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Friday, December 20, 2019

Abr tick tick

Hi readers
With ABR it's going from strength to strength gaining recognition to what the management and board have seen and believed.
They just cap raised at a 4% discount to the market prices at the 10 day WAP, unlike Bubs who gave a 15% discount, again a management decision.
Regardless of what the share price is by mid year the company will commence construction to start extracting.
Please understand that we are on the ground floor with this baby and she's is going to be one to remember.
Anything under 50 cents is a steal and the board and management know it that's why they set there levels above 50 cents for founders to convert there shares.
Management is looking after its shareholders interest unlike bubs management who have become egotistic.
I like where ABR is going and the board knows this is there tattslotto ticket.

In regards to my other 3 dog stocks I'm holding what can I say I'm mega pissed off but there is hope.


In the event CLI trades in double digits I will liquidate my holdings.

FRM won't be making money until grain prices come down.
Depends also on the damages that the fires in NSW cause.

With KFE until the feasibility study is finished the company isn't going anywhere.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above issues.
The above is not financial advice and should be taken as research.

bubs aftermath

Hi readers
I thought I'd wait for the dust to settle before I posted comments regarding bubs AGM.
First of all I want to make the point that I'm disappointed that I got back door on the vote by people who I believed had good intentions for the company.
It's taught me not to trust anyone's word when it comes money.
As they say self interest is the only interest that matter.
Had I known of the backdoor move I would have happily margin lend to Aquire more stock to block the vote.
My error and I have accepted and moved on but won't be forgetting it ..
You know who you are !!!

The implications of the AGM vote is shareholders we are going to pay up with cap raises to expand the business and grow it only to sell it to the Chinese government.

The stock is being suppressed for everyone to liquidate there holdings, and the Chinese to buy on the cheap.
Questions which still amaze me is
Why did it take 9 months to move the headquarters from Sydney to Melbourne.

If the margins are as management is saying then why do we need to capital raise when the product being sold is making a profit.

Company still have plenty of money in the bank?

So I don't pity shareholders for the share price suppression, hell it could drop to 80 or even 70 cents after the raise is finished.
As has been the case previously..
Am I taking up my allocation no bloody way, I'll wait for in the new year and then decide if I am buying it at 80 or 70.
So who's paying for the CEO to be flying Sydney to Melbourne, have a guess people shareholders.
Either move to Melbourne I say or move on your time is up with the amount of capital which has been wasted by this CEO and board, giving the approvals.
But shareholders voted for them to stay on so shut up and take it as the saying goes.
Investors need to understand that you own this company not Kristy or her mates.
By the way I doubt she will be selling her house that she recently built either.

The performance bonuses are way to low and as far as I'm concerned I can't believe how poorly managed this company has become with such positive astrology, could you imagine if the astrology was neutral, this company would be broke by now , very disappointing.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

no wonder bub stock is falling

Hello readers
By now you would have all received your Bub AGM paperwork and voting cards.
As your all aware your being ask to vote in favour or the resolutions .
The question is why should you ?
What's going right at the present time to make you want to vote in favour of these total bullshit resolutions.
Before I go off about some of the decisions of management I just want to make it crystal clear that as shareholders since August 2019 we have lost over $150 million in value.
Ask why is that if everything is going well and we are opening market and creating more sales why the hell are we leaking money.
As shareholders we can dictate how this company is run and looking at the resolutions, we will loose control if we allow them to pass and you don't even know it.
Understand that all executive have a  plan of action to enhance share price in stock when trouble is at hand or before an AGM, it's for a smooth AGM and no drama.
But with all the news coming out everyone I know who is managing money is selling out because of these resolutions.
Resolutions 8 .. why do we need to change the constitution no one has an issue with it unless your wanting to takeover the company.
While you might not be aware but the company is being massaged to be takeover at the appropriate time this is why the constitution needs to be changed.
A decent shareholder with size has the ability to block any takeover until the right price becomes available, changing it and the shareholder becomes like everyone else.
The other crap about small parcels are seriously a distraction from the real agenda.
I will not be voting in favour of this resolution.

Resolution 9 .. last time I check Dennis Lin is executive chairman.
Executive chairman remuneration is $495,000 per year, since when was it ok to pay  $5 million in remuneration.
I don't believe he should be gifted option at 10 cents, they should be valued at 70 cents.

If Dennis Lin is entitled to $5 million in remuneration then we as shareholders are paying Kristy Carr money for jam as she isn't doing a dam thing.
Something isn't right and as a result I won't be voting in favour of this resolution.

I have major issues with the current financial position of the company. To be leaking $16 million in cash reserves and yet demand remuneration with low watermarks is a joke to shareholders who know there stuff.
We are all in business and know what it takes to make money so why gift money for stupid decisions.

Is for this reason I am voting against Mr Matthew Reynolds.
A number of errors have occurred in the last 24 months and as a director with his expertise should have questioned the decision.

I still don't understand how $5.7 million in administration cost.

The purchase of Nulac business should becoming into full swing in the next 6-12 months and the low watermarks for bonuses are like a gift. I strongly suggest that shareholders vote against it so management can realise that we do know how to run a business and not take shareholders as fools.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own views.
These are my personal opinions and that's it.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

mercury retrograde

Hi readers
We are for the last time this year heading into a Mercury Retrograde until the 21st of November.
This retrograde is in Scorpio to yes our vulnerability will become exposed.
If  it's financial, emotional or physical this will come out and be exposed for you to assess, evaluate and take action to rectify it.
It's important that you don't ignore it and that you do act on it please, should you ignore and refuse to act the weight of it will play out aggressively on you from mid next year.
Scorpio bring out the hidden agendas people might have or issues ignored, Mercury is the communicator and we are being told to re-evaluate.
Governments around the world will also go through this, infact those with prominent Scorpios or Mercurys will feel the affects of it.

As always starting new ideas during this time is usually wrong so use this period to look at where your vulnerable, work out how to fix the issue research it and make sure of it and then when Mercury goes direct act on the research you have done.

Example, back pain, instead of going to a doctor to get physio or pain killers, why not look at yoga or  meditation therapy..

In the markets as you all know what goes up will come down, supports and resistance levels tend to be broken only to move in the opposite direction.
Double check you plans and appointments as you'll either miss them or forget about them .

We should start see news that all is running clockwork in the economy, stock markets are up property is up and business is making profits.
Nothing could be more fabricated to assume the illusion that all is well and that we are missing out.
Only for the truth to hit in December when reality hits home, there isn't any money for Xmas presents or holidays 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Heavy astrology is on the way which will affect everyone

Hi reader

Yesterday we witnessed what happens when the US treasury doesn't enter the crypto markets.
A nice steady rise with no sell at all costs to keep the market from gaining value.
There is word that the consistent transfer of wallet to wallet attracted hackers, do I believe this ? no but regardless if its true or not the bottom line is the market can move much higher if allowed to.

To the Australian readers, the economy is running on fumes at the present time and its no wonder the government brought in the cash laws in place.
You can now start to see why it was put in place by the banks and with full cooperation by government.
A run on the banks would collapse the Australian economy in a heart beat, with so much debt around.

I see they spun out some crap about housing prices increasing in the last quarter which is laughable to say the least.
How is it possible for housing to increase in value when the debt per capital debt has increased by $94,200 per mortgage.
The only way this can increase is if the net debt has increased which comes back to the value of property.
The housing institutes and all the other housing organisations are protecting there own house and will never state the facts. Its important that you understand that.
If there was a gain in housing prices then the net debt per capital debt would be lower as the mortgagee would have more collateral in the property.

