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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Look for bargins

Hi readers

Anyone who has basic knowledge of astrology will tell you that anything said or done during a Mercury retrograde period is wrong.
Which brings me to my point of the fed....
I seriously can't believe that board members and running around talking up a rate rise.
There chance to do so was in June and July and they missed that opportunity.

Yesterday an over reaction to bullshit spooked many small investors.
Institutional traders just pulled orders off and the markets fell hard.
In Australian in particular where overseas dominates trade, market really took a beating.

Many have asked to see my trades and I don't mind posting.
Don't know what purpose it will serve but most want to know.

I took a small clip on the ASX200...all other trades holding.

Open position
NFLX 11000@114.24 short long term
AAPL 12000@ 116.13 short long term
NFLX 5000@110.86 short long term.
BHP.... 15000@$22.51
ES....25@ 1907.75
NQ ....10@4192
NQ....20@ 4125
NQ ...20@4061

Closed positions
ASX200 40....5005 closed 5100
ASX200 60....5005 closed 4953

As you can all see I have a number of open loosing positions including stocks.

Today I will re establish long position in the ASX200 and buy more BHP..(6500 )

These are my trade at the present time.
I don't understand what purpose it will give other than a guide to how I trade, or the way I trade.

The astrology hasn't changed people so the media might be talking about disasters and billions whipped off the value of stocks, to me it's buy something at a discounted price.

I talk to so many people and we know how to look for bargains at department stores, like the 30% of store wide sales yet when it come to the stock market we just freeze up.
The psychology of a human.

An amazing thing it is.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

buy this morning

Hi readers.

For those who want to know, bought the ASX200 hard this morning, also took positions in Dec ES, NAS.
In stocks bought BHP At $22.50

To the NFL lovers, once again the steelers came through, with Green Bay

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Time to get ready

Hi readers

The lunar eclipse is upon us on the weekend..
While many are predicting trouble and potential collapse of the market.
I don't see this happening.
Yes while Monday will be a down day I will be a heavy buyer, as last 2 days of the month are very positive powerful days.
Yes 2 to 3% is not out of the question.

Please also note that it's a pay day month which means most fund managers will be holding of selling to make books look rosy to sway new capital.
I know many of you don't believe or understand it but it's very true.
As performance bonuses are what managers chase.

Those who also trade option might be a good opportunity to trade for a short term.

In news well Yellen is full of shit ..
If the Fed thinks they can raise rates they all need to be drug tested.
The FED is paralysed.

In stocks look at index stocks, and VW is a steal...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Time to just sit and wait, until the right time.

Hi readers

By now many of your who are regular readers will have fully understood how astrology works in the markets.
It's always ahead of the pack so smart trading and decision making is important.
To those who have taken advantage of the dates I put out congratulations on your trading.
If astrology assist you in your trading performance then it's served its purpose.
The fact that you spend 5 minutes reading this blog you deserve every cent you make.

To those who wish to donate funds please do so to something worth while.
I personally have donated hundreds of thousands to Autism.

I'm so thrilled at the present time to read so many doing well with the planning dates.
It's very satisfying.
Even a junior trader who started work at a hedge fund has worked himself up to full associate with his performance over the last 2 months.
Fund is up over 19% overall with his trading up 66% for the quarter.

To the Australian readers who trade the SPI, also cleaned up big time.
Those of you who trade the CFDs congrats seriously.
I say this readers because many have emailed me a copy of there trading statement.

Time has now come to just wait.
Yes do nothing, the astrology isn't strong in any direction so we just wait for the next move.
Please don't sit in trades and hope or watch for something to happen, you will get caught out and loose your money.
Smart traders wait for the right moment to strike, fools go in regardless and just donate to the bankers.
The next move is for a push up but we are some days away from it so do something else, please don't chase the market as it will burn you.
We are in retrograde....

In political events what do you say?
Trump getting stuck into FOX news.
Jed Bush has the guts to open his mouth about Hilary...😩

Then in Australia the conspiracy about Tony Abbotts assistant working for Malcom Turnball.
The rat being Scott Morrison...

