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Saturday, January 10, 2015

So who is right!!!!!

Hi readers

I just want to say thanks to all those who ask questions and or give feedback.
Hopefully next month once I have completed all my daily work that I will post my futures trades for all to see.

So we see the market doing its roller coaster moves and by the end of the week it basically back where it started.
Don't let that surprise you as this will be the norm for the next 18-24 months.

Just make a note of Dec 23 closing prices of any market you follow.
In this case I'll use the U.S
S&P 2081
DJ 18024
NAS 4765
FB 80.02
TWTR 37.57

I'll post something regarding these up every month for you all to just follow.

We see soft commodities have come off a fair bit over time and others have just been flat.
For those in the cotton trade this coming year will be a difficult one if your crops are average,while top grades will pay handsomely.
If your crops are poor don't bother spending the money to harvest. You'll just add to the losses.
Cotton will see 50 or even 46 this year.
Forcing many to not even plant for next year.
China is flooding the market with poor grade cotton and it's government subsidies.
So accept it and deal with it..
As best you know how.

In regards to grains in particular wheat.
Russia's isolation for the world trade will have serious affects on the market price.
This is where some countries will buy cheap through proxy Russian agents and the rest of the world will pay up.
Should assist Australia, Canada and the U.S with balance of trade numbers after March.
But all three countries have loads of stock at hand so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Why is Mahendra Sharma so bullish on the market and your not.
Your both at opposite ends of the scale.

Mahendra uses Hindu astrology, I use western astrology.
Maybe the Hindu astrology is showing something western isn't picking up

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