This blog is based on astrological aspects and interpreted in a market format for people to understand how astrology can foresee much further than man made computers. Advice given for free is not taken seriously as you didn't pay for it. Had you paid for this advice and not acted then your a hypocrite Make what you will of it, be entertainment or informative. PLEASE SEEK FINANCIAL ADVISE FROM YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISOR ..Thank you
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Thursday, December 24, 2020
Astrological stock forecaste 2021
Hi readers
2020 was a year where a good spec company will become a great company in 2021 and a good company has become a rubble.
Lets look at the companies in review and yes I wont rant ( ok I'll try not to).
ABR.ax currently overvalued
The currently $1.50 a cent off its all time high has so much going for it.
Management has delivered what they have stated and the stock is going from strength to strength.
With production to commence in the second half of next year and with US listing to also come, I dont see why is can't move higher.
When we look at the astrology on the company there are no negative aspects until 2023 October moving forward.
From August 2021 the stock should move to beast mode higher with the Venus jupiter trine at 5 degrees.
KZA.ax currently fairly priced
The stock has come back from its hype mode of $1.78.
Management has the capability to executeas they have stated which isnt unexpected if you look at the astrology of this company.
With Future results of tests coming through the company is only in its early stages.
The Astrology looking forward has a wonderful venus transit from march 2021 to May 2021 and then again in September-November 5th where something unexpected with the Jupiter Mars sexstile will run the stock higher.
Looks as those it will grind during other periods sideways.
DXB.ax currently undervalued.
The company has a number of drugs on the go and with all in testing results will surprise.
DXB Astrology is loading up.
What I mean by that is that the ducks are aligning but they wont be fully aligned until Mid 2022.
There is a number of Uranus aspects that will surprise the market with there testing that will propell the stock higher, but the company will need further funds and will be looking to tap the market for money.
I'd be waiting for the blow off on results and then selling it and waiting for it to come back and then rebuying.
Uranus brings sudden bursts by they wont last and they will come back down when they wane.
Managements does have good astrological aspects and will execute what they say which i do like.
KFE.ax currently fair value.
This company cant be trusted.
Previous management has thrown away the positive astrology it had to make things happen.
Moving forward KFE does once again have positive astrology in May.
The Jupiter Mercury trine From April on will have the market looking at the stock.
The new people will be believed and the stock will appreciate in price.
As soon as I get my money back I'm moving on.
HMX.ax currently fair value
This company is a lotto ticket.
At its price of 3.5 cents why not.
The beauty about it is that its got a Jupiter Venus trine Sun.
What that means for the amatures is that they have the potential to hit gold.
Problem is that the Pluto Saturn square is going to restrict them in what they want to do as a possed to what they can do.
I can see land rights issues which will limit its potential, but in saying that it can still rise much much higher than 3.5 cents.
Management has Moon Venus trine which is hard working and out to achieve, so I cant see how this stock will stay at this level in 2021.
Frm.ax currently undervalued
This company is a dog, very simple.
Unprofessionally run, no confidence by the market.
Astrology still has a strong Mercury Saturn Square, with Neptune Node opposition.
The company still has restrictions on growth, while they will talk up there agenda no one is listening.
Mid 2022 the company might start to see growth.
BUB.ax currently undervalued
This company has no direction and lacks ambition.
Management lining there pockets on pathetic watermarks, bordering on kindergarten management.
What's more stupid is that shareholder agree with giving bonuses to D grade management.
Shareprice is where it is because there is no vision no ambition from management, so much so its now turning into a staple.
Astrologically Mercury Uranus semi square, no one believe's in the company.
Saturn Tsquare no one is pushing the envelope, everyone include management is doing what just need to be done to keep there jobs.
The company does have Jupiter Sun Trine from March to June again has a Venus Moon August.
The Blood moon Eclipse should shake the company up and make things happen.
If it doesnt then shareholder will need to piss all of the management off including the board.
The above is an astrological outlook on stock.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
I am not a financial advisor.
