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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

General view

 Hi readers 

Its amazing how media has the ability in all facets to control what you read/opinions, last post got deleted as I was told it was inciting racial division. What happened to free speech.

I only stated my opinion on the referendum that took place here in Australia and thank god the public isn't all stupid and voted No. The vote had nothing to do with first people/aboriginals and acceptance. It all had to do with sovereignty of the land. Giving it to the government meant you can never own it as the government would have the sovereignty on it and could do what it like over it, yes even booting you off it. Government was going to use that as collateral to its debt with the BIS. There the facts whether you like them or not. Australians shouldn't be paying any tax with the amount of resources we have under and over the ground. Yet we pay so much that its never enough.

Yes I have a massive tax bill and I'm ranting about it.

I deliberately haven't post so the market can catch up to what's playing out.

Inflation hasn't fallen at all in fact its increased. Yet we hear the bull shit media come out with numbers that will just comfort peoples anxiety.

Here in Australia property investors are basically all screwed regardless of when they bought the properties, to be earning a 2-3% on your property yet deposit rates are sitting at 4% says it all.

Then you put in the cost of rates and insurance and that 2-3% become 1-2%. Oh yes you own the property and its capital gaining, really !!In Victoria the communist states thats all about to change with new money grabbing taxes taking affect. I don't know how or who is going to police them but hey what do you expect, everything works well in theory, but practice is another thing. 

Good luck trying to get overseas investors who own property paying 1% of the value of the house for no one living in it. Body corporates and banks are trying to find the investors to pay 3 years arrears..LOL

If readers inflation has fallen then why not lower interest rates as they have done there job?

Inflation readers in brewing and its at the tipping point of stagflation and deflation.

The debt which has been written up in unsustainable, we simply don't have the capacity to service it yet people and governments are continuing to borrow more and more.  At the BIS meeting last week while everything else was happening the reality dawned on the financial sector. 45% of the large banks are insolvent. Regardless of whether you have money in the bank or not if a bank is operating insolvent then the deposits are its collateral. just be aware of it moving forward.

In the stock markets we see stock slowly deflating yet those who have lied about there earning will be exposed with the lunar/solar Eclipses which have/will take place.

As always the above is based on astrological aspects

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above

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