There are some major Aspects occurring in October which will really start to take affect in coming months but not now.

Pluto going Direct October 3rd....  strain on debt will gather steam bankruptcy explosion is coming.
Any of you owning these after pay crap stock beware defaults will skyrocket.

Mercury enters Scorpio October 3rd.... arguing over money isn't worth it, you will loose friends and customers over errors that you made.
I say that because you should have never loaned or given so much credit to people or businesses.
Look at your actions before blaming others of there incompetency.

Mars enters Libra  October 4th... for the next 6 weeks try to be balanced and not show aggression towards people as you can feel the other side emotionally.
Do you really need the latest technology devices?

Venus enters Scorpio October 12th … try to walk on the ground barefoot. feel the soil under your feet and try and just relax.
You will gain huge insights to things that will confront you.
Example its like you know something is going to happen but not sure, well trust your instincts they will be right.
Show restraint on spending and you'll buy it cheaper in a month or 2.

Sun enters Scorpio October 23rd... this is the last year we are going to see this unstable weather worldwide.
Fact is that planetary movement will settle weather patterns a great deal.
Global warming is what we choose to either believe or not.
All I'm saying that things will settle down, and we wont have these prolonged droughts.
Then you will see those who are pushing there own agendas exposed for there own interests.
I say this because I saw a weather report which compared weather from 1970 to today.
But if they compared the weather of today to 1960 then it would clearly show that the weather temperatures are actually down.
I get very annoyed when I see selective reporting by the media.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work
Ask your own advisor on more on the above .
Above are astrological events which are put into normal content for people to read

Friday, September 27, 2019

The US treasury is behind falls in the crypto market to protect the US dollar.

Hi readers
Yesterday we saw a flash crash in the crypto market and why did we see that the question has to be.
Who's interest is it to keep the crypto currencies down as not to allow them to gain value.
When you look at the astrology and some of the crypto currencies I hold there seems to be a Pluto transits which is weak yet lingers around which indicates underneath manipulation.
While its weak not to worry about the bottom line is that there is an attempt to burn this asset class at any cost.
I have been following 9 wallets which sell the crypto currencies on one exchange and buy them back at a lower price on another and then transfer the purchased positions to the open positions.
Effectively trading the crypto market like the futures market only better for a long term outcome.

When you follow the money trail it seems to lead all the way back to the US treasury department.
So we now know who is doing it and if you dig deeper into the wallets you can find evidence of the fronts that portray as clients yet are treasury shelf companies.
So the next question you need to ask is why are they getting involved in this type of market, why don't they just continue to manipulate Wall Street, and the metals markets.

If you look at the astrology it clearly shows that over time countries will start to use crypto currencies to trade amongst themselves.
The US dollar commercial exchange is being dropped.
China is lending REMINDI denomination currency to the world and its being accepted.
We just saw it with Saudi Arabia which accepted REMINDI as currency instead of US dollars.
The dollar is no longer becoming the commercial currency it once was.
Oil has been getting purchased by countries in crypto currencies, we now see Russia accepting Bitcoin for grain exports.
This is becoming extremely serious for a country who runs on debt, and war to stay afloat.
So while countries are look to move away from the US dollar, crypto currencies seems to be the only independent currency that is trusted.
It's for this reason the US will do whatever it takes to burn the crypto market.
They use the media muppets on CNBC,Bloomberg and Fox to discredit the cryptic coins but people aren't stupid and understand that the debt levels in America are out of control.
There needs to be a balance in the world and not a dictatorship which has been the case for over 50 years, this illusion the world is in needs to stop and people need to understand that they are in control of themselves.
I say this because I can see the strain people are under due to massive amounts of debt.
If people focus on there debt then they don't see what's really going on.

Example .. Australia passed legislation that you can't pay for services or goods more than $10,000 in cash.
They call it money laundering/ anti terrorism laws.
Since when was a tradesman who did a job on a house a terrorist.
Since when was buy a classic car to work on at home money laundering.
This type of controls governments are putting on the people is really for another purpose.
It's more to do with protecting the banking sector from a run on when rates become negative in Australia.
In case you didn't know money in term deposits is a loan to the bank from you.
If everyone pulls there money out of banks and stores it in cash the banks then become vulnerable.
This legislation is designed not to allow you to do that.

Remember people capital preservation is key

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Always seek professional advice on the above issues.
Above are astrological aspects put together to for an opinion which is my own.

Monday, September 23, 2019

American propaganda at its best

Hi readers
Dear oh dear what are the American's up to.
I haven't seen an asslicking like what the Australian Prime Minister has had since the last Prime Minister got ( that being John Howard) can you recall the so called deputy.
No one in the world trusts the Americans nor does any American who does there own research on issue.
Here is once again a perfect example.
The Saudi oilfield got attack by drones from where Iran. That's the bullshit the American government wants the world to believe and talking about a war with Iran.
News services from America spun the bullshit that the oilfields would be down for over a month.

Then the truth came out, that in fact the drones where American explosives drones which came from Iraq and to be more precise from the green zone in Iraq.
Why where they targeted you might ask, well the Saudi government has decided to accept Chinese REMINDI has payment for oil.
You might ask so what!
The US$ is loosing its status as the reserve currency of the world, that's why it was a warning to the Saudi government that the US won't stand without a fight.
Already the Chinese are squeezing the Federal Reserve by not participating in bond purchases, and as a result your seeing the debt exploding in the US which can no longer be managed.
For those who don't know the US interest on debt is the equivalent of 3 years of tax revenue.
So the last straw is if the US looses its status as the reserve currency then the US will default and one day the fed will just need to cut the value of its bonds overnight.
Yes that will collapse the financial system as we know it.
This is high stakes poker with no winners as it's the public that will bare the brunt of this collapse, not the crooks who instigated it.
We already know the American way ,always blame everyone but themselves, that's why there is no more trust in the government by people.
Governments and banks are artificially holding asset prices up as they are so addicted to the tax revenue.
Don't believe me?  why is there inflation of over 10% yet every government no matter what country says its only 1-2%.
In Australia meat alone has increase 10-15% in the last 6 months, as for power don't get me started, increased in Australia by 20% and expected blackouts this summer.
In America food alone is up over 10-15% depending where you live and yet there is only 1.5% inflation.
So what's kept inflation down, fuel up, power up, utilities up complete bullshit and readers you need to think about your retirement.
Don't expect to be ok in your pension age, your are totally screwed.
As one person said to me "non tax contributors, governments want to cull" it's cruel but true.
So start educating yourself because no ones in government will help you going forward.
Wealth preservation is key over the next 2 years.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Seek professional financial advice on more on the above.
The above is only astrological aspects put together to determine an outcome.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Bubs could be in play ? What do you think

Hi readers
 What a weeks it's been.
We have seen a takeover bid for Bellamy which is wonderful for the shareholders.
The takeover is a strategic play on behalf of the Chinese government to reduce the dependence of the US product.
If you look at how it's being funded the takeover you will quickly understand that there is far more to it than just a buyout.
So who is circulating around bubs you need to ask.
If you ask management they will spin out the routine lines that the stockmis undervalued and blah blah.
But let's cut the crap and understand what's going on.
Friday stock closes at $1.20, with around 3 million shares traded.
At 4.10pm in the aftermarket the stock climbs $1.24 and mind you 13.5 million.
So why pay a 3% premium for a 4% stake hmmm is someone putting bubs into play.
It looks that way to me but hey I'm just a shareholder.
So let's ask the right questions and see what answers come.

