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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Heavy astrology is on the way which will affect everyone

Hi reader

Yesterday we witnessed what happens when the US treasury doesn't enter the crypto markets.
A nice steady rise with no sell at all costs to keep the market from gaining value.
There is word that the consistent transfer of wallet to wallet attracted hackers, do I believe this ? no but regardless if its true or not the bottom line is the market can move much higher if allowed to.

To the Australian readers, the economy is running on fumes at the present time and its no wonder the government brought in the cash laws in place.
You can now start to see why it was put in place by the banks and with full cooperation by government.
A run on the banks would collapse the Australian economy in a heart beat, with so much debt around.

I see they spun out some crap about housing prices increasing in the last quarter which is laughable to say the least.
How is it possible for housing to increase in value when the debt per capital debt has increased by $94,200 per mortgage.
The only way this can increase is if the net debt has increased which comes back to the value of property.
The housing institutes and all the other housing organisations are protecting there own house and will never state the facts. Its important that you understand that.
If there was a gain in housing prices then the net debt per capital debt would be lower as the mortgagee would have more collateral in the property.

There are some major Aspects occurring in October which will really start to take affect in coming months but not now.

Pluto going Direct October 3rd....  strain on debt will gather steam bankruptcy explosion is coming.
Any of you owning these after pay crap stock beware defaults will skyrocket.

Mercury enters Scorpio October 3rd.... arguing over money isn't worth it, you will loose friends and customers over errors that you made.
I say that because you should have never loaned or given so much credit to people or businesses.
Look at your actions before blaming others of there incompetency.

Mars enters Libra  October 4th... for the next 6 weeks try to be balanced and not show aggression towards people as you can feel the other side emotionally.
Do you really need the latest technology devices?

Venus enters Scorpio October 12th … try to walk on the ground barefoot. feel the soil under your feet and try and just relax.
You will gain huge insights to things that will confront you.
Example its like you know something is going to happen but not sure, well trust your instincts they will be right.
Show restraint on spending and you'll buy it cheaper in a month or 2.

Sun enters Scorpio October 23rd... this is the last year we are going to see this unstable weather worldwide.
Fact is that planetary movement will settle weather patterns a great deal.
Global warming is what we choose to either believe or not.
All I'm saying that things will settle down, and we wont have these prolonged droughts.
Then you will see those who are pushing there own agendas exposed for there own interests.
I say this because I saw a weather report which compared weather from 1970 to today.
But if they compared the weather of today to 1960 then it would clearly show that the weather temperatures are actually down.
I get very annoyed when I see selective reporting by the media.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work
Ask your own advisor on more on the above .
Above are astrological events which are put into normal content for people to read

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