As I have said before any international investor should be out of Australian assets.
This country will be in recession within 12 months...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

People become evil when race is used to obtain popularity

Hi readers

What a week it was!
From a fed with no bite, using every excuse not to raise rates, to a potential candidate becoming a racial stir.
What many have to stop and think about has Mr trump has the ability to bring people together for the common good of all.
I say this because whether you like it or not Muslim people are conquering the world by populating it.
The western world is to involved in the bullshit of worrying about the smallest of things and keeping up with the Jone's of the world instead of opting for the simple things in life.

At the present time the ratio of Muslim children being born in Europe is 8to1..
That's the facts people ...
What's more interesting is that there are no controls as in China the one child policy either.
So in the next 30 years what will this world look like. That's why it's stupid and foolish for Mr trump to racially take cheap shots at these people as in the future you will have to work with them.
Muslim people are not bought with money either so take that out of the equation, it's all about the belief, so don't try to change them.

This is Mr Trumps gutter tactics and he his branding the Republican party.
That's why he isn't the right guy to lead for nomination.
This is why if he is up against Hilary, she will win by a country mile .
People are disillusioned with Mr Trump. But paid supporters will support.

Yellen in particular is loosing a lot of here brownie points by not standing up and raising rates.
The fact that the fed hasn't moved has opened the door to the market, this fed chairwoman has no bite.
Another US crisis has been born as of Wednesday last week...
We will see it in the next 9-15 months time.
For now it will just grow legs and expand slowly and it's all because of Wednesday decision.

On the stock front ...
Notice how during the Mercury retrograde we are reading news of APPLE killing it in China.
Complete illusionary crap..
They are practically giving the phones away, at zero profitability, also the I.O.S 9 operations system got launched for download during the Mercury retrograde, expect disasters with the software..
I wouldn't download it as you might find the software freezes up your phones or IPads.

To the amateur astrologers who asked regarding  NFL teams.

Yes if your able to find the birth chart inception of a team and the coach you can predict the event.
The QB has no relevance.
It does take a lot of work to be accurate, but is possible.

Note this that during a Mercury retrograde upsets tend to be more often.
As was the case with Patriots, but you need to do the astrology.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Take it easy with the emails.

Hi readers

Just want to apologise if I hit a raw nerve this morning with the post but it is what it is.
A number of you are obviously Turnball supporters and good luck to you.
I am only interested in the astrology of the event.
On the day and time which this took place was very wrong.
Malcolm's astrology for the next 4 years is also filled with deceit...
I don't care who runs the country.

If same sex marriage, a republic or shit talk is important to you then he's the ideal leader.
Who gives a stuff about tax reform, jobs or opening export markets.
Behind the scene which the media doesn't give a stuff about this is what Mr Abbott was doing.
Media's only interest is to sell papers..
That's why your economy is still growing and not in recession like Canada.
But you don't realise it until it's too late ... A typical human trait.
Refusing to accept what's ahead until it's too late.

If he was a good thing market would be positive today, even a point...

For the Australian readers Malcolm is not trusted by Asia.
That's why the selling today came hard, in response ..
But hey same sex marriage is more important than economic prosperity.

The bottom line is that Malcolm should be a political reporter not a politician.
As he knows everything about anything... This is seriously going to be a circus.
Let's see when Malcolm Pluto/ Mercury squares up in February.
He won't know what the hell his saying, just like Julie Bishop. Young but stupid at times, great future but needs to learn more.

So please before you email your anger towards me, I'm only state what the astrology is showing.
As I said it's not good going forward.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The illusion compared to reality.

Hello readers

So for the dooms day believers market didn't collapse as many uneducated astrologers predicted.
As I said before the blood moon is nothing special, the eclipse this time around is very illusionary and we  have seen how it's started to affect many.
From political parties changing leader in Australia to the Chinese now want to punish manipulators/short sellers.
In the U.S. everyone is on edge about a potential rate move ,which I can not understand for the life of me.
Money has been for free there for the last 7 years and now that the fed wants to raise rates everyone is panicking that the dollar rise and kill exports.
In the grain market wheat had a good day and others followed.
For those who play the option market seriously look at call options for next year.
If wheat isn't around the $650-700 level next year March or earlier I'll be disappointed.