Who would pay up for a stake so quickly, who would also want to sell it..
So let's see what plays out over the next 10 days and we will see the buyer and any intention they may have.

ABR is starting to get things going on solid foundations so I'm anticipating better outcomes going forward.
I still believe ABR under 50 cents is a steal, but that's my own opinion and you should seek your own  financial advice.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Seek professional financial advice on more on the above.
The above is only astrological aspects put together to determine an outcome.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Venus Pluto trine has arrived.

Hi readers

Venus trines Pluto today, its the reason for the post today.
Many of you won't really understand it but planetary movement at the present time is speaking to us all.
While we are being swayed to read rubbish and watch trash on TV to distract our attention, governments around the world are pushing bills into law to in no uncertain terms control our movement and well being.
Hong Kong with the extradition bill, Australia with the cash bill, America with a kill switch on the internet.
These are all bills which are designed to control people's lives,wealth and freedom, all under the bullshit of terrorism.
Terrorism is a total make believe by the US agencies to put fear into people to pass through and invading people's lives.
The only way for it to be believed was to create an event and that's what occurred.
Similar with the Malaysia airlines plane that all of a sudden disappearance.
A total code of silence bullshit, which was pushed on world for these secret agencies to do there thing.
Why was it never reported that 6 technology developers who where on that plane, developed a invisible radar system which was non detectable by current radar systems.
Every country around the world is watching there sky's and waters for potential illegal activity or migrant shipwreck, yet we have no idea where this plane is with state of the art equipment.
Black boxes don't stop beeping for 90-120 days ask any pilot and they will tell you that.
It wasn't damaged on land in went into the water?
You be the judge of what you believe from mainstream media, there all singing from the one microphone.
Australia wants to limit people pay cash for services or product up to $10,000 cash.
For what money laundering issue?
Seriously when did any government had the right to tell you what to do with your money that you worked for.
While there is cash governments have no control of people's wealth.
Government has increased there big brother eyes with this tap and go by monitoring every transaction you do with computer programs.
You think it's not happening, ask yourself why the banks have to go through all your daily living expenses when your applying for a house loan or for a stupid car..
You decide.
In America people are educating themselves through the internet, and while google does its best to limit information people are going to overseas sites and understanding what's really going on.
Congress has a kill switch similar to china where it is design to limit the sites you can see, or research for that matter.
They obviously know that people will rise up and protest about there 5th amendment so who wants to put a face on this bill.
Exactly why they are looking to try and strategically orchestrate an event to pass this bill.

The Venus Pluto trine is bringing this forward and will awaken the masses of what's going on.
The louder he noise the quicker the back down.
Hong Kong is the example and good on the people for standing up to the government.
Governmental workers and there employees are only 20,000 as a posed to 2 million people.

A lot of wrongs are going to be exposed in the next 90 days which will bring change let's hope there for the better.
Let's not forget the work for us not for there own interests.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

We are at the controlled devaluation process

Hi readers

How interesting and strategic are the present markets at the moment.
When you look at the current astrological climate you can see very clearly how planetary movement is sway the present behaviour.
The US dollar is starting to devalued and this will just increase over time, it's for this reason we said in March to look at the crypto currencies for preservation of wealth.
To our Australian readers the writing was on the wall much earlier and the astrology showed it.
Yes to my mate Brad and bet still is alive that the Australian will see 60 cents before 75.
(Bet of a beer was made when the dollar was sitting at 73 to the US dollar).

Let's get a few things straight, yes we see a property disaster happening in Australia but not a crash as many believe.
A crash is 20-30% devaluation in a week.
A disaster is a 30-40% devaluation over a 2 year period.

A disaster is what's occurring whether you can witness it or not at the present time.
First credit squeeze occurs where it's become more difficult to obtain finance from lenders.
Stage two you see supply limited so prices can hold up.
Stage three you see a push on supply to test the markets ability to handle more supply.
Stage four is where the supply is just too much and clearance rates drop off.
Stage five is where agents lower price estimate onsellers and blame market conditions.
Stage six is where people liquidate other assets to hold the property investment/house.
Stage seven is where banks lower price valuations on property and call up more equity into property as expectation of price value turns negative growth for more than 24 months.

With a change in government, in Australia this would have already been exacerbated, but due to the new liberal government this has just been delayed.
This cleansing will play out so cash is king.
It's after this plays out property in Australia has a solid 10 year growth coming.

In regards to the financial markets the astrology doesn't support any crash  this calendar year.
Yes we will see drops and the like but no crash.
Next year is where markets will become dangerous and your investments in stock will need to be strategic as to what areas to invest in.
Example stocks in need will hold value where as service stocks will suffer.
These after pay stock will all go broke with 75-95% of there clients defaulting on any purchases.
The time to short this crap sector will come but not yet.
Saturn Pluto square is coming to one of these stocks and I can see major disasters for the companies and there backers.

In the crypto currencies I've continued to put my money into them and have also put my kids funds to some.
I've only invested into Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etherium, and Ripple.
BNB I sold at $30 and just holding these four coins.
Adoption is coming and no US government or organization can stop it even tho its double standards.
In New Zealand you can now have a portion of your wages paid in crypto currencies.
While governments and there secret organizations keep playing the fake news game people are becoming more aware of currency manipulation and devaluation.
It's why more and more people are taking up crypto currencies.
Be aware there will be a time to exit but not yet.
Crypto currencies will be the way the New world Order becomes, not the US dollar.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Above is an astrological outlook on events that will occur.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above as it's not financial advice.

Monday, September 2, 2019

September has arrived

Hello readers
Markets  are showing signs of strain while, certain stocks are powering ahead.
We have entered into September and it's the month of adjustment and power forward movements.

For the amateur astrologers as I've stated before hades is the aspects of the crypto currencies, everytime that is challenged you will see the crypto markets challenged.
Wether it's bitcoin or litecoin there all under the hades planet.
Now the degrees in which the planets are triggered is another thing and this is what many of you will want to know.
I'm not teaching you so do your own research it is hard to work out .
September is the month that shows what crypto currencies are all about many of the leaders will run and the shit coins will follow but for how long is the question.
I don't see a future for 90% of the crypto currencies while the remaining 10% will soak up the investment dollar.
Stick to the top 10-20 coins and forget the rest.
The astrology is showing the crypto currencies up by as much as 30-40% this month.

On the stock front where do we start !
 ABR is one for the true believers of financial astrology.
It's got $1.20 written all over this stock and it's the reason why I have so many shares in it.
There is more announcements come that will propel the stock much high than its ever been .
Hold and watch astrology do its work

On BUB what can you say ?
I have never seen a more unprofessional run company at the present time.
It makes my blood boil that I have so much of my wealth in this company.
The company announced its full year results 5 minutes before the close on the Friday.
What the hell,is going on !
Then today again 5 minute before the close it announced its chemist warehouse payment scheme.
Seriously are you kidding me or what.
It's says a hell of a lot about Kristy and her management style in taking the company forward.
To me it looks like boarder line kindergarten.
Are we not aware that BUBs runs on shareholders money.
The lack of disrespect of shareholders should be taken serious note of, come the next AGM meeting.
Any bonuses asked for by the CEO should be rejected by shareholders for the lack of respect by the CEO to shareholders.
You want evidence look what occurred Friday 30th August, and again today 2nd September.
5 minutes before the close we announce news?