I am a financial astrologer and use astrolgy to forecast movements in stocks.
Christmas wake up call
Hi Readers
So its Xmas and santa has treated everyone well.
Stock markets around the world have powered up well and so to have the crypto markets and commodities.
One thing many forgot is that we are in a xmas market where most professionals have closed there books until the second week of Jan.
That also means for the crypto markets so what do you know the exchanges instigate a dumb on all alt coin whipping out most of this years gains in a day.
While many are freaking out about it Im not surprised and there is a lot more to come going forward.
Yesterday we had the ideal play on Crypto coin UBT and sold out of positions, and today the coin lost 25% of its value.
In Feb when these crypto market crashes these coin could be a lot lower.
Yes while bitcoin has had institutional support this will not continue after Jan 20th, and yes I anticipate bitcoin to halve in a week of blood bath activity.
Before you start emailing just remember we did call the first top in 2017 and did call the move up in bitcoin in July2020, so listen and protect yourselves.
If i'm wrong then you loose a month of gains, but if I'm right then you will be able to buy double the amount of bitcoin with the same money.
From what price it falls i do not know but one thing is for sure it will halve.
For the gold bugs you last hoha is coming in January, after that gold is going down for a while, and yes $1200 2021 is more than likely before $2000.
To the stockmarket traders it will be about sectors, market will struggle moving forward in the first 3 months, you wont be able to buy and hold as was the case 2020.
You will have to trade buy when down and sell when up.
Stock selection will be another huge advantage.
Politically if Trump doesnt take office american's will never accept Biden as there President.
Yes China and America will kiss and make up and the markets will approve with big moves up, But the chinese economy will struggle 2021.
There is a hell of a lot of bullshit being spun in the hope that people dont realise truths by governments.
People will be brided further with more free money while the covid game is played out but at what cost.
The debt zombie companies and people racking up could destroy the banking system.
The dollar will become the safe heaven not gold.
I dont see a good year for cryptos or commodities 2021 regardless what people are saying the astrology does not support the hype in cryptos.
Stock selection and grains will do well 2021, not metals and energy.
I hope 2021 is a better year than 2020, merry Christmas to you all and thank you for spending 5 minutes to reader the blog I hope you have all made money in 2020.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
The above is an astrological view of 2021.
I am a financial astrologer not a financial advisor.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Solar Eclipse 23sag08 Optimisum
Hi Readers
For the Astrological students The Solar Eclipse on the 14th Dec at 23 degrees of Sag looks to be a powerful optimist.
As you’re all aware Sagittarius is the ultimate optimist and given half a chance can rise and show promise.
At the degrees is showing it’s more likely that people around the world will find a new spirit to move forward.
People will start to wake up from the govermental bullshit spin regarding Covid.
If 99.7% of people are recovering from it why do we need a vaccine which is 99.5% affective.
It will be a wonderful enlightment that media/goverment lies wont work going forward.
In regards to what most of you are concerned about assets will show a powerful move high. Regardless of what is being said in media circles don’t be fooled by this energy.
Yes Stock markets will make new highs and so to will some Crypto assets but they won’t last long.
The fall is far greater than the current rise coming.
But the human mind will play havoc with what you’re seeing to what is reality.
Afraid OF Missing Out.
Solar Eclipses tend to work a week before and 6 weeks after so look for lows and highs.
Please be careful in your trading activity as those who have been struggling leading into the Eclipse will see a change and those making money into the eclipse will see losses.
Only trade what you can afford to risk.
I am NOT a financial advisor, I am a financial Astrologer.
As always the above is based of astrological aspects.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Friday, December 11, 2020
ABR is powering ahead
Hi readers
Once again we see ABR.AX making new highs, management sticking to what they have said all along.
While companies like BUB.ax are simple dogs as no bond/placement holder has any faith in Management or the board to execute real growth or serious performance targets.
Management are simply milking shareholders money by awarding themselves cheap options while the company isnt profitable yet.
Im trying to find the wonderful business plan which said they would be profitable at the end of 2020.
