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Friday, July 3, 2020

Stockmarket casino

Hi readers
If you ever wanted to see a casino at its best, welcome to the stock market.
It's obvious that those who have culled there superannuation out are in the market day trading with little to no experience, and there just feeding the sharks.
Perfect example of it this week with ESK.AX up 1000% intraday only to come back to reality.
Any daytrader who is even trying to make it would know you don't touch a stock after it's gone up 100% in a day with any announcement regardless.
Yet the regulators ASX compliance didn't even bother to pause the stock trading for an hour.
The asx like any other blood sucking department is only interested in the fees it collects nothing more.
To the poor traders who bought the stock at $3.50-$3.70 and there was a few that went through can now sell them for 91 cents and by next week will be back at 30 cents.
So much for looking after retail investors ASX.

For those of you who have jobs over $120K your jobs are on the line in the next 10 weeks.
Companies are cutting staff and there doing it under the Covid bullshit.

There is a total lack of transparency over the job keeper hand out and companies are taking full advantage of it.
A elites furniture store manager I know just had a record month of sales and management won't take them off Jobkeeper.
The guy would have made at least $3000+ a week yet his only getting the government scrap money $750.
Good luck trying to pay a mortgage on that let alone eat and pay the bills.

The AFR stated that 3000+ off the plan buyers forfeited there deposits ($85million+)as they couldn't  go ahead with there purchases, but what they didn't realise that they will have to pay even more costs if the builders have to discount there apartments, it's called a make up.
The dominos are starting to crack readers.
While the real economy will start contracting you won't see the Stockmarket react to it until November onwards, but then again it won't surprise me if the do another make believe lockdown again.

To the astrologers out there we have the Saturn retrograde Capricorn.
Yes it's affecting The total east coast of Australia with a might force.
So if you want to know what going to happen in the property market look at WA. Yearly slump.

To the everyday people a reality check into what's important and wants not is upon us.
Who you are and who you want to be need to be reassessed, this is the Capricorn side of the zodiac.
If you are true to yourself then you'll come out the other end in a much stronger position than you are currently in today.
This is the Saturn (cleaner) upon us all.

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