I make no apologies or regrets but I am not a fan of Kristy Carr as CEO of the company.
Her lack of expertise as a CEO is clearly demonstrated the last two days of trading.
She simply doesn't have the ability to move forward the company in a constructive manner, and shareholder have to put up with this shit.
The board too need to smarten up, as it's seems to me they are puppets of Kristy's.
To the board members who reader this post be aware you are up for re-election, at the present time you have 137 million Share against you.. smarten up or piss off

For those who are holding CLI.AX with us all is good with the company there seem to be parasites amongst the company but I don't really care as I know where the stock is headed in prices once it hits the target we will liquidate.

Quick note this current Virgo moon is very interesting and pay close attention to it as the same will occur again in June 2020.
Many of you will find issues you currently have you will band aid them now and they will come back to you in June.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Last week to accumulate cryptos before they start running

Hi readers
So much has occurred in the last week I don't know where to start.
From the chosen one crap to bitcoin not moving, markets are lost at the present time or are they?

In the crypto market those of you who have asked your well aware that August is a sideways market.
No real movement will occur, good for accumulating positions.
It's September that we are going to see another liftoff and there will be no looking back for a while.
Some say that  I'm full of it but hey if you bought back in March 6th then you would be laughing right are grinners.
At the end of the day as I always say watch how astrology works.
The devaluation is coming and the explosion in this market is on the way.

For the amateur astrologers
Hades is at 24 degrees in cancer trines the sun 9deg, moon 8deg and Jupiter 6degrees.
Hades governs the crypto world ,you can accept it or not and this trine is the nucleus for a move which will leave many by the wayside.
Stick to the leading coins as money from retrograde investments is coming.
New Zealand is the test case where people can be paid there wages in crypto currencies.
While the American government is fighting evolution the world is embracing it.
The simple fact is the US dollar is loosing its grip on currency of trade and investment.
The mass investment community is sick of America printing money devaluing the currency by governments of both sides.
Accountability must be restored.
American claims it has no inflation yet a basket of staple products has risen over 18% in 3 year by Bloomberg news report.
Australia claims its inflation rate is 1.7% yet a basket of staple products has risen 22.9% in 3 years.
Germany is talking about deflation yet a basket of staple products has risen 20.3% in 3years.
Inflationary pressures are on and we all know it as we pay for it but governments don't want people to know it so they can keep pumping debt through to consumers and increasing the tax slice.
Cryptic currencies are exposing this with governments unable to pump coins and as a result appreciating in value.
Not trying to convince anyone of it just witness it over the next 23 months.
After August 2021 it will be time to get out of cryptos.
Sure there will be some bumps along the way but the trend will be higher for a while.

As always the above issues are astrological outlooks
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Financial astrology is not financial advice.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

times running out for a solid property recovery

Hi readers

Governments around the world are about to start using there currencies as a tool to devalue and boost he economics from recession.
The problem is that all want to do it and as your all aware a crowded trade is a flooded trade.
Also come September as I have told many of younwho have emailed that hade once again will be triggered as will once again explode the crypto sector.
While any of you might not realise but it's the crypto currencies that Won't allow governments to devalue in an orderly fashion any longer.
For some reason posts of ours have been taken down by feedspot and when asked why we are getting the technical issue crap.
We have never blocked posts nor will in the future, free information is just that and you choose whether to read it or not.
August is a dull month in The crypto currencies, but come September there are those that will explode.
In the stocks we see some making moves up which is great, but come September beware, market sentiment might bring some down.
Traders need to start being smart and trade little daily as opposed to trading all in the one hit.
More and more you are seeing algorithm systems dictate price movement.

Jupiter runs direct as of Friday which has just past so anticipate markets to find another leg up.
But that doesn't mean the same for property.
Banks around the world are tightening up on credit and you are seeing the fumes of the property market before the collapse.
Yes while governments will do what ever in necessary to hold it up for tax implications, people simply don't have the funds to service current home loans..
banks are slowly off loading property loans through auctions and anticipate a flood come spring.( Australia)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

China holds the aces, but is playing a weak hand in poker

Hi readers

So Trump is threatening to increase tariffs again on the Chinese.
Yes the Chinese government has in courageous businesses to buy from other sources other than American since this trade dispute started.
What we are seeing is that farm products from others sources are as good or better than the American products.
So with the strong farming lobby in the US kicking up a stink you can see why Trumps is making noises.
It's all bullshit so don't worry about it, the issue the US has is it has to devalue the dollar to squeeze the Chinese government, but the dollar bulls in the administration won't have a bar of it.
Hence why the crypto currencies at the present time is the asset which will take huge advantage of this.
This is what the astrology is showing.
Same with the Australian dollar, government and reserve bank wants to devalue the A$ to increase exports and increase employment so companies can fight for labor in the market place.
Again why cryptos will protect your dollar value.
Gold and others assets are good trading vehicles but there not open to public, unless your trading the futures market.
Sure buying gold companies has a degree of security but there is also the crap you need to put up with management and there excuses.

In regards to Bubs results they are unaudited, that's very important, as no manager or fund will buy the stock on unaudited results. Once the company's numbers are audited then fund investors will look to buy.
Buy into a company with unaudited numbers, the managers exposes himself to lawsuits should the investment go sour.
Lawyers love easy cases too so why risk it .

In regards to CLI.AX
This company has some wonderful astrology for the next year and a half.
Venus Jupiter is trines the 3 house and semisextile Chiron in the 5 house, the benefits This company will bring to people's health is huge.
The issue it has that it's Saturn Pluto square at 4 degrees at the end of 2020, indicates that there will be some sort of misappropriation of funds or deliberate theft by management.
But as long as we are out before November 2020 who care.

In regards to the marijuana medicinal usage, many do realise that the pharmaceutical industry can't just sit down and let this just explode.
Without a defence of there industry they will loose everything they have developed.
They must at all cost ridicule everything that comes out as it will cost there bottom line.
The quicker people understand that there is another way to health and treatment the better society will be.
The system we live in is a slave mentality, accept it or not that's the truth of it.
Banks keep increase debt on people with funding what people can have if there in debt.
Pharmaceutical with ads, do you have these issues, you need these tablets.
Government !with you can't do this without a permit, or that without an approval.

The western world has become such a nanny weak race that other cultures are gathering strength from the western worlds incompetence.

Meditated yesterday and the world is seriously going to shit because we are so preoccupied by crap on TV rather than talking to one another.
We do need to smarten up and do good for our fellow man, rather than thinking that it's a dog eat dog world.

As always the above issues are astrological outlooks
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Financial astrology is not financial advice.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Sold 2 million for exposure in more crypto's

Hi readers

Bubs today cone out with its activity statement, as expected business is moving forward productively and for the first time it's cash positive for the last quarter.
The numbers are all good but the fact it's cash positive is huge..
I did sell today 2 million shares as stated, I need to diversify a little as opportunities are coming which I want to take full advantage of.
I still have millions more so there is no abandoning ship.

For the active astrologers you can start to see signs of the Pluto Capricorn starting to show the signs of trouble.
It's for this reason I have looked at the crypto currencies in a big way and will continue to expand my exposure.
With the funds I will be looking to increase my exposure to the disclosure coin and one or two others that I am looking at the astrology.
Some of you are worried about the couple of dollars that they have gone down but, you need to look at the bigger picture readers.
The coins will be in the thousands in the next 18 months and you will look at them and say if only.
I do believe it was similar case with BUBs at 15 cents and burning money.
Huge turn around, cash positive last quarter but 1000% more expensive.
That's what's coming in the crypto currencies.