Oh yes we will have the Covid bullshit spin pop out for not hitting that milestone.
But we will get the glossy photo and sales pitch from Kristy.
I have a feeling we might see the china trade issue string out too.
You would like to think that by now w3ith the chinese investment in the company that there on wonderful terms.
To the cryto readers Im not looking to buy anything at the present time.
These current falls are just a small drop in the ocean compared to whats coming.
You need to be patient and just wait.
My buy list for Feb I'll post next month as we come closer.
Posting now would just stir you up to buy now when prices will be 30% lower.
Looking at the current astrological climate volitilityin assets hasnt even started yet.
As always the above is purely based of financial astrology.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
I am a Financial astrologer not a Financial advisor
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Solar Eclipse energy has started
Hi Readers
As we are witnessing the volatility in markets, its only the tip of the iceberg and will increase over the next 10 weeks.
All thanks to the Solar Eclipse.
No market or asset will be a safe haven.
Yes not even gold but not going to try and convince you of it gold will itself do that for you.
In the Election drama there is clear evidence beyond reasonable doubt that Fraud played a major part in the democrat’s illusionary victory.
What the democrats just don’t get is that trump is not a politician, and for that he will exposed the fraud that’s occurred.
Normal poli’s just take a huge amount of cash and go on there merry way, but to Trump its ego and he will never give it up.
If he goes down his taking the whole system with him and the question is are the democrats willing to accept that or live to fight another day.
To the crypto currency readers as your witnessing nothing goes up in a straight line.
Enjoy it while it last as I don’t believe we will see these prices for a while after this year.
Yes I know everyone is talking big numbers for 2021 but my astrology just doesn’t see that happening.
With the Solar Eclipse triggering a number of planetary aspects, we will some massive volatility in the weeks to come.
In relationships, in public announcements, in Crypto markets, in stock markets, lies will be exposed, people will rebel.
The one bright line is that grains will start a massive bull run which will see them double in price, wheat in particular.
Corn and beans will increase a good 40-50%
In crypto markets I can see a crash and a halving in prices, originally I was seeing a $5000 fall in Bitcoin but that’s no longer the case.
A halving looks more likely and if Bitcoin gets nail I’m sure the alts will follow.
It’s for this reason I say only hold what you know is good and you believe in the projects.
In stocks the volatility will be very nasty simular to back in March 2020.
It’s for this reason I say only hold stock that your happy to ride through the mess we are moving into.
I’ve said to hold cash and wait for bargains as they will come, but without money you have no chance of taking advantage of them.
Metals will not be storage of wealth either.
As I said metals are only worth what someone is prepared to pay for them.
I’m not trying to freak you anyone out I’m just stating what the astrology is showing going forward.
Yes after the damage which will be inflicted on the market in the first Calendar Quarter the stock market will recover and yes will make new highs.
But I don’t see the crypto market making highs at all in 2021.
Yes there will be projects that will make things happen for there coins but overall I don’t see the Bitcoin on a tear up.
If anything Bitcoin has been sucking out Gold ETF funds, that’s propelled the price, but as that slows down or stops we’ll see where the price stops at.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Im a financial astrologer not a financial advisor.
As your financial advisor on more on the above.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Gemini Lunar Eclipse
Hi readers What an interested market we have at the present time. Crypto markets
are rising and so is the stock market while the commodities are falling away.
You have to ask yourself what the hell is going on. So first lets look at the
astrology. We have just had a lunar Eclipse in Gemini. As long time readers know
they tend to bring bottoms and tops in Markets 1 week before the event and 5
weeks after the event. 6 week period is where you will see this play out. With
the Gemini Eclipse there is two sides to every story. What people start now will
gain acceptance now but will end up failing or having issues which will turn
people against them. Politically in the US the fraud was ripe and its there for
all to see. Wether the people accept it is another thing, but it has been
exposed. In France the racism against blacks or Arabs by police has come and
will seriously escalate. So much so that France now is moving legislation to
stop people from video taping police brutality.(revolution here we come ) It
will be a crime if you videotape police brutality with a jail sentence. In Australia
the tic for tac jabs between Australia and china will continue to escalate.
