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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Monthly reading

Hi readers
For those who want to know where we are at with the bear market call..

S&P ...2081


Close of January
S&P ..1995

Please note this is just to demonstrate how astrology works.
While many at the end of this exercise won't accept it, it's good to just see for yourselves our you can use it.
While there will be times where the market will trade higher than these levels, the point it to just show you want you can do with astrology.
 Similar to an egg, most people like to boil others like to fry, potch or scramble.
At the end of the day we are all different and we use it differently.

Over the last 2 days I've been looking at the bond market and doing the astrology on the bond market.
It looks as tho the fed is very determine to raise rates even tho the market believes that the economy will slow down.
News is people that the fed will talk tough and the bond market will seriously correct itself.
Now the money question is when?
Going by my work the second half of the year is where we will see rates move.
But it doesn't look to me like its the cash rate, it more the lending rate..
In other words it's the rates that banks borrow from the fed to lend to other banks.
At the present time that almost free! 0.10% that could move to 0.35%
That would sting for a short while banks who lend out to risky projects.
Banks will use that as an excuse to raise rates to offset from potential defaults.

For those to are asking regarding daily trades on the futures, you'll have to wait I'm afraid until after the merc direct...
Do IPO stocks that list during a retrograde do well in the longer term?
Yes and no, stock that do list tend to have many manipulative factors associated with them.
You tend to see that there sales or the projections are grossly over opptimistic, and much of the accounts tend to show start accounting rather than true sales growth.
Which results in stocks doubling on there first day of trading.
I would be very careful of stocks listing during a retrograde period.

I remember a stock which is a money manager in Australia.
This stock listed and went to $42 dollars on the first day of trading.
I couldn't resist and sold it in the $30+ area, as I had been allocated stock.
Closed the day at $28.65.
In the last 9 years it has never traded above $8 ..
The Australian readers would be aware of which stock I'm talking about.
(Can't name for legal reasons) .

Friday, January 30, 2015

Gold isn't as safe as you believe!!!

Hi Readers

Many are confused regarding support and resistance levels?
In a Mercury retrograde period there is no such thing so please don't work from those.
Yes the A$ was attacked yesterday and there is more on the way.
The Astrology of the A$ isn't good for the next 6-12 months so please be careful.

In regards to gold as most trade it.
It's extremely overvalued at these current prices going with what the astrology is showing.
I make the point for those that use technicals.

For the U.S. dollar at its current rate gold price should be $977
At the current oil price of $45 gold price should be $ 956.

As I said before at some point gold will catch up and come back to it usual ratio's.

Astrologically for the next few month gold is very negative.

The next cab of the rank is the US bond market, very overpriced but the issue there is that there isn't a lot of negative astrology hitting bonds until September on. So not a smart idea shorting there.

I hope the above assists

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Hi readers
Need to get this out as many are asking same questions.

With the current profit results what is your valuation of the market?

Looking at the numbers which have come through at the present time, I feel as tho the market is at least 16% overvalued.
There are many companies that are grossly overvalued and some undervalued.
You need to be patient and wait for a bargin, same as when huge discounts are on sale at department stores.

How far does the A$ fall before its fair value?

As I've stated before this is a deadly game the RBA has got itself into and with the green light given to funds to sell the dollar there is no reason why it can't fall below 75 or even 70 to the dollar.
If you have US dollars and want to convert I would wait.
When the dollar was 1.05 a couple of years ago and I stated that it would never see this level again for a good 10-15 years only very few took it on board.
I'm glad some did and are just waiting.. You have made 27% on your money risk free, never get that in a term deposit.

If Greece leaves the euro what will that mean for the country?

I did the astrology on this and while there is short term pain, there is major gain for the country in 5 years time.
It's the creditors who are going to face huge losses and this could mean Germany will have to either defend the euro or prop up banks.

After APPL profit results are you still confident of $80, not $150?

Yes well it looks great but this is why the stock was $100+ area. Looking forward if you think the stock will keep appreciating then buy it.
I'll let the astrology do the work, and then say I told you so..
Betting against astrology is only 15-20% of the time right.
While I refuse to short the stock because of the war chest Cook has at his disposal.
I'm happy to wait for my price to buy it again.
Good luck ...... You might just need it .....LOL

On the road to disaster if we are not careful

Hi readers
I've just had another look at the NFLX chart and it looks as tho this stock could do another serious run down. Mid year it will gather serious momentum.. So tomorrow ill look at the options.