My current Holdings and average prices
Bitcoin 296        $10578
Ethereum 1100.  $823
Litecoin 3100.    $94.05
Monero 1400.    $ 89.16
BNB. 3000.       $ 28.43

These are my current positions on Binance
I am in the process of opening an account at BTC markets to obtain Australia dollar exposure.

The above is astrological advice and it's behaviour.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
This is not financial advice and you should not take it as financial advice.
Seek professional advice before investing in the above stocks

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Stock holdings

Hi readers

A rundown of what's been happening with my current stock holdings.

At the present time Bubs is simply in a trading range leading into there numbers end of August.
I have and order to sell a couple of million should it get above $1.50 as I want to diversify a little into other investments.
I still have $2.58 target which I will sell 10% of my holding .

Above has made some wonderful improvements and have options with the funding.
It's interesting because usually there at the mercy of the money what they can get, but this isn't the case.
Money from Asia and America have approached the company I believe so it's simply stick to the course it's set.
Hold my position in the company

Company still need to sort out its direction and it's for this reason I'm prepared to wait and see.

With the destruction of wealth by the former MD who is now the secretary this company need a complete clean out of board directors, management and chairman to see shareholder value come back.
Still holding very annoyed

 Bought a few shares in this company like what it's about, astrology looks huge from September on,
Budgeted for a certain price and prices have increase another 40% more, so could show a profit in its first year of plantings.

Making some interesting inroads, I like the company and the good it can do but at the present time just a bit to expensive for me. There is still time to invest in the company so there is no rush to chase shares.
Some good animal results came out which will be of huge potential for the horse and dog racing industries.
Only issue for me is that news was news that's been in the cupboard for a rainy day.
Under 40 I'll look at it till then happy to wait.

The above is financial astrology information.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
This is not financial advice and you should not take it as financial advice.
Seek professional advice before investing in the above stocks

Shift has begun

Hi readers

The Mercury retrograde is at its waning stage and as you are all aware delays and misleading information regarding outcomes have become public.
Those who are earth and water signs or rising signs will be relieved that the retrograde is ending and I don't blame you .
We have seen the US government come out and attack Bitcoin and Libra publicly.
To accuse Bitcoin of illegal activities is the biggest joke of heard so far.
Last time I checked criminal activities are exchanged in $US not Euros, Bitcoin or gold so the government needs to take a good look at itself.
Bottom line there is a reason why they are talking it down, think outside the box readers and you will see the truth.
Bitcoin and the cryptic currencies are simply consolidating these gain they have had yes they popped up only to drop back but don't look at the day to day movements in price doing that is just gambling.
From September on all will start exploding and there is nothing any government can do about it.
 A $10 or $20 move is irrelevant to what my astrology is showing in litecoin and Monero.
I'm looking for a $2000-$3000 minimum move not a couple of hundred.
So as I said back in March until August 2020 the digital currencies are rising in value.
This is what my astrology is showing.
The bullshit that you see on YouTube or people's blogs that say Bitcoin will be  $1000 by Xmas is crap.

We have seen the central banks cut rate but to no affect and some have asked why is that?
If the 20% of the population holds 80% of the wealth then interest rates have no bearing on economic activity.
It's why for the last 15 years interest rate cuts have no meaning to boosting economic activity, and the central banks know this.
Supply and demand in a market stimulates economic activity, and now with the digital currencies which have become popular with millionaires, investment money is being poured into crypto currencies not stocks nor bonds.
I know it readers because the amount of readers asking for details of crypto currencies has blown me away.
Money in the banks is a waste of time and value.
It's only a matter of time until 401k and superannuation funds can invest in this sector and then that's where you will see the growth.
Devaluation of countries currency days are over with little to no affect, as smart investors are moving into the crypto market.
It's important that you all understand that 2017 as a media beat up on the crypto currencies, I would see it daily or hourly on Bloomberg in Singapore talking up the price of bitcoin, to retail investors.
This time around it's not retail buying the market it's professional investors who have a longer term horizon, who understand volatility, its investment banks who are investing in them.
I know this because I have done the astrology on some of the coins for them.
While some have allowed me to post information publicly others haven't.
It's for this reason I've started looking at and investing in crypto currencies.
There is only a limited amount of bitcoin to be produced where as gold seems to be an oversupply at the present time.
Asian investors are more in tune with crypto currencies than the Americans but it's the American investment banks/ funds that are buying digital assets.

As always use the above information as an indicator to your work
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
The above is not financial advice.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Bitcoin passes the $9000 mark

Hi readers

A number of you have had issue with the last post we put up.
The reality of the magnitude many can't comprehend, but hey don't shoot the messenger I just read what the astrology is showing .
Yes!!!! people and companies do pay for these forecasts so they can prepared themselves for it.
As people we are visual and unless the charts show it's hard to comprehend.
Not about to ramp it down anyone's throat, the information is there do what you will with it, but there is plenty of time to prepare.

Bitcoin has just past $9000 mark which is great for all those who bought it in March.
Those who are asking for a price to the upside it's difficult to assess that because astrology shows positive and negative aspects not price.
I do see a new all time high on it and to be frank it wouldn't surprise me if we saw $39,500-46,000 on it .
But be aware when this positive astrology finishes it will fall apart again.
Lower than before maybe not but it will loose 50% of its value.
So there is years to go in the move enjoy it, while it lasts.

Over the last 2 weeks we have worked on a number of other coins for clients.
Thankfully they have allowed publication of the research they have paid for.
As one manager said , "no one will believe you so publish it."

90% of the crypto currencies crap, they will never be if anything they are borderline Ponzi schemes.
There great while the music is playing but once the music stops what are they , Garbage..
60% of the crypto currencies white paper are about a decentralised system yet no one yet has explained to me how they get there.
Basically talk a little bit a tech talk and you loose people's perspective on what they are investing in.
Again bordering on Ponzi but there is those few who are making inroads and are more than likely to succeed, the issue which will continue to linger is , how can mainstream use them to buy and sell daily essentials.
Until this question is answer you need to be smart about your investment decisions in crypto currencies.
The forks which occur in the sector also is full of shit, it's simply aligning algorithms for those who programmed the coins easy money.
Let's take the prefect example Bitcoin and its forks

What are these coins doing on a so called decentralised system ? Absolutely nothing.

So yes while the astrology is positive for the coins not all will experience gains many believe will occur because the main group are rising.
Another thing to note is many people who got caught out and are hold shit coins will be waiting for them to rise again only to dump there positions onto the market.
So previously where you had these bunker room chasing coins up only to dump them a week later won't occur.
As the mass supply of new coins issued and old coins which people still hold will limit a number of small coins moves up.
You need to be a little intelligent about your decisions in investing this time around it's not just simply put the codes on a dart board and whoever we hit we buy.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June 2020 music will stop and reality comes

Hi readers

Been doing a lot of work on the cryptic coins for clients and just want to say thank you for allowing it to be shared, you know who you are.

As you have all seen the astrology has kicked into litecoin perfectly and you can see how it's increasing in value.
To the Australian readers as stated you will see more increase in value.
On the 29th litecoin was around the $163 Aussie now sitting over $200.
Where as the US value on litecoin went from $115 to $139 as this is being typed.

