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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

more action ahead

Hi readers..

3.30 pm Singapore time. Tuesday

Well didn't the market just shit itself, and circuit breakers kicked in and action was everywhere.

What happen to the China expansion stocks APPL & NFLX...?????
Yep they got crunched as I thought, on the open..
I did cover and will re establish shorts late Tuesday or Wednesday open... Should price allow.

So now that we are all  starting to understand how important and dangerous a collapsing China is, maybe politicians might start paying more attention instead of worrying about Greece.

With an hour to go China is still down 7%, and Australia is up 2% .
Don't you just love astrology people... Seriously

Yesterday and today where buying days for a quick trade.
Tomorrow the feel might be muted and then another realisation is coming.
So as I've always said readers, chance comes to the prepared mind.
We are not lovers of either bull or bear markets , we are traders.

To the Australian government!!!!! Geez you got some balls coming out before the market opens talking up the Australian economy.
Why didn't they do that yesterday when the Stockmarket lost 59 billion in value?
You think someone there reads this blog?
I'm just putting it out there, asking the question!
Because I certainly know the answer.

Anyway BECAREFUL in the market place there is huge moves still to come on both sides.

In commodities keep right away from metals and metal stocks.
Yes even BHP isn't safe..
$23 at the present time is still expensive.
People need to stop using past performances for future earning..
This is a changing market and if your not prepared to adapt then the market will adapt you whether you like it or not.

Readers I just want to put something out there which a CBA executive once said to me in Singapore when he was presenting to asian investment funds.

Asian will always pay there debt, where as Australians or Europeans would rather declare bankruptcy and walk away from there debt.

When I put to him that your in for a rude awakening , he replied " never asian will mortgage everything every family member has, that's why we favour Asian borrowers."

Today this individual called me to ask how low do I see the market going.

I guess his getting a little nervous now...

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