It wonderful to see that finally the market now realises what the Saudi's game plan was..
To run the shale businesses out of business.
Ha ha  let's enjoy cheap oil...
By the way we will not see $100 oil in the next 5 years, going by what the astrology is showing.

While the world as we know it is changing, we need to understand and respect tolerants.
The best think to do is not to get involved, but I doubt the west will be able to.
What's happening in Russia needs to be left alone as caos is very real.
Russia needs to work out this on its own or else squeezing an orange which has no juice is pointless.
The more important issue is if caos does happen then nuclear materials will be sold to people who require it to cause harm.
I'm not bluffing either this is very real.

In the currency markets..
Australia your dollar is being attacked by overseas and there is no let up, so let's see how far the RBA is prepared to let it go.
At it broke the 83 level it's hasn't looked backs it been a consistent clipping.
Great for exporters, bad for consumers.
Hopefully there are farmers still on the land that can teach skills for the next generation to prosper.

To the U.S.
As I have stated before housing isn't recovering like it's supposed to.
Hedge funds have bought properties from the banks and holding them hoping to cash in.
Problem is it's not happening, the Fed knows it too that's why the are at bay.
But the media is beating up the wrong beat regarding the fed's view of the economy.

To Singapore
We are in serious trouble. We have loaded up on Euros as a reserve currency. This has been great while the euro was trading higher.
But now this isn't good as with the euro about to collapse, it could seriously put a massive debit into the countries coffers.
Stay tuned as Singapore could seriously could become a tailspin economy.
Be careful property investors.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Don't be fooled by illusions

Hi readers

Well so much to look and and where to start first.

First of all NFLX.
Such a cocky CEO and to think that price rises won't affect the company.... Think again sport!
Pluto is on her way and your company is in the firing line..
Yes people I couldn't resist I did short the stock at $450.10. For a trade.

Second APPL
The devil is in the detail people.
 The latest product isn't taking off as was expected.
iPad air and the mini is way below what they thought.
Yes sales of iPhones did well but, when you take out the China sales they where a flop.
Anyway I see it as justification for the current price but what's next.
Watches really?
I went out to the shops on the weekend and sat and counted how many people had watches.
If Mr Cook is pinning his hopes on watches his in for a rude awakening.
Retail got excited of the profit result and bought at any cost, which is great for them.
The one thing Apple has is that dam war chest, anyone shorting the stock is stupid.
You can't afford to when a company has that much fat sitting wait to be put to use.

Third FB
Wonderful result a 49% lift in profits.
Are you serious, this is a company with a so called 1.7 billion uses and it only increased it sales by double digit..
Good chance I might have to lower my target.

In regards to the market take note who is reporting good numbers and thinks the world is there oyster.
There the ones that are going to receive the reality check.
This Mercury retrograde will be unforgiving soon.

Question is with the results that are in so far do they justify a 2000 S&P.

Also please don't chase trades out there wait for them to come to you.
Gold over 1300 was a nice little trade.
The euro with the ECB announcement was another.
Please be patient and let them come to you.

One more thing the ECB stimulars is a complete failure.
It has no substance on what it tends to do and if the Greeks leave the euro then watch Italy and Spain to follow suit.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why change a perfect method

Hi readers
Well the Obama speech was something special..
When you listen to him talk you just want to battle for the guy ..( you really do)
But the reality is  that he did state truths and the disrespect from the Republicians was very distasteful.
Yes the economy is growing and yes more jobs are being created than in the last 15 years in terms of yearly.
So the question is why change a good thing?

As much as I admire Obama, fact is he's speech was in a retrograde.
Retrograde tend to start 24 hours before so sounded great but nothing will become of it.
It's annoying that the Republicans are some what cocky at the present time, they need to be very careful on there actions over the next 18 months as they will be judged.
For the political people, Hilary does have a very powerful chart come next presidential election.
Where as the Republicans are so so depending on who the runners are.