Readers what I'm about to tell you all is very important and you all need to consider your options and outlook going forward.
There is plenty of time to get prepared so don't panic or freak out you need to pay attention and look at what's right for you .
Those who have financial advisors might be worth asking a few questions on how to defend your wealth.
World markets are going great at the present time and there might be the odd week or two pullbacks this year, but 2020 is a very different story. As of June 2020 serious trouble in the financial system will be present and will fuel a dangerous collapse in wealth.
2008 will be a picnic compared to what's install in 2020 as there are no rate cuts to save the system or economies from collapsing.
Not trying to freak anyone out just stating what the astrology is showing.
Let's not forget that the astrology saw 2008  coming, while everyone I told said I was full of shit.
Those who believed made millions.
Even if I'm not right you can always buy back into the marketplace.
But if I am right and I know I am then you will be able to preserve your wealth.
Should Trump decide to contest the next presidential elections he will win fairly this time around.
Can the markets handle another  4 years of Trump.
Don't worry about what the current Vice President is doing he can't win.
People have grown to like and accept Trump even tho his a loose cannon.
Will the Chinese put up with another. 4 years of Trump.

It's important that you seriously look at wealth preservation.

I'll put all the aspect up in due cause for the amateur astrologers read up on.
It won't be the end of the world  so please be realistic, I'm talking about a whip out of 20 years of wealth. Nothing will be safe, except commodities and some cryptic currencies.
All stocks no matter what will take a beating, but the sun will rise. And smart people will buy cheap bargains when the time is right, where it's property or stocks.

As always the above issues are regarding astrological events which have and or might take place in the future.
The above should be used as an indicator to your own research.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Mexico tariff bad idea

Hi readers

What a week it was and to cap it off we see Wall Street correcting on a Friday .
The 5% tariff on Mexico has nothing to do with Mexico or the illegal immigration.
It's has more to do with industry that has closed up in the US and moved to Mexico for cheap labour.
When you think about it Trump is just taxing Americans.
It's more about his personal agenda as opposed to illegals coming into America from Mexico.

Remember cash is king and wait for opportunities as they will be just around the corner.
World wide the financial markets are imploding in the hope of new borrowers continuing the cycle.
But as you can see in Australia wages aren't growing as fast as inflation and the debt burden is eating into consumer spending which is cracking the economy.
This was happening 4 years ago in Europe and is just continuing to get worse with the gap betweet Haves and have nots are record levels.
To put it simply banks lent on forward wage rises and they haven't come through.
So mortgage stress is very high, I'm waiting to see a Stockmarket jolt or correction how banks will react.
The biggest tax cut any government can give its people is a freeze on the cost of living.
The food bill which is the silent inflationary indicator is continuing to rise and no one is prepared to do anything about it.
Utility bills you can reduce but the grocery bills you simply can't.
Trouble is coming as governments are ignoring the warning signs.

For those of you who are keen to know I will be putting up a few cryptic coins which I have done the financial astrology for clients.
Permission has been given so will be posting soon.
You don't have to invest in them just watch them and see how the financial astrology works.

In stocks
Keep an eye out for bargains as they will soon come.

As always the above is a financial astrology perspective.
Use it as an indicator to your own work.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Watch litecoin

Hi readers
Starting to catch up on the financial astrology at the present time which is good.
Where are we going forward?
Digital currency is the future More than ever.
With the devaluation of currencies it's the only currency that will appreciate going forward.
When you look at gold as a safe heaven that too is being deliberately devalued.
The usage for gold is dwindling and production is still rising.
Sure many will say that's not true and I accept your argument but the astrology just doesn't support that theory.
Silver is another issue entirely as its real use battery storage will be realised.

On the cryptic currencies as you hav all witnessed they have double in price in particular the major 5 currency.
 But the one that is still somewhat cheap and should double and triple from its current price it litecoin.
As Friday this coin will begin to appreciate in value and will seriously rocket higher around September.
As this is being written litecoin is trading around $115 US.
I'm not telling anyone to go out and buy it but just keep an eye on it as you will witness the astrology kick it higher.

On stocks
OCC.AX has just announced its capital raise as expected and it will be interesting to see where the stock opens and how the placement occurred.
The ducks are starting to line up and it my view that under 40 is bargain territory.
But let's wait and see what is announced tomorrow.

On FRM.AX  sell the company tomorrow its worth 58 cents a share not 30 cents so no brainier.

On BUB.AX is just dormant until end of June, then we should start to see some good news come out which will propel the stock higher.

ABR is preparing for some big announcement to come.
We have the AGM first and then we will see the company release some good news which will have the market excited about the stock.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
The about is purely based on financial astrology.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Liberals will win the next election

Hi readers
A lot has happened since our last post .
The liberal party won the Australian election, which is no surprise to any astrologer.
The Scorpion moon on Friday was always going to benefit the liberals and once again the polls and bookies got it wrong.
To the labor voters, he was a fake from the beginning and he was a fake till the end.
The next labor leader who will win the election isnt who is being presented as potential leaders.
Penny Wong , Pluto Jupiter 9 degrees.. political sniper
Tanya Plibersek, Saturn Mercury 14 degrees.. she's the only smart person in the room. Foot in mouth disease
Chris Bowen Mercury Moon 4 degrees.. believes very word he says is the gospel.
Anthony Albenessy.. while he does have a Mercury Sun 13 degrees, he also is plagued by Mars Venus 3 degrees.
While he means well and is genuinely listening to people, he will still do his own thing, and push to far in his attacking style.
Will make a number of errors.
The fact that some of these politicians called people dump for not voting for labor will haunt them for the rest of there political careers.

These people can't win for labor..
Regardless of what the economic climate is the liberals will win the next election also.
The accomplishments that the government will achieve will ensure that.

Farm Pride I have been an active buyer mopping the stock up .
If farm Pride is liquidated tomorrow and assets sold the stock would be worth 58 cents.
The fact that it's in the 20-30 area says it all.
No need to be a brain surgeon to work out what's a bargain, and they are profitable.

With OCC as you can see volumes have come dramatically down and the stock is sliding  slowly lower.
I'd like to see how it performs in the 35-40 area and then see how the astrology starts to work on it.
At the present time the negative aspects are more dominant than the positives so be patient.

With Bub it's simply in range as stated, there is accounts accumulating the stock at the present time, hence the low volume.

I'm looking into a few other stocks with huge astrology potentials but as always do your own research on them.
Please remember people this is NOT a recommendation on stocks it's simply an astrological outlook of a stock.
The choice is always yours if you want to invest in them.
You can simply watch if you so choose and see how astrology works.

As always ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
The above is an astrological outlook.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 aspects

Hi readers

As you can all see the cryptic currencies are becoming the safe heaven buying of choice.
The top 10 or 20 in cap value have doubled since March.
While I do anticipate a 10 fold increase in value on all before this positive astrology wanes, they will fall again more than 50% after the aspect.
Be an investor it's not a marriage.
To the Australian readers your value of cryptic currencies will increase by an extra 10-15% as the Australian dollar could see 55 cents to the US dollar.

Those who have bought  please BECAREFUL as the astrology hasn't kicked for the stock fully.
Some aspects have kicked in and you can see the volatility in the stock,
It doesnt kick in until the second week of June so you need to extremely careful as it's a day traders delight at the present time.

Let look at some of the aspects which will propel the stock.

Venus semisextile Neptune 12 Degrees
Jupiter trines Sun 14 degrees
Chiron semisextile Moon 9 degrees
Vesta, trines Chiron 15 degrees
Saturn trines Uranus 17 degrees

Pluto tsquares Venus and Uranus 4 degrees lingering around.

So the company has the ability to prosper and become a billion dollars business.
I have found on a number of time with biomedical research companies that once they come to the Chiron/ Vesta  trine at 22 degrees they find difficulties with authorities.
All I can assume is they will have dramas when that time frame comes with FDA but that will be around 2022..
I do believe that this company will be bigger than going forward but you will need anxiety medication with the wild swings that will occur.
At present day traders are playing the stock but there are a number of issues the company will have.

