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Sunday, September 6, 2015

quick update

Hi readers

Markets are some what subdued today so I thought I'd post and do some research.

Many have you have asked about the blood moon which is coming up, next week.
I'll look into it and get back to you on it but it doesn't look like a crash potential. Far from it it looks like a bottom of many sectors and a collapse of other so will look into it and update on it.

In regards to the planning for the month ahead a number of you have liked the idea of having the dates to help you with your understanding of how astrology works, so will post up the month ahead later on.

In regards to teaching, im sure the Internet has plent of good teachers out there.
I'm not interested to teach.
The basic of astrology is first understanding what each planet affects.
Second it understanding how moons affects people.
Third is understanding how planetary movement in each house affects.

This will take you a good couple of years to fully understand.
I totally understand how many of you couldn't put that type of commitment in, that why I sometimes can understand the fee's that are charged.

What I can't accept is demanding huge fees from small traders.
Which is an unviable business option.

Yes I am also aware that people do bullshit also but at the end of the day KARMA is a wonderful law.
So I'm happy to post what I have been but not prepared to go to the next level just yet.

To the hedge fund managers who are readers of the blog, welcome !
There are no special previliges here, everyone is on the same page.
The only rule I have is that you either tip or donate once a month to anyone should you make a profit.
Good for the soul, karma and good energy will also come back to you.


A$ will continue to slide, it's the only thing the RBA and the government can do to stimulate growth.
In fact it's a good thing for the exporters to expand markets, which they lost to the U.S. over exchange rates.

In the equities the major concern is that there are so many traders wanting to sell stock at the present time in China that this slow and steady approach is very wrong.
Here in Singapore property developers have put constructions on hold until they are able to liquidate shares to free up capital.
I know this for a fact as one company has suspended all construction until they have access to capital,  which is devaluing daily.
Banks can't call in loans either as it will snowball the market here.
So you seriously have a major problem here.

In commodities look only at the grains and softs.
Not the metals or energy.

The U.S. has to now be very careful about the approach it takes as a potential Japanese style stagnation is now on the table from the astrology that I am see and the numbers that are coming out at the present time..
Please remember that astrology is looking 6-12 months ahead now.

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