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Friday, April 22, 2022

Partial and Lunar eclipse is uon us

 Hi Readers

We are approaching the the partial solar eclipse on the 30th of April  and the Blood moon lunar eclipse on the 16th of May.

While some of  you will say so what big deal, it is a big deal, as it gives us a window of what to expect.

The partial eclipse is in Taurus is going to create a beautiful false illusion of what could be moving forward. For many of you great opportunities and financial wealth will come to you be aware of when to take it as it won't last. Stock markets around the world will explode higher and might come close to making new all time highs. The false illusion will suck many into believing that this is real and the individual who invested was right all along. Many will have ego trips and that heads will swell to level never seen.

Taurus is all about money and the Eclipse just multiples it by 10 times. 

Crypto, stock market or business will rocket higher over the 25 days from the 30th of April.

Anticipate commodities to take a bath during this time tho..Commodities will get hammered regardless of what the media is saying.

The 16th of May is a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. To the amateur astrologers this will set the ground works for a long realization  of whats real and whats not.

To those trading the stock market on a daily bases you need to brace yourselves for June its going to be ugly. For those sitting in cash waiting for the opportunity to invest anticipate bargains.

To the crypto traders

 please be careful if what I see comes off the crypto market could loose 50% at a minimum. To the metals lovers start looking at opportunities which will come when the metals fall.Yes I see silver in particular and palladium exploding in price over the following 6-12 months by 3X minimum.


As always the above is based of financial astrology

Use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above

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