They will need funding for the next round of trials.
The treatment will be more broader, results could vary.
So it's not just a simple buy and hold.
Until there is direction on the above issues its buyer beware.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Consolidation in bubs, with a new potential OCC

Hi readers

This week we saw bubs hit our first price point of $1.58 but was unable to hold it or close above it which is good.
There should be some good consolation over the next month or two before the train starts moving to $2.43..
I can't hold back tho I'm really pissed off at bubs getting involved with organic cow formula.
Last time I checked it was a goat formula company.
Time will tell if this is a smart idea or not and I'm sure if it doesn't work the CEO will fall on her own sword.
But if it does then more cheap options she will be awarded.

ABR has got the ball rolling and has finally exposed what they wish to become.

The astrology is showing clearly that they  will succeed in accomplishing this.
Its for that reason I bought in early in the 40's ,30's, 20's and 15's.
Astrology doesn't lie.

The medical treatment company that I've been looking at and I should have posted it last week but was busy with my new venture is Orthocell. Code
At the time I was looking at them they where trading around 15 cents .
I didn't realise they had clinical trials and news came out and the stock exploded to 75 cents .
It has come back to 40 but it's a choice for your own financial appetite.
The company is going to need money so placements and dilution will be a factor.
The company has a huge chart but the one problem is management.
I don't know them nor do I care about them I am stating what the astrology is showing .
This company has the potential to become a billion dollar company with solid revenue.
The negative side is that management is very active in taking short term share price advantage.

I want to make the point that there is no rush buying this stock just yet as I think it can drift lower.
How lower I don't know but I'm not willing to pay these prices.
Please do your own research on it .
For the amateur astrologers I'll post up the aspects which have me interested in this stock.

 I do not own any OCC shares at the present time. Sunday 12/5/2019
I do own millions of Bub and Abr shares.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above issues.

Stock selection and cryptic currencies only in first gear

Hi readers

What a week it's been?
From Trump playing with the Chinese to the cryptic coins starting to run (as expected).
Stockmarkets around the world are playing a wait and see game.
But there is no need to wait and see.
For some unknown reason investors hate buying stocks when there cheap.
Don't ask my why they just do.
The same with cryptic currencies when there cheap no one want to buy them.
Your starting to see some margin lending shorts getting squeezed hence the aggressive spike in price but as the astrology shows there is a long way to go ..
Yes it will come down as well but the positive aspects will continue pushing higher the sector.

Yes I do hold
Bitcoin, Ethereum and litecoin.

For those who keep asking for a road map to stock selection.
The brief in which I use to find niche stock selection.

1. Demand for the service or product.
2. Who is the competitor.
3. Is the service or product realistic to bring to market.
4. The growth going forward where is it and can it increase.

Once companies pass this test then I begin doing the financial astrological on them and the management.
Looking at stocks with high volumes and percentage gains is mythical investing.
As your simply following the money flow .
That to me is crap, luck of the game.
I don't believe in luck.

Next you have to make a decision upon what is your investment outlook.
Every investment I make I plan on a five year time frame for the business to mature.

Rule of thumb Small cap stocks make money after 4 years of listing.
First year they bleed money to become.
Second year they bleed but growth is evident.
Third year they begin to break even, with growth continuing.
Fourth year the show a profit (small)
Fifth year they become a profitable company.

This is what your looking for in small cap stocks.

Yes you will have smart ass management who thinks they know better, but that's how 95% always play out.
Farm Pride is a clear bloody example and it my own fault for hanging on.
I should have dumped the stock after the AGM meeting.
But it is what it is and will become active again.

That's why I don't like mining companies or marijuana companies, there are so many in the game it ridiculous.
Clean coal technology stocks, and financial after pay stock are Ponzi schemes. (My opinion)
When the music stops see if there is a chair left.
Backed by hopes and ideas of no substance.

So please BECAREFUL when your investing in small cap stocks most don't last more than 5 years and only 20% become mid cap stocks.

Friday, May 3, 2019

wonderful week for bubs

Hi readers
Once again a wonderful day to cap of a great week.
Bubs close on its all time high and I don't see why it will stop appreciating in price.
There is no reason for it to stop appreciating in value so as I said its a lock up now for the next three years.
While many of you are hoping for the stock to come back in price the stock is no longer a spec stock.
The company is now a small cap stock with growth rates in the high double digits and consistently quarter over quarter.
Small fund have been purchasing the stock as they can see the growth path bubs is on and there is still another 25 days until institutional investors can start purchasing the stock.
Many of the small investors who purchased the stock are being enticed to sell with there massive capital gains and I don't blame them.
For the first time I too had that feeling today but resisted the temptation, as I am playing the longer term view.
It will be however very interesting this coming week as we are quickly approaching a level in which a valuation point was put to me . $1.58
I just want to make the point that the  stock will see $2 quicker than it saw $1 .. so please be aware of this.. (just my opinion)
While other baby formula companies are growing at a slower rate bubs will accelerate its growth due to its niche in the market .

So for the time being use your judgement and if your professional advisor has told you to sell just remember the final decision is your and yours alone.
Brokers are just that brokers because there not good at trading .
Just so you are all aware when I was buying bubs at 17 cents my broker was telling me they would be broke in a year.
Yet the financial astrology was telling me a completely different story and it was for that reason I bought so many share . ( still holding )
We are now 2 years on and only getting started , with a 600% gain

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work
Ask your professional advisor on more on the above.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Wonderful results for bub

Hi readers
What a wonderful set of numbers bubs reported today.
Growth is continuing to come through and its showing signs of hype mode which is at a level beyond wildest dreams.
For those of you still in the stock the best thing to do is lock them up and don't worry about them anymore take a look at the share prices every quarter/ 6 months.
Those who sold out at took the money well done enjoy the profits.
Please remember it was to show how financial astrology works.

I've received a number of emails asking if it will trade back to 80 cents.
The answer is it might but I highly doubt it.
The small fund managers have stepped up to buy the stock now, and it's only a matter of time (28 days before the institutional investors look to buy the stock.
I say this for a number of reason.
The company is consistently showing growth and expansion.
Now when you showing this it's only a matter of time before the profits start showing up also and they all know it..
it's for this reasons most can't buy stocks under $1 .
Regardless whether they see the potential or not a company that can prove itself will be valued over the dollar threshold hence why its easy for them to consider, the risk is erased.

The stock is still very cheap but don't believe it will stay at these levels .
Yes it's hard for someone who bought at 20 cents and sold at 90 cents, to consider buying it back at $1.20 but you need to look at the longer term.
That is should the stock be $3 by year end is $1.20 currently cheap?

Or let's assume it's $5 the year after , are current levels cheap!

At the present time I hold no blue chip stock in my portfolio as I don't see any growth in them.
When we are talking growth I'm not talking 5-20% I'm talking 50-100%.
It's for this reason I have invested the majority of my capital into Bub.
As I have said a number of times Astrology doesn't lie.

For those invested in FRM standby we could be taking a very active role soon.
Stupidity people is a bloody disease and believe me FArm Prides management is at its highest levels.
I sent an email a week ago to the now secretary Bruce Delacy who was the CEO at the time when farm pride was trading a lot high.
I asked him how are his earnings looking at the present time going forward.
Still no reply.

At the AGM
I remembered very clearly that I wanted to see dividends paid out to justify the company's valuation/growth.
His bullshit response to me was that the company's earning will speak for themselves.

Now they have pissed me off, I still hold 900,000 share at a loss.