China wants Australia to bend the knee to it and will continue to put pressure
where it hurts ( financially). Australia over the last 15 years has become
China's bitch they just didnt want to accept it and now china will flex its
Muscle. Australia is begging for the Chinese to send the students back to the
Universities and come back and buy homes to support the dead housing market. Its only a matter of time before the Chinese jail anyone who purchases property in
Australia or there family members. In the US 1.8 million registered postal
ballots got sent out in one state and 7.3 million came back. How is that
Possible without fraud. Australian reserve bank goes on a spending spree and
buys the banking stocks to capitalise them and the media thinks the market is
healthy. As soon as they stop the ASX falls 180 points in 2 days. Another form
of free money to banks. Australias housing market debt now stands at 2.9
Trillion, All the banks combined are not worth that much so I hope you all
understand why The kitchen sink is being thrown at the property market to save
it from falling. oh dear. In the crypto markets US FOMO is ripe and has
propelled bitcoin to near its all time high. As I said in previous post there is
no more protection and we saw what happened on thursday, one min it was 18,500
and the next minute it was 15800. This sort of moves will continue. For those
who want to know I have sold out of my Litecoin, and am just holding the coins I
intend to keep. Yes raising more cash and happy to just wait for an opportunity
which will present itself . As always please use the above as an indicator to
your own work. The above is based on financial astrology. Ask your financial
advisor on more on the above, as I am not a financial advisor.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Another tick for Astrology KZA
Hi readers
It's great when a company executes what they say and even tho its early the signs are promising.
Today we saw one of our astrological picks {KZA or KZIA} do its thing.
Yes we did put it out there to all who wanted to buy it[40-50cents} and today the investment has paid for itself, closing at $1.57.
But there is far more upside in the stock going forward but it will take time.
For those who want to know yes I did sell some shares today as the time had come to take some money off the table.
Yes I still do own a fair amount of shares.
Liquidated about 35% of my holdings.
Now should the shares come back in price I will consider repurchasing, but until then better the money in my pocket.
A number of weeks ago I posted a post regarding good management and crap management.
I clearly stated that ABR would be higher in price than BUB,yet at the time bubs was higher in share price.
As you have all witnessed by now bubs is trading at 72 and ABR is at 86.
Now the board wishes to paid the CEO Kristy Carr performance rights options.
You tend to do this when a company puts high watermarks so the CEO has an incentive to make things happen.
Well in BUBs case its a bloody joke.
The same watermarks are given to Kristy as what Dennis lin had last year.
Great incentives BUB shareholders.
Yes 10 cent options...
So before you accept this shit ask yourself are these watermarks real or are they just a money printing game for them.
As far as Im concerned they all need to be given the boot.
its a management orgy and shareholders are paying for it.
By the way to those who took up the Cap Raise, for what, stock is lower that the cap raise price for weeks..
Makes you wonder if institution really rate bubs management/ I think not.
To the crypto readers.
As you can see this is where we said the potection is ending.
Bitcoin was trading at 18300 this morning and this afternoon got down to 16700.
Newbies would be freaking out, where as those in it 2017 would now understand how FOMO works.
Yes it can go higher but it can also fall too.
Just becareful, better to be prepared with money than be prepared with no money.
Its been around for years that when prices come off whether its stocks or Crypto it means nothing to so many as they dont have the money to take advantage of it.
When you have cash waiting to be put to work and the chance comes you can take advantage of it .
Perfect example.
In March this year ABR got down to 16 cents {i know because I was buying it }, yet a month earlier the stock was in the 40 cent area.Yes I was buying it at 33 cents 2 weeks before it got to 40 cents.
Nothing changed with the company it was just the market reaction to covid.
Company was still doing its thing so I was buying truck loads.
Thats how you make serious money, not follow broker reccomendations or charts with lines.