To the markets changers are coming, and please be careful on your Investment should you need to.
Best advice don't trade.
If the economy is strong why are bonds so low?
Beware of hype.
It's amazing how throwing more money at structure that are broken won't work.
Same with the Japanese, the ECB want to use the U.S. model of devaluation to prop up exports and get out of the rut Europe is in.
Devaluating doesn't work, government need new people with better ideas to get out of the mess there in.
It's the same as a store in a mall against online store selling the same thing, without overheads.
Times change and so do methods, but for some reason governments just don't get it.

The Swiss franc was one of the most easiest trades I think of the decade if anyone has ever taken it.

Gold while it's riding on the uncertainty at the present time this will end soon so becareful.
Markets are in the bear game, trading lower but snapping back up quickly, so the evidence is there.
Reports this week should be disappointing, so let's see what happens.
Update on the stocks and markets

Friday, January 16, 2015

Times up for Apple

For those who are not up to speed... How the competion has arrived

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Not what it seems

Hi readers

You can't say you didn't know this was coming. But then again maybe some of you do the contrarian trade.
Either way it is what it is , and my bank account is looking better each day.
As stated yesterday if profits don't meet or exceed the high price valuation will be corrected and that's what appears to be happening right now.

I got this off the Internet and I just laughed at how gullible analysts really are .
Not because of his view, but because of the serious lack of research to the claim.

In the hedge fund world it's still obvious that they don't get it ,after how many years.

The central banks are players in the market.
The do what is required to bring a net return to the governments at the end of the day.

On the Australian front it good to see that at least the government has a great idea of new business and marketing, with free trade deal running hot that just might cushion the fall but there is still time for that to go wrong.
We shall see! One thing is for sure they seriously need to fix there communication to the people and slowly implement reforms not in the first 2 years and then next 2 years play the suck up your ass game.
If the government was serious about balancing the budget as they say they are why sent troops to iraq to fight thugs...
It's not an army it thuggery.
Spend 2-3 billion a year to get browny points ain't very smart.


Are you not trading futures and if so why aren't you posting your trades?
Yes I am trading for myself, since being in Bahrain my license has lapsed and as a result I'm unable to post.
Getting clarification on what I can and can't and then will do so in February.

If Apple drops due to innovation as you say wouldn't that mean the the semiconductors and the chip makers would fall also?
Yes but by how much not sure, as I don't follow them.

What is your personal view of Mahendra Sharma's 3200 S&P ?

My view is not much really, I've never met the man, he uses Hindu astrology in the market and that's about it
We all make mistakes and sometimes moves are delayed, but they do happen .
We will never see that level in the next 2 years.
If we stay at this level (2000) it will be a massive result but with the astrology coming there is no way this is possible.
Professionals who have used his services have had a negative result from it, so everyone has there own views and mine is you pay for what you get.
Yes and sometimes you do get riped off.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Past performance is no guarantee for future performance.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Don't act on free reading as you haven't payed for it to be obligated.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

JPM .... Average numbers not great in a booming stock market

Hi readers

JPM numbers did hit expectation but also didn't get slammed either.
Anything less than a 5% drop for companies who don't meet expectations is just a clip over the ears.
Wells Fargo is just a nice steady mover as always.
Tomorrow and Friday we have the other banks reporting so it will be interesting.

Yes someone made mention that most techs stocks are reporting during the retrograde!
So expect serious disappointments in the sector.

Notice how wheat isn't running up just yet, you still have plenty time to acquire positions if you choose too before March.

Both bonds and gold at the present time are seen as safe havens hence that's why there not falling yet but as I have said before at some point this will occur very quickly.

Market should try to bounce on Thursday and Friday but don't expect huge moves up.
If anything might be down and then come up to close positive.

How much will the dollars rise affect returns from multi national companies?

Simple work out as of June the dollar index was trading around the 80-81 market.
It's now around the 92 level so that's about 12-13%.
There is your answer, but on the opposite side those importing are gaining the same amount so for quick trades maybe looking at importers for a hedge.( just an idea)

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Past performance is no guarantee for future performance.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Don't act on free reading as you haven't payed for it to be obligated.

Gold is very expensive at the present time!

