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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Time to just sit and wait, until the right time.

Hi readers

By now many of your who are regular readers will have fully understood how astrology works in the markets.
It's always ahead of the pack so smart trading and decision making is important.
To those who have taken advantage of the dates I put out congratulations on your trading.
If astrology assist you in your trading performance then it's served its purpose.
The fact that you spend 5 minutes reading this blog you deserve every cent you make.

To those who wish to donate funds please do so to something worth while.
I personally have donated hundreds of thousands to Autism.

I'm so thrilled at the present time to read so many doing well with the planning dates.
It's very satisfying.
Even a junior trader who started work at a hedge fund has worked himself up to full associate with his performance over the last 2 months.
Fund is up over 19% overall with his trading up 66% for the quarter.

To the Australian readers who trade the SPI, also cleaned up big time.
Those of you who trade the CFDs congrats seriously.
I say this readers because many have emailed me a copy of there trading statement.

Time has now come to just wait.
Yes do nothing, the astrology isn't strong in any direction so we just wait for the next move.
Please don't sit in trades and hope or watch for something to happen, you will get caught out and loose your money.
Smart traders wait for the right moment to strike, fools go in regardless and just donate to the bankers.
The next move is for a push up but we are some days away from it so do something else, please don't chase the market as it will burn you.
We are in retrograde....

In political events what do you say?
Trump getting stuck into FOX news.
Jed Bush has the guts to open his mouth about Hilary...😩

Then in Australia the conspiracy about Tony Abbotts assistant working for Malcom Turnball.
The rat being Scott Morrison...

As I have said before any international investor should be out of Australian assets.
This country will be in recession within 12 months...

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