First I seriously want to make the point to all international investors .
If any of you have investments in Australia to sellout now, take your money and either wait or look elsewhere.
Australia will now slide into recession within 12 months starting from this date.
It won't be a case of weather the storm recession either.
There will be serious trouble and with a party who loves to be a media favourite, it's no one now that the country will fall quite hard on tough times.
As for the rats who have distablized the party with internal fighting, your political ambitions are over as you have branded yourselves. ( how dumb)

The eclipse has seriously hit the party where the illusion of  being on top in the polls will be evident yet you will loose the elections.

Readers STUPIDITY IS A DISEASE , once it starts it just keeps spreading.

When we say an illusionary eclipse it affects everything which has an emotional attachment.
It could be sport, markets , ideas you might have .

Example : in sport with the NRL the favourite lost roosters/storm game..
Or the AFL hawthorn/west coast  or my beloved Richmond lost against North Melbourne.
Which I knew was to be the case and put a packet on North.
This energy will stay with us for at least 3 months so please don't be surprised by outcomes you experience.

In stocks nothing has changed as far as I am concerned, NFLX is a dog stock , and AAPL is now producing irrelevant technology.

Readers I can tell you all we have signed a contact to give advice on innovation ideas to Samsung.
So for this reason I won't be giving any further ideas out on how to innovate moving forward.

David from New York, demand your people to innovate not release recycled technology.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Apple fizz, Carson hopefully, Abott ideal

Hi readers

First I just want to apologise I should of said for the 9th after midday AEST.

I stayed up to see the presentation from Apple on there new devices and there was nothing new to want me to buy it.
I'm tell you as of this day professional money is liquidating this stock.
It might take 6-9 months before this stock seriously starts making good innovation in smart phones but at the present time as a friend of mine said its present wrapping.( same present different wrapping paper).
To the reader David in New York, who says he is in senior management!
Happy to talk to your CEO on development and launching dates as right now your company is a deer in the dark.. Totally lost in regards to direction. More worried about opposition that developing great products.

To the Australian readers who have been bombarding me with emails.
The astrology is not favourable to the Australian economy at the present time.
As I have said before if it wasn't for Hocking and Robb ( government ministers) the economy would be in recession.
Companies would have used the economy as a reason for dismissing thousands of people out of work.
No unfair dismissal issues and gotten away with it scot free, no legal issue what so ever.
Looking forward a change in government will trigger the above regardless of your political views and beliefs.
The fact that the labor leaders astrology is so weak should he get into government in the future Australia could face the worst recession in its history. I DONT SAY THAT LIGHTLY EITHER.
So even tho the current government doesn't have many admires believe me when I tell you that the strongly astrology it has is holding up the economy.
Mr Turnball's astrology is showing self interest aggressively, his not fit to govern .
Ms Bishop will be a very strong leader but not yet, she is in the 1 year of a 4 year transition and needs time to be groomed and understand the responsibility of government not to be a media respondent to every issue that arises.
For the time being Tony Abbott is the ideal leader for the party.

For the American readers.

After six years of being out in the wilderness the Republican Party have finally found a dam good candidate in Mr Carson.
His astrology is very strong in uniting people.
Yes even stronger than Obama, and he does have the ability to be a powerful leader for the world to admire.
Something Clinton had, Bush burnt it , Obama tried.
Should he win next years elections american will be a power house economy.

Can he win against Hilary Clinton, the answer is yes.
Both have good charts but with B.Carson's Jupiter at 12 degree's his more likely to inspire more wealth creation of all people in a harmonious way.
Hilary's jupiter is at 16 degree not much differents to the naked eye but it's there to an astrologer.
She more likely to inspire women and the want to achievers to achieve. Cutting the red tape so to speak.

But the first issue the Republician need to show is have they grown up and learnt from there mistakes.
Can they allow a black man to govern or are they prepared to let him be the face while the White boys club govern!
This is the most fundemental  question confronting this party.
If they let Mr Carson govern then reader this world will be a much better place in years to come and the Republican Party could govern for at least 2 decades.
The rest of the candidates are recycled gifts, we know what they are about and we just hand it over to the next party we go to.
Except for trump, he is the wild card which will open serious wounds for the country.

