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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Times up for FB and TWTR

Hi readers

Market has bounced back... But has it really?
First for those who want to track my trades
Bought TWTR June $35 puts $3.65
Bought FB June $70 puts $4.11
Short FB $77.03
Short TWTR $38.40
 Liquidated APPL $107.55
This is where I stand on these companies I don't believe in there business models and as far as my work shows they are struggling to make money to warrant these high prices.

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to start putting up a lot more astrological aspects and how they will affect market behaviour.

Euro zone is in deflation mode? In case anyone didn't realise it the whole world is in it, it's just a case of realisation.
When you don't have wages growth then you will never have real growth/ inflation.
You can't keep squeezing people for money and then expect them to spend.
Unfortunately the worlds politicians are do dumb,and don't realise it.
Yes we are still governed by 1960-70 economics.
What they don't understand is the world is growing by about 300-400 million people a year.

Will a banking squeeze risk bank deposits?
The last resort of any bank would be to write off bank deposits.
Commercially it would be suicide and the country would turn to caos.
I would be inclined to do some research on how much of bank deposits are government back.
Also I would look to have your money in major banks not second tier banks or building society.
I remember in the late eighties and early 1990 when the Australian major banks where at risk, they squeezed the life out of borrowers but didn't flinch at deposits..
That's a no go area so to speak.
Same occurred in the US with subprime, squeezing the life out of borrowers but not touching deposits.
Once again if your money is with a smaller bank chasing better rates then that's your risk.
As I said stick with the top tier banks.

Also remember this chance will come to snap up a bargin, be ready for it.

When will things improve?

After 2016 the world will come out of the mess with a solid foundation, to grow.
We will be growing for the next 12 years straight.
But until then a restoration of value and tolerance first.

Why are astrologers not on the same page regarding out look?

I don't claim to be the end all of financial astrology.
Astrology is what it is, it can't be changed with fancy apps or computer models or algorithms.
It's the astrologers expertise which is the difference.
There are others better than me, but I believe I can more than hold my own regarding knowledge of astrology.

As always use the above as a guide to your own work.
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
dont trade on free advice.

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