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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Stating what is ....not the illusion authorities what us all to believe.

Hi readers

Last post hit a raw nerve with American readers, but the truth is the federal reserve did it first so it's ok for other to do the same thing.
They just improve it to target what suits.
Had it been left for the market to properly price assets then world markets would be a lot high then was the case back then but not at these ridiculous levels we have today.
As has been from the beginning of time every government worker wants his name in history.
So I state what is not what I'm told to believe.
The cat was almost let out of the bag the other day with (CEO JPM) say another crisis is on the way.
Why is that you should ask?
ANSWER ......Because the system is completely flawed.
Government just don't get it, the market is the best mechanism to price assets not illusionary government assistance, and schemes to propel spending and taxes.
Not just in America but around the world.

No unemployment benefits people should fend for themselves
No Child care assistance
No bullshit schemes to sway people to spend.

In return health care and education should be free
Pension to the elderly should be higher

The human instinct is a wonderful and powerful ability which everyone has let's use it.
Yes it's radical but that's what has to happen if this world is to prosper on solid ground, not illusions.
The Asian model of government is the best way forward, not the west minister model.
That model only worked when the population was 1-2 billion people.
We are at 13 billion now and increasing.
I am still lost to know how a country of America, or Australia and even the UK, run massive deficits yet monthly while Asian countries continue to run surplus accounts month over months.
Yet only produce half to a quarter of what these western economies produce.

Let's look forward.. Monday and Tuesday markets will be choppy to down maybe half to 1 percent.


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