Hi readers

As we saw today the market isn't what many have been expecting in the professional community.
Market so strong in the morning only to loose all its gain by the close.
The reality check is on the way and it will stay for longer than many people think.

I think it will be very wise for governments around the world to redo there tax revenue numbers for gains from investments.
Not until Thursday is this negative aspect going to wane so don't expect any let up.

What's the real value of gold right now!

First I just want to say that I'm not a gold fan, in fact gold is the past secure investment in my view but in saying that I do respect people's love of it.
Oil has always lead any gold move up and or down.
So the ration has always been 18-22 barrels to an ounce of gold.
Therefore if we work it out from current prices gold should be $1012 top to bottom $828.
That's what the true value is of gold and at some point gold will come to that areas.
Right now it is very expensive by market standards.
So you need to be patient regarding buying levels for the long term.
Just look at copper?
2 years ago analysts came out and said that copper was never going to trade under $400 per pound.
Now it's trading under 250 and going to 190.

So please don't get sucked into the idea that things are cheap at the moment there not, and I still haven't seen a fire sale yet where the computer algorithms loose the plot and shut down and panic selling kicks in.
Sure we have seen some serious selling in oil but it hasn't shaken hedge fund books where they just liquidate at any cost the whole book.

How low do you see BHP going?

When I first made the call some laughed it off saying they would mortgage there house and buy BHP share under $30
Well shares are now around the $27.20 so is there more to go?
Yep just wait until profit downgrades kick in and P/E come off, then dividens are a little reduced.
Yes the superannuation industry will keep pumping money into these stocks so you will never loose out but I'm talking about buy cheap and hold for 15-20 years.
For those who don't know the Australian model of superannuation is designed to ensure an income for people before they retire so as not to be paid a pension.
The only problem with the model is it doesn't allow for inflation and as a result more and more money is required to be invested to make the adequate return.
The industry and government won't admit it and as a result it's a system which is now used for a tax revenue, on people.
It complicated I don't want to go into it.
Note this readers last time BHP traded under $20 was 2009.

After this 2 year correction we will see 17 years of growth, that's why very important to look for bargains and be ready when they come.

When would be the ideal time to consider investments in property or stocks?

I don't follow all markets around the world so you have to do your own research.
But as I have said before until a 30-40% reduction in prices has hit just wait.
I noticed that all the auto makers are upbeat about lower oil prices means more car sales .
Well I do think so.
People will change there habits and will make do with what they have.
Here in Singapore already bars and restaurants are seeing a serious slowdown in business activity.
That's bound to happen elsewhere where to.
In the states the media tends to be some what manipulated by what government what's to be reported.
Facts are employment is up but to the low skilled workers who are on minimum wage.
So how are these people going to buy these new cars or iPads.
When these people work to feed themselves and there families.

Why have you turned negative on Apple?
Apple is a company of innovation, what we have right now is the last of it.
Watches seriously who wears a watch? My father who is 71 doesn't wear a watch!
Apples competition has not only past them in innovation but has a good 3 years on them with half the price tag of an iPad or iPhone.
I'm not talking about Samsung either.
All phones are made in China at the present time wether you like it or not that's where everything is made.
China has tablet and phone makers that not many people know that can do what the latest pads and phones can do plus more.
What Apple is good at is advertising and that's where they have the upper hand at the present time but  that has a time limit to it.
The Chinese are very good at getting there act together and making it happen so it only a matter of time before they tap into the world markets.
Now in regards to other revenue streams, the app business that's in the process of being opened up by many governments around the world as its a monopoly,no longer can Apple rely on 34% of every dollar spent on it App Store. ( that's just some of the issue)

For those who are not aware we have the first of the Mercury retrogrades coming on the 21st of this month until the 11th of February.
Wouldn't you know it is also earnings time for Wall Street.
So what does that tell you,we are in for a hell of a ride.
Those who miss will get smashed and those who lie during this time will face the consequences before June.
Those who make it will stay put as it was expected.
But the question is if there is no growth in the half year results what happens then to the multi national companies.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Past performance is no guarantee for future performance.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Don't act on free reading as you haven't payed for it to be obligated.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

There you have it . As seen last year by aspects

At $40 a barrel many start to feel the heat.
I wonder what about $30  maybe then they close down drilling.
Today folks you guessed it Goldman came out with a downgrade after what oil is down 50% in a quarter..
NEVER STAY OUT AFTER 2am.. There is only leftovers around.