As long as whatever happens out there doesnt affect the investment you want to do then CHANCE COMES TO THE PREPARED MIND.
Same with the Bitcoin in March bitcoin was at $4000, Yes i was buying it. covid was never going to affect bitcoin.
Stop paying attention to media muppets who have no idea about investing.
Simply be retail shoppers, when trouble is around.
you dont need to do courses to invest, all you need to do is be shoppers, look for bargins and buy up when you know there is no affect on a companies business your investing into.
Common sense.
As always I am not a financial advisor.
The above is based on Financial astrology
use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Chaos is coming
Hi readers
This week we have some huge astrology which is going to start kicking in.
It's important that you review your assets as shocks will start to occur unexpectedly in markets.
Regardless of what you might think all market will be affected.
In stocks look at the companies you have and if there in profit, then its ok to take something off the table.
I'm not saying the will fall apart, if there run well your simply reducing the risk of your holdings.
The same with the crypto coins.
I'm not saying bitcoin will fall back to 5K but there is a chance it could come back to 10K.
If you dont need the money and your happy to hold then do so.
Yes assets can still rise over the next 3 months but they can also fall too.
For those of you reading/watching media reports on the economy, its all bullshit.
IF the economy was firing as reported the interest rates would be higher not at all time lows.
Central banks are printing double the amount of money they have said as they know full well its not enough as it was Quoted {estimated projected numbers}.
In regards to property we can see the Sydney property market falling quicker than what is being reported, and those in the know are trying every trick in the book to withhold information sales.
Its a gravy train which feeds many parasites and it's in no ones interest to see house prices fall except buyers.
Once it gets to dangerous levels we will see the government say that they did this to help first home buyers buy a home.
Thats why Im not a fan of property investing, I'd rather be liquid and able to move around than being stuck in property.
I'm already getting emails of sellers being told that they cant get the prices that they want.
One agent has told a sydney owner that he cant see how he can get the price he paid for the house back in 2016.
In Melbourne property market has open but trying to sell a home over $2 million and you'll be waiting, yes in a prestigous area.
So dont think that Melbourne will weather the storm, it wont.
As for apartments thats a worse outlook.
So just be liquid and when an opportunity comes you can pounce.
For those who want to know yes I have sold my bitcoin at $16100, I've also sold other coins too and holding others Im still down on.
I still hold 10 bitcoin but the majority I've sold.
With the chaos thats about to start in the US, I dont want to be too exposed in cryptos.
If Trump does win the stockmarket will explode and the crypto market will suffer.
If BIden wins the stockmarket will stagnate/fall and the crypto market will drift.
So when your not sure just stay out and wait, this is why we said chaos is coming, because of fraud.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
the above is based on Financial astrology.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above, as I am NOT a financial advisor.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Protection time frame is running out.
Hi readers
Hope your all well and making plenty of money.
If you followed the astrology you would be doing ok, if your following charts and analysts, well good luck.
All this time we have had the protection of planetary movement which has keep market assets well secure so to speak.
But that time frame is about to end and yes the market can still trade higher but its buyer beware.
Risk is now shifting so Im putting it out there so your all aware of it.
With Mars going Direct on Friday we could see some election fraud pop its head up.
I dont know why so many people are freaked out by it.
Its been going on for a while and until it all becomes digital on the blockchain it will continue.
Yes even in Australia we saw election fraud
its done with the postal votes and people also vote on the day.
Yes and those monitoring are paid off to look the other way.
Once its on the blockchain it cant be changed and is authenticated.
As you can see in the market we have what we call chaos.
Many predicted falls while others predicted gains then we had the vaccine card game play out, but didnt get the reponce many in the know anticipated.
Yes thats right the vaccines that just took 6 months to develop.
You need to ask the question readers something isnt right.
We cant find cures for cancer yet we find a vaccine for covid?
I wish you all the very best those who are going to take it.
by the way you will need 2 shots to change your gen code as not to reproduce.
so if you want to take it great good luck but dont force your kids too.
I nor my family will not be taking it regardless of what anyone says.
