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Monday, May 16, 2022

Grain prices are continuing to climb.

 Hi Readers 

I'm putting up this post as I can see serious issues coming with food shortages and everyone thinks "yes seen it all before and nothing to see".

I've said it before the biggest fear governments have is there own people rebelling. 

You can see that how this is taking shape yet the news media keeps it hidden, as not to stir a panic amongst its people.

India which is the second largest wheat exporter has just banned all exports and is keeping the grain it producers for themselves. People took to the street and clashed with India's elite protest police without fear, which force the police to retreat by the violent clashes. When people are hungry there is nothing that will keep them at bay, no teargas , no rubber bullets nothing.

As I've said before metals are great to secure your wealth but you'll starve without food. Energy and base metals you can bypass by using less or delaying projects.

So when it comes to food there is no choice, we have seen poultry prices increase weekly due to grain prices increase, meat, pork, eggs, bread and milk just continue to rise due to grains increasing prices.

Oh and by the way you can't print more money and grow more grains either, it takes a good 6 months, and yields are definitely coming down due to the fertilizer issues which will have corn explode in price soon.Then we have weather issues around the world which will also affect yields and that's how you have a perfect storm brewing.

To all farmers who are producing grains no need to rush to sell your crops, higher prices are coming especially after September. The inflation we currently have is only going to increase, as I don't see the FED serious about tackling it. FED believes that they can squash demand with higher rates, but again what they don't understand is the grains are the keys to everything inflationary. We don't buy used cars or furniture monthly for the  inflation numbers to show up , but we do buy food and eat daily but  don't worry its excluded from the inflationary numbers.

If you can store dry foods then please do so it will be the best investment. (flour,corn, rice , cooking oils, nuts.

At the present time the world is in a time frame of disbelief of what is possible.

That it will never happen to us mentality, but I will just remind you all that anything is possible and you don't have to look any further than a year ago where governments shut down there countries over Covid and now we are living with it. 

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