices to look to short.
In regards to the Australian market we saw a huge move up Friday followed by a huge move down on  Monday.
This is because many superfunds close there books at the last Friday of the quarter, not the last trading day of the month.
It's important the Australian traders know this because serious money can be made from this if nimble.

To the American readers yes I have started looking at the next election and who can possibly beat Hilary. More when I finish.

In the currency markets the reason I'm not making any comment is because all banks are devaluing around the world.
It's as if it's a race to see who can do it first without any consideration of the implications of there actions.
Yes the U.S. will also get back in the race too soon.
If it was up to me banks should not be allowed to enter into the currency markets to trade, it's not there place.

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