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Friday, August 21, 2015

Why does the U.S. media be last to report what the world knows?

Hi readers

9:30am singapore time Saturday morning

What a week it's been .
So now Wall Street is coming to the realisation that China is seriously slowing down.
Don't blame the American people for being slow there media is seriously corrupted, as to what is allowed to be reported.
If you have been a reader for a while this is nothing new to you as you would have know this was coming for a while.
What makes me laugh even more is the dumb companies who said they would expand in China.
Oh yes who was it again, NFLX and AAPL.

Well we saw what happen to those stocks yesterday.
AAPL $105.76
NFLX $103.96

As for FB it's only going to catch up.

Just a quick comment ..
To the ,Dallas reader who took the $110 dec puts on AAPL, CONGRATULATIONS..

Watch the banking stocks.

Next week we should see a bounce early followed by another sell off.
Next week will be one of those 24 hour a day weeks.. Get rest professionals action is coming.
Remember what we have been saying people ..

Not Europe , or Greece or the U.S. raising rates.

That looks to me like it was just talk action, with no substance.
Yellen is on the verge of official puppet  statics.

Missed the opportunity and now we have a fed with only one bullet in the gun to defend the U.S. economy/ financial system..
Could be time to start being nice to the Germans and hope they step up to the plate.

Please don't get sucked into the gold safe heaven idea...
Cash is king

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