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Thursday, January 8, 2015

How good is that 4% in 2 days

Hi Readers
How cool is that market had lost 4% and with the space of 2 days we are back where we started.
What more can you ask for, so what is the market goes down the fed will save us all..

 If you believe that then you seriously have no idea what's really going on.
Professional money has closed up shop as of Tuesday so moves from Tuesday on are show for the public.
As one guy said to me once something for Bloomberg and CNBC to talk about.
So let's all get into the Xmas spirit and just be happy and just buy and completely ignore the reality which is upon us..
Let's deal with it after Xmas/ new year.
To the commodity people look to buy the grains on corrections.
You have until March to obtain positions before the run begins.
Till then they can still fall with oil dropping.
As for metals there really just not worth bothering with.

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