Just so your all aware it doesnt matter who wins the election the astrological protection which has served assets well will fade by the 15th-18th Novemeber.
So Just look at reviewing all your investments, whether its share or crypto coins and understand we could see a correction of some sort.
Those of you who bought cryptos back in July or August as mentioned previously its time to think about taking profits.
I'm aware that many are calling for 20k bitcoin US but my astrology doesnt support this call, and infact Im almost tempted to call under 10K before 20K bitcoin.
Yes there will be moments where they can and will explode higher in price (bitcoin) but right now I dont see that astrologically.
So please look at your investments and decide what you want tot keep going forward even if it falls 20-30%
As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
I am a financia astrologer not a financial advisor
Please seek professional advisor on the above .
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Bitcoin Accumulation
Hi Readers
It's great to see how many of you have started to look at crypto coins.
I'd be a buyer of them before buying investment property or metals in a heart beat.
With no middle men to take a slice of your money either, when purchasing or selling.
Its appears that this time around large Institutions are the buyers of Bitcoin no retail investors as was the case 2017.
2017 was a case of all the cowboys and retail playing in a casino.
This is not the case now where your seeing professional money buy and hold the coins as apposed to trading.
Professional money has been quietly buying daily Bitcoins and taking them off the exchanges as no to fluster the market.
We never hear about it as they dont want anyone to know whats really going on.
We are distracted by world events yet one particular wallet hold close to $60 billion worth of bitcoin.
Now lets get one thing straight.
You dont accumulate this amount of bitcoin for a trade as you could never sell it out to someone else.
Your only buying this amount of bitcoin for a 5-10 or even 15 year investment.
Yet your being told that Bitcoin is a fraud.
Has reality awaken you up yet.
Forget about Paypal or Microstrategies investment in the space they gave it media attention.
Lets start naming some of these corporations in the space.
Then we have some of grayscales clients who some of you might be aware of.
Yes the Rothschild investments and a number of Quietly run Funds have been investing in bitcoin without anyones knowledge.
So dont think for a minute that these guys dont sit at a barbeque chit chat about how they can continue to corner the market.
Lets not forget people 21 million Bitcoin thats it.
These are just the US funds moving into the space.
You dont think for a minute that the Europeans are just going to sit and watch there American counterparts get the advantage on them.
Boutique banks are obtaining Custodian Licenses in Europe, yet keeping quiet about it.
While I would love to post some of these companies also legally Im unable to due to copywrite.
So as you can see its not hard to be able to play with huge money in the crypto markets, you just need to be smart.
To our Australian readers Whats going to happen when the superannuation funds are going to get burnt from the property correction.
You dont think they will want to look at investing to recoup losses or to actually grow your promised unfunded super.
Just putting it out there so you're all aware as in the next 2-5 years should Trump not win the election I anticipate huge increases in this space.
The above is based on Astrology.
I am not a financial advisor and you should seek professional advice.
As always use the above as an indicator to you own work .
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Alternative investment Crypto coins
Hi readers
Yesterday's update hit a raw nerve with a few readers so lets just entertain the idea as some would say.
The last research that I did shows 92% of the world criminal activity is transacted in the US dollars.
So if Bitcoin is used big deal, its not like its the end of the world.
The US currency has and always will be the biggest money laundering currency in the world and that will never change.
The reason why it is, is that the US government is the biggest criminal organisation,and that will never change.
Everyone world wide will accept US$.
SO you just need to settle on the idea that organised crime will steal your bitcoin.
It cant and wont as they have tried (Google) and failed.
People can only steal your coins if you send them out or if you keep them in a hot wallet, on an exchange.
But with the security that most exchanges have its difficult now to hack at will.
Below are companies that have already begun to store wealth in Bitcoin thats why your not seeing the volatility there was back in 2017.
While many traders are hoping for those days to return they will never happen again.
There is professional money in the game and cowboys cant dictate movements as was the case previously.
Crypto coins need to be active in development if they want to see appreciation of there coins.
