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Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Climate change the Biggest Fraud in Society

 Hi Readers 

Markets are trading all over the place at the present time.

One minute the S&P is at 4050 and the next day its back under 3950. Welcome to Mars retrograde.

We also see the negative affects of the Mars retrograde with the loss of life by civilians and police. While I don't for one minute support what occurred police need to be independent of the Laws they enforce. Since Covid police have lost all trust by the public in Australia and around the world. People are prepared to stand up against authoritarian rule and more lives will be lost.

The only way to fix it is if police act independently from government, and by that I mean command not the foot soldiers. The bullshit that came out of the daily mail news is absolutely disgusting. As people the more we accept government into our lives the worse it will become. Don't for one minute believe that governments regardless of who, are looking out for you there NOT.

Yesterday I was at a poker game with friends and one brought one of there mates over. The gentleman is a partner of one of the biggest refrigeration company's in Australia. We got on to the subject of climate change, and he is one of these believers which was great. Personal choice.

There was a banker there who started laughing at him and so did we, the guy asked why are you laughing.

The banker replied  "Greg do you honestly believe that climate change is real? If it was why would any bank invest in property within 15km of the coast, world wide. if its going to be under water in 10 years. 

Climate change is the biggest fraud the world has ever witnessed and there will be no other'.

"when banks stop investing in property around the coasts then you know its real, till then wake up and smell the roses, its nothing but a money grab."

So readers please don't be fooled by the talk of climate change by anyone regardless of there convincing argument. It always has and always will be cycle nothing more.

In Australia currently we are experiencing a very wet summer, and once again it was the same in the 1970's . Never heard of all these bullshit LAnino, or whatever they call it back then. it just happened and people dealt with it and it was all cycles.

It's great to see that people are finally starting to wake up to it and are pushing back against alternative fuel energy. Coal and Nuclear are the only 2 which are viable.

People believe  in Australia that the solar energy they get from there houses is saving them, nothing can be further from the truth. The government assist with the cost 50% but all the energy first goes back into the grid and then comes back to the resident with the solar panels. Your receiving 5cent kilowatt and being charged 28 cents per kilowatt. I say that because solar works when the sun is out and the most usage for households are when the kids are home 4-10pm. So government takes is cheap as it stores and releases during peak times making a fortune from it. So unless you can store power on a battery before going to the grid, solar is a waste of money, just my personal opinion.

 Astrological Outlook

The full moon is having a massive conjunction during December and January. Speculation and Gambling is abundant. The Mars  Jupiter is indicating expansion more than most people think so while CPI numbers as this is being written could go down, it will be short lived as it will explode higher in the next 60 days. During this time frame be reserved when successful as all good things do come to an end.

The numbers which came out on Friday in the US is the first sign that I can see of deflation. What that means is the window to accumulate metals is starting to reduce. During deflation metals explode in prices. Its just the first sign so just be aware, its in front of us. It usually take 3-6 months before its starts so keep note.

This post is for educational purposes.

Seek professional advise on the above. 


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