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Friday, December 11, 2020

ABR is powering ahead

Hi readers Once again we see ABR.AX making new highs, management sticking to what they have said all along. While companies like are simple dogs as no bond/placement holder has any faith in Management or the board to execute real growth or serious performance targets. Management are simply milking shareholders money by awarding themselves cheap options while the company isnt profitable yet. Im trying to find the wonderful business plan which said they would be profitable at the end of 2020. Oh yes we will have the Covid bullshit spin pop out for not hitting that milestone. But we will get the glossy photo and sales pitch from Kristy. I have a feeling we might see the china trade issue string out too. You would like to think that by now w3ith the chinese investment in the company that there on wonderful terms. To the cryto readers Im not looking to buy anything at the present time. These current falls are just a small drop in the ocean compared to whats coming. You need to be patient and just wait. My buy list for Feb I'll post next month as we come closer. Posting now would just stir you up to buy now when prices will be 30% lower. Looking at the current astrological climate volitilityin assets hasnt even started yet. As always the above is purely based of financial astrology. Ask your financial advisor on more on the above. I am a Financial astrologer not a Financial advisor

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