Monday, September 7, 2015

For the planners

Hi readers

This post is for the planners, those who are curious to see financial astrology work.
Also the option players who want to get ahead of the move, and the amature astrologers

We have an action packed month of astrologically.
First we have the solar eclipse and this blood moon.
There is no Stockmarket crash, so put that to bed.
There is however a massive dose of illusions about to be thrown upon us.
Market will settle down with controlled government intervention across the world soon.
Giving the markets the idea that the China trouble will be over but it won't be.

The lunar eclipse will trigger a rally of a couple of hundred S&P points.

Also we have the Mercury retrograde period which starts on the 17th and finishes on the 9th of October.
As always don't buy any electrical goods, also please double check all appointment and don't sign anything during this period as errors will be exposed after the 10th.
Please note this Mercury placement has a major implications on vehicles.
So please don't buy any and if you drive please slow down and take care.

Look for opportunities in the direction the astrology is strong in.
Should the astrologyg not agree with your own work then please just observe.

9th up after midday
11th up
13th solar eclipse illusion levels at 100%
16th down
17th Mercury retrograde
18th choppy down
21st up
22nd down
27th lunar eclipse triggering a rally
28th down look for buy opportunities
29th up
30th up
1st October up

Mark these into your calendars and see how they read the market.
Please note I'm not trying to be the godfather or any stupid ideas that have been thrown up at me.
Just pointing out how astrology can read market psychology, before algorithm programs and indicators.

The dates above can be used for DAX, DOW ,S&P , HANG SENG and the ASX200.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

quick update

Hi readers

Markets are some what subdued today so I thought I'd post and do some research.

Many have you have asked about the blood moon which is coming up, next week.
I'll look into it and get back to you on it but it doesn't look like a crash potential. Far from it it looks like a bottom of many sectors and a collapse of other so will look into it and update on it.

In regards to the planning for the month ahead a number of you have liked the idea of having the dates to help you with your understanding of how astrology works, so will post up the month ahead later on.

In regards to teaching, im sure the Internet has plent of good teachers out there.
I'm not interested to teach.
The basic of astrology is first understanding what each planet affects.
Second it understanding how moons affects people.
Third is understanding how planetary movement in each house affects.

This will take you a good couple of years to fully understand.
I totally understand how many of you couldn't put that type of commitment in, that why I sometimes can understand the fee's that are charged.

What I can't accept is demanding huge fees from small traders.
Which is an unviable business option.

Yes I am also aware that people do bullshit also but at the end of the day KARMA is a wonderful law.
So I'm happy to post what I have been but not prepared to go to the next level just yet.

To the hedge fund managers who are readers of the blog, welcome !
There are no special previliges here, everyone is on the same page.
The only rule I have is that you either tip or donate once a month to anyone should you make a profit.
Good for the soul, karma and good energy will also come back to you.


A$ will continue to slide, it's the only thing the RBA and the government can do to stimulate growth.
In fact it's a good thing for the exporters to expand markets, which they lost to the U.S. over exchange rates.

In the equities the major concern is that there are so many traders wanting to sell stock at the present time in China that this slow and steady approach is very wrong.
Here in Singapore property developers have put constructions on hold until they are able to liquidate shares to free up capital.
I know this for a fact as one company has suspended all construction until they have access to capital,  which is devaluing daily.
Banks can't call in loans either as it will snowball the market here.
So you seriously have a major problem here.

In commodities look only at the grains and softs.
Not the metals or energy.

The U.S. has to now be very careful about the approach it takes as a potential Japanese style stagnation is now on the table from the astrology that I am see and the numbers that are coming out at the present time..
Please remember that astrology is looking 6-12 months ahead now.

Friday, September 4, 2015

There is still more to come .

Hi readers

So how did astrology perform since we put up the astrological aspects for each day...
That was put up for all to see how astrology works.
For those of you who like planning traders and for those who wanted to see astrology in advance.
Without pay the crazy fee some are charging.

Yes to get to the expertise of financial astrology takes time and hard work, but the rewards are worth it for those who are thinking of getting into it.