ABR, has a cap raise now which is needed to fund the next stage which is very promising.
I hate investing in mining companies but this one has very powerful positives coming which will propel the stock forward.

One a lighter note
I wish the very best to the fund who has shorted ABR and is long INR stock.
I haven't seen a fund go belly up in a while in Australia but am so looking forward to it.

On KFE that's still a sleeper everyone wants a piece of the pie yet there isn't enough pie to go around.

I'm looking at another stock at the present time which I'm intrigued about and just finishing of the last set of aspects on it.
It's a medical treatment firm .

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above

I hold share in all stocks mentioned.

Friday, April 26, 2019 at the crossroads of no return

Hello readers

Today was a wonderful day on the market for bubs.
Not only did the stock closed above a dollar but closed on the highs with good volume.
So what does that tell us.

Those who have been in the stock for over a year have taken there money and run.
While those who can see what's developing have stepped up to buy the stock.
Forget about the bullshit charts, they only work in crap stocks or blue chip stocks this is a growth company.
Should the stock rise another 7% in price you will start to see institutional investors step up.
It's for this reason I don't believe the stock will ever see under $1 again.

One for the true believers of financial astrology I guess.
I know some of you have traded the stock and others have cut positions along the way due to your own circumstances, I'm sure everyone has made money.
It was originally a demonstration on how astrology can foresee a successful company.
Yes from 17 cents.
Yes the company would have performed much better under Nicholas than Kristy but it is what it is.
For what it's worth the stock is basically now just a lock up for the next 2 years and 11 months.
It will only appreciate in price.
I say this because the sales that are coming through are far better than what the market is anticipating.
Yes and there is a very serious potential profitability come the third and fourth quarters.
I'm not trying to pump the stock up either I'm just clearly stating what the astrology is showing.

On our other investment there are good development happening which will reflect higher stock prices.
Keep an eye on them over the next month or 2.

I just want to say thank you to those who have sent me potential companies to look at.
It's very easy to get sucked into glossary paperwork.
Financial astrology does go far more deeper and it's for this reason so many are rejected.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

finally got around to it .

Hi readers

It's been a while since last post but I have been busy so let's look at what's going on looking forward.
As some of your remember I have been bearish on the cryptic currencies for a while but that has all changed from the 8th of March.
A mother of all bull market is beginning in the space and will be a year on year gains.
I say this because of the north node triggering the T square Jupiter in the 6th house of bitcoin.
For the amateur astrologers at 9 degrees Jupiter to the node is a very powerful movement.
Yes price will appreciate but it's more that the technology will be developed to use Bitcoin as a currency in day to day payments of services, and products.
On the opposite side the devaluation of the US dollar will begin.

Farm Pride has been a bloody devastating investment for me.
We have seen an incompetent secretary become CEO who had no idea how to enhance shareholder value, mismanaged the company only to walk away after realising he was incompetent.
When asked at the AGM regarding enhancing shareholder value he said some bullshit about earnings will do the talking.
Well done stupid I say.
From $2.50 the stock is now trading at 40 bloody cents.
Take note readers stupidity is a disease, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Let's see what happens this time around, ( for the astrologers) we see both Venus and Pluto play out a huge trine in the stock in the 10th house.
Egg supply will become extremely tight over the next 12 months and prices will rise.
Let's hope they don't mess it up this time around.

BUB ..some of you are very aware of my current position in the stock I don't hide the fact that there are others who are associated with me who are buying the stock hand over fist.
I don't really give a shit about what management has announced to the market regarding both cost cuts and expansion of business in china, that's old information which we where well aware of 9 months ago.
Glossary to amateur investors is irrelevant in my view of the performance of the current management and board.
Since Kristy became CEO the stock has lost over 40% in value.
Sure at the present time the stock is up, and she is able to sleep at night but where are we at going forward.
Let's assume that the buying stops will the stock fall away or will it hold its ground?
Can the company move forward a lot quicker and enhance value for shareholders with a different CEO?
Forget about the storyline of the founder she only holds 4.70% if you believe in it that much you should be holding 20%.
My companies and trusts have way more so let's be a little smart about how we look at investment and not fall in love with wonderful storylines.
It's important that the company focuses of further growth development and less gloating regarding the current share price.
I still have questions as why the company isn't looking to development a market in India.
There is still another 3 more good years of growth in this company before trouble hits and the sell button is triggered.
But in saying that  the last 7 months have been nothing but a bloody disaster.
For what it's worth if certain price targets aren't met I can definitely see trouble for the management and the board.

ABR.. the one shining light looking forward and I so love what they are doing.
Sure the share prices is down at the present time but looking forward it's just got dollars written all over it.
 The Chinese are very aware of where the company is at and with that are trying to secure agreements.
Looking forward the growth this company has astrologically is nothing short of huge but it will take time to see, my only worry that in 2 years time it won't surprise me if RIO try's to buy them out.
But until then there is plenty of water to flow under the bridge.

AS1.. another company which has had its set backs while a deal regarding sales has been executed by my understanding there will be some hick ups. The astrology for this company is still lame but will improve after July.

KFE.. the outcome of the legal action regarding the directors is still pending and because of this don't expect anything to happen with the share price, it's simply is a lame dog waiting for its day to run.

I'll go into more detail over the next week on all of the above.

Disclosure.. I am a current shareholder on all of the above stocks and information mentioned.
It's not financial advice just a simple astrological view of current and future views.
Ask your own financial advisor on the above if you so choose.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Part 3 Bub

Hi readers

There is seriously someone watching over Bub's management at the present time.
On the day that the BuBs AGM was on Niagara Falls takes place in Sydney.
Flooding occurs everywhere and I'm unable to attend.
Flights are delay by up to 4 hours and I miss the AGM vote.
I called a broker to proxy vote for me but due to the short notice everything went haywire.

Sent emails out to people who where going to attend and some had the same issues as myself with the rain/floods.
 So it's official that Kristy has a reprieve for now but time is ticking at I'm starting to become very pissed off with the delayed activity.
Yes I understand that there are issues beyond managements control but there are issues that need to be released so investors can see the light beyond the horizon.
Keeping information for a rain day is Stone Age.
Example.. saying that there growth has risen 40+% in the local market goat formula is crap.
It's the local Chinese people buying it and selling it for double the price back in China to there relations.
In case your not aware only 297,644 babies where born in 2018 in Australia while in China 17,087,662.
So don't be fooled by executives by any formula company talking about strong local demand.
If you hear that it's bull shit of the pure sort.
What I want to know is why isn't Bubs active in India!
If the Chinese wish to play games with granting approval, why isn't Bub on the next growth market.
Middle class Indians are much wealthier than the Chinese.
Also 27,655,714 babies born 2018 in India.
So you can see where the growth is , not bullshit Kristy was talking about local growth.
So let's get some serious perspective on where the growth is and how Bub can capitalise on it.
We the shareholders are intelligent enough not to be fooled by sweet talking executives.
Also management can STOP posting glossary fact sheets with charts and concentrate on the end game.
Numbers don't lie, so stop wasting my money and work on developing new business opportunities.
Because BUBs isnt going to get anymore money from shareholders, with the current performance of management.
The board also is on notice, pick up your game or you will be replaced.
I personally have no faith in the current management and am yet to see any light from them or the board for that matter.
Regardless of the executives shareholdings are they can be replaced.

But I must admit there was a reason why I wasn't allowed to make it to the AGM so time will hopefully expose that reason in due course.

I'm a huge believe of the universe and  things do happen for reasons.

I am a substantial shareholder in bubs shares