Where as in the DEFI space at the present time is cowboy country.
You could double your money or loose the lot, theres a number of puppets programmers sucking out peoples money.
Id be very cautions about getting involved in that space.
Looking at the astrology it seems as tho 2021-2022 could be tough years for the crypto markets, but after that they might just explode.
These are the times that you look to accumulate good coins back by solid projects not fluff and hype.
Please do your own homework before you consider these and if they are suitable for you.
Im sure there is some good projects out there which I dont know about but These are the ones I hold and if I could change any it would be Litecoin.
While it has got the astrology to become, and we saw with PayPal announcing it's one of 4 coins it will only accept going forward, the good programmers have moved on.
The other 3 are Bitcoin,Ethereum and Bitcoin cash.
While my intel years ago wasnt as good as it is now in the space I'm now well informed of developments.
All of the other coins I own are investments for years to come, not short term.
If your looking to invest short term then forget the crypto markets.
These are investments where you buy and forget you own them and check back in a year.
Thats how you make serious money not chump change.
Last year Bitcoin was at $9500 now $13K
Last year Chainlink was at $2.93 now $11.60
We can go through them all but the point is its long term, and liquid.
Unlike property investments where every year you pay the rates, maintanence,and just to sit down and sign you have to pay stamp duty.
So be mindful of your options and dont just invest for the hell of it.
Look into projects see if they become something, dont just listen to dumb asses on youtube telling you to buy property.
Just let you know 10 years ago Bitcoin was worth 81 cents ..
As always the above is based on Financial Astrology.
I am not a financial advisor.
Please seek professional advice before investing.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Deflation we are in
Hi readers
So the central banks are going to create inflation for us all so they can stabilize the monetary system.
This isnt possible with the actions they have all taken.
The numbers being printed up on screens and being hoped that banks would lend it out isnt working.
Banks are continuing to hoard the moeny and accept .025% is better than nothing.
So the next move by the central banks will be to go net negative on rates.
Thats hoped that banks will lend this out.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result.
Fact is the banks know exactly were there at with their customer loans and they are not prepared to loan out when they know full well they wont get there money back.
Right now you might not be able to see it but banks around the world are being nationalised.
Governments are taking over as banks dont have a choice.
They need to take this money on offer as not doing so exposes there books to bad loans and rotten past mistakes.
Central banks cant now come out and say for the last 30 years we have cut all inflationary items from the inflation numbers.
That would be like prep economics.
So there only way is by creating a digital currency and measuring it on digital purchases.
Problem they dont realise is that the blockchain is audited and is accounted for so there is not bullshitting around.
Its for this reason at the moment there all looking at it but trying to find a way to play with the numbers/measures to suit themselves.
Imagine they start this then 5 years down the road there is 10% inflation,wholesale lending rates will explode to 8%.
The repo rate pushed 1% higher late last year and if the fed didnt step in the credit market would have collasped.
So to the crypto traders out there the central banks are looking for keys to be able to manipulate the numbers.
But as we all know the Blockchain runs on ledger and can't be hacked, believe me they have tried and failed.
To the gold believers there might be one more push up but I think this is as good as it gets price wise.
I just can't see how gold can trade higher in a deflationary enviroment.
Silver will go higher in time due to solar/battery but gold I don't see it.
Above comments are based on Financial astrological views.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Hi readers
So we have come to the time when the planets are starting to shift around.
Markets are near their highs in both stock markets and crypto markets.
The real world is starting to see the benefits of investing and inter grading with the digital world.
The real world is starting to see that they have lost control of the monetary system and have no idea how to stop it.
By putting even more restriction on mainstream they are able to dictate how the future will look.
A number of you wont understand where I'm coming from but some of you will.
While this Covid shit is nothing more than the common flu the IMF and WHO has been able to Orcastrate governments to follow their own agendas without long term detriments.
By this I mean they have conviced people that you can obtain the covid by touching cash money which is rubbish.
Businesses have be swayed into implementing touch and go transactions.
In case