This is an exact same case...

So is it time to buy ?
Not until June- July

Saturday, January 10, 2015

So who is right!!!!!

Hi readers

I just want to say thanks to all those who ask questions and or give feedback.
Hopefully next month once I have completed all my daily work that I will post my futures trades for all to see.

So we see the market doing its roller coaster moves and by the end of the week it basically back where it started.
Don't let that surprise you as this will be the norm for the next 18-24 months.

Just make a note of Dec 23 closing prices of any market you follow.
In this case I'll use the U.S
S&P 2081
DJ 18024
NAS 4765
FB 80.02
TWTR 37.57

I'll post something regarding these up every month for you all to just follow.

We see soft commodities have come off a fair bit over time and others have just been flat.
For those in the cotton trade this coming year will be a difficult one if your crops are average,while top grades will pay handsomely.
If your crops are poor don't bother spending the money to harvest. You'll just add to the losses.
Cotton will see 50 or even 46 this year.
Forcing many to not even plant for next year.
China is flooding the market with poor grade cotton and it's government subsidies.
So accept it and deal with it..
As best you know how.

In regards to grains in particular wheat.
Russia's isolation for the world trade will have serious affects on the market price.
This is where some countries will buy cheap through proxy Russian agents and the rest of the world will pay up.
Should assist Australia, Canada and the U.S with balance of trade numbers after March.
But all three countries have loads of stock at hand so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Why is Mahendra Sharma so bullish on the market and your not.
Your both at opposite ends of the scale.

Mahendra uses Hindu astrology, I use western astrology.
Maybe the Hindu astrology is showing something western isn't picking up

Thursday, January 8, 2015

How good is that 4% in 2 days

Hi Readers
How cool is that market had lost 4% and with the space of 2 days we are back where we started.
What more can you ask for, so what is the market goes down the fed will save us all..

 If you believe that then you seriously have no idea what's really going on.
Professional money has closed up shop as of Tuesday so moves from Tuesday on are show for the public.
As one guy said to me once something for Bloomberg and CNBC to talk about.
So let's all get into the Xmas spirit and just be happy and just buy and completely ignore the reality which is upon us..
Let's deal with it after Xmas/ new year.
To the commodity people look to buy the grains on corrections.
You have until March to obtain positions before the run begins.
Till then they can still fall with oil dropping.
As for metals there really just not worth bothering with.

Times up for FB and TWTR

Hi readers

Market has bounced back... But has it really?
First for those who want to track my trades
Bought TWTR June $35 puts $3.65
Bought FB June $70 puts $4.11
Short FB $77.03
Short TWTR $38.40
 Liquidated APPL $107.55
This is where I stand on these companies I don't believe in there business models and as far as my work shows they are struggling to make money to warrant these high prices.

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to start putting up a lot more astrological aspects and how they will affect market behaviour.

Euro zone is in deflation mode? In case anyone didn't realise it the whole world is in it, it's just a case of realisation.
When you don't have wages growth then you will never have real growth/ inflation.
You can't keep squeezing people for money and then expect them to spend.
Unfortunately the worlds politicians are do dumb,and don't realise it.
Yes we are still governed by 1960-70 economics.
What they don't understand is the world is growing by about 300-400 million people a year.

Will a banking squeeze risk bank deposits?
The last resort of any bank would be to write off bank deposits.
Commercially it would be suicide and the country would turn to caos.
I would be inclined to do some research on how much of bank deposits are government back.
Also I would look to have your money in major banks not second tier banks or building society.
I remember in the late eighties and early 1990 when the Australian major banks where at risk, they squeezed the life out of borrowers but didn't flinch at deposits..
That's a no go area so to speak.
Same occurred in the US with subprime, squeezing the life out of borrowers but not touching deposits.
Once again if your money is with a smaller bank chasing better rates then that's your risk.
As I said stick with the top tier banks.

Also remember this chance will come to snap up a bargin, be ready for it.

When will things improve?

After 2016 the world will come out of the mess with a solid foundation, to grow.
We will be growing for the next 12 years straight.
But until then a restoration of value and tolerance first.

Why are astrologers not on the same page regarding out look?

I don't claim to be the end all of financial astrology.
Astrology is what it is, it can't be changed with fancy apps or computer models or algorithms.
It's the astrologers expertise which is the difference.
There are others better than me, but I believe I can more than hold my own regarding knowledge of astrology.

As always use the above as a guide to your own work.
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
dont trade on free advice.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year

Hi  readers
Happy new year to you all I hope you all enjoyed time with family and friends.


Market seemed to have enjoyed the Xmas/ New year run up to secure the usual bonuses, which is wonderful if you have suckers who pay it.
But as stated last year or should I say in the previous posts we are in a bear market and this will occur a lot more during the year.
So what are we blaming, as we love to blame something or someone for the 500 point correction!
LOL... As loyal reader know this move up was retail buy with no wholesale selling.

As for oil well $40 my target is looking very rich but we shall see.
Oil is still very negative for at least until June this year, astrologically speaking.

So let's look out side the box for a minute!
When someone or something has the potential to threaten you livelihood you do whatever it takes to protect it.
It's the objective of Saudi Arabia to drop the price of oil so low as to make it unviable to continue projects which threatens them.
The keystone pipeline, Russia, small producers or fracking.
It did the same when a inventor found a way to make cars run on water.
Bought the technology for 3 billion in the 1990's and canned it.

To the Australian readers please watch foreign correspondent on the ABC this week as the truth about these Arab nation will finally come to light. I will try to post a link on it also here when it becomes available.

So as many astrologers worth there salt have been advice all to embrace for the downturn the picture is becoming clearer for main stream people.
But this isn't the time to just hibernate, far from it look for bargains, there everywhere you just have to find them.
Anything which is good and at a 50% discount is worth looking at.

That's being smart
Being stupid is buying something which has only fallen 10%.
Wether it be stock, property or a business.
You make money when you buy not when you sell remember that.


It looks to me like they have had a shit Xmas with drag sales.
Innovation is key for Apple and at the moment I don't see why I need to buy a new iPad or iPhone.
Air to me isn't what we a made to believe.
Looking at Cooks horoscope for the next 6 months it  time to liquidate Apple share and I'm confident that we can buy back Under $75.

XMAS is over and the happy snappys are too. The accidental click of the sponsors on the pages will be over also and the reality will show up.
These companies in my view don't warrant the prices they currently have .
So I'm shorting tomorrow and looking at the 35 Jun15 Puts and the 70 Jun 15 Puts

Gold Prices
At the present time gold will hold its ground and even push higher.
But as you see the USD$ becoming more stronger at some point this will catch up with gold and we will see gold fall in a heap quickly.
Astrologically gold has major head wind in Feb and March.
April will be ok for gold but then come May and June it will nose dive..

How far can Gold go down?
Astrologically speaking maybe $1000.
My personal opinion is gold is not worth a cent above $800 .

Where is the A$ going .
Here there are many factors which the Current Australian government cant do anything about.
I made mention previously that Australia is falling behind the rest of the world regarding its competitive edge.
But as is the case on deaf ears ... yes I did send a letter to my member of parliament when I was living in Melbourne 3 years ago.

The Reserve Bank is playing a very deadly game with the currency, and I understand what they are trying to do but that wont work.

If gold falls out of bed during the negative months then no reason why AUD wont be 70 or even 65 to the dollar.

When do you see the banks demanding more equity in property.
At the present time when you apply for a home loan you are compulsory slapped with insurance on the loan. this is in the event that you cant meet an equity increase and are forced to sell the property as you either have or will default.
If you read the fine print its there its always been there just no one has even realised it as everything has always been hunky dory.
Times have changed now and the banks cant rely on the Federal Governments to bail them out again in the event of a recession or Global banking squeeze.
This will commence in April and really gain traction for the rest of the year.
This is what I see Astrologically.

Even in the US people haven't bought all the supply that is out there, its hedge funds looking to make money by soaking up supply to raise prices on the people.
But as conditions will change this will backfire and many Hedge funds will face huge losses.
That's why its best to get your money out of funds, before they choose to lock you up for 12 months or even 2 years.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
As always don't act on free Advice.