This was posted on the 20th August

For those who want to plan.
19th down
20th down
21st down
24th up
25th up
28th down
31st down.
1st up
2nd up
3rd down
4th down.
Above is the raw astrology for the U.S.,Asx200, Dax and Hang SENG.

As you all can see impressive .
Sure the was a day there which was wrong but as you will note it was the bottom followed by a double dose of a positive move the next day.

Number and figures mean absolutely nothing to astrology.
So to charts and indicators.
While they look great and can enhance ones entry and exit points at the end of the day you need to weigh up the time spent to that extra little bit is it worth it.
Some times it can also work against you.
But that's up to each individual's view and belief.

As  for the stock trades, both NFLX and AAPL.

News of AAPL getting more serious into Apple TV crunched NFLX stock.
That's complete crap!
More Wall Street bankers needing an excuse to dump the stock from the China expansion disaster.
Please don't get sucked into illusions the market throws up or the media people want you to believe.
DTTC Japan or Foxtel haven't even begun to seriously take on NFLX  yet.
Note as an retired hedge fund manager you always sell a good news story, as you know that small non professionals will buy the media reports.
Pure rubbish has been coming out of NFLX  in the last week to boost the stock price up.

As for the darling stock AAPL  they really need to talk to an astrologer about launch dates.
They are so wrong in timing and content that I am becoming worried at the potential stock falling under $50 if they are not careful.
Almost every year there is a new IPhone, yet the content is nothing special where you must have.
If you look at the iPhone 4 and the IPhone 6 almost no difference.
Yet now we will have iPhone7  Sep 9..

So to my friend DAVID, why would I buy a new phone.
No reason too.
 Sure they have a great APP business but for how long before Google and MSFT  JOIN UP TO TAKE A SERIOUS CHUNCK OF THAT BUSINESS.
All they need to do is reduce the rates of the App and programmers will flock to them.
Apple doesn't have a serious dominates in the market as it once did 5 years ago.

Something to think about before buying the stock I guess.
Also with a strong dollar margins are getting squeezed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

It's only getting worse.

Hi readers

So is the reality starting to set in.???
This is the money question so many are asking!
My view is not yet.
When analysts are say that it's just one set of bad numbers that's foolish.
Others are saying its China and its always been volatile . Again stupidity is a disease readers.
Yes there is more to come so hold your powder dry on buying is my view..
Whether it's property or stocks, just wait, discounts are on the way .

To the RBA, holding its nerve and not cutting was smart.. Need to keep as many bullets as possible for the emergency which is coming.

As for the market well what do you say ?
For the market to be going down on positive astrology is very dangerous.
So until this changes I won't be trading the long side.
Yesterday took longs on the S&P at 1944 and got crunched at 1923... Very nasty .
So please, even professionals are loosing money now which is creating a very light spread market with small volumes.

In stocks I'm still holding my shorts in both AAPL and NFLX ( did increase size on Friday ) with the bullshit news on NFLX.
Sure NFLX is obtaining market in Australia and Japan but not at the rates many are reporting.
Giving people 30 days free usage to see what's avaliable is NOT a paying member.
Don't be of the opinion either that DTTC or FOXTEL isn't going to give them a fight for business.
They will defend and increase the stakes on NFLX.
But for some reason US fund managers think this is a walk in the park for NFLX.

AAPL the growth in China bullshit LOL.
Doesn't he wish he never said that now...
Waiting to see how they will meet expectation on sales for the quarter or even half year now.
For AAPL to grow needs to push the limits to 3 or even 4D on it iPads..

( That's for those who have been asking for solutions to problems).

Upgrading of phones and iPads has been small to the end users.
Sure light and better resolution but that's cosmetic.
I'm talking about giving people a reason to buy there products.
3 or 4D would push the consumer to want to buy.
Kids would push mums and dads to buy the new devices because of the games being so real.
Sure it's pushing the limits but that's the challenge for AAPL.
The App business would need to be rewritten also increasing revenue.

( So David from New York there is the strategy which Apple needs to take, not the craps of lighter and slimmer).

BECAREFUL trading readers