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Monday, September 7, 2015

For the planners

Hi readers

This post is for the planners, those who are curious to see financial astrology work.
Also the option players who want to get ahead of the move, and the amature astrologers

We have an action packed month of astrologically.
First we have the solar eclipse and this blood moon.
There is no Stockmarket crash, so put that to bed.
There is however a massive dose of illusions about to be thrown upon us.
Market will settle down with controlled government intervention across the world soon.
Giving the markets the idea that the China trouble will be over but it won't be.

The lunar eclipse will trigger a rally of a couple of hundred S&P points.

Also we have the Mercury retrograde period which starts on the 17th and finishes on the 9th of October.
As always don't buy any electrical goods, also please double check all appointment and don't sign anything during this period as errors will be exposed after the 10th.
Please note this Mercury placement has a major implications on vehicles.
So please don't buy any and if you drive please slow down and take care.

Look for opportunities in the direction the astrology is strong in.
Should the astrologyg not agree with your own work then please just observe.

9th up after midday
11th up
13th solar eclipse illusion levels at 100%
16th down
17th Mercury retrograde
18th choppy down
21st up
22nd down
27th lunar eclipse triggering a rally
28th down look for buy opportunities
29th up
30th up
1st October up

Mark these into your calendars and see how they read the market.
Please note I'm not trying to be the godfather or any stupid ideas that have been thrown up at me.
Just pointing out how astrology can read market psychology, before algorithm programs and indicators.

The dates above can be used for DAX, DOW ,S&P , HANG SENG and the ASX200.

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