Hi readers
As your all aware I am not a precious metals believer.
But when the chance comes to make money then that it money is money.
I have been watching the Comex reserves on both platinum and Silver.
Silver is currently down to 36 million ounces and Platinum is down to 142,000 ounces.
With the current silver contracts in the market place silver will be down to 16 million and platinum down to 30,000ounces by the of the year.
Russia is the largest producer of both silver and platinum in the world. With the current bullshit sanctions on Russia next year the Comex will run out of these metals,bank dealers won't be able to open contracts on these commodities if the Comex doesn't have them.
What that will do to price is another thing. Could we have a LME issue at the Comex absolutely!
So how do we play this moving forward?
Maybe a look into buying some bars of the metal and also stocks that produce this metal is the best way to play it.
I'd be very cautious about purchasing ETF's as if the EFT's have Russian stocks in them then you wont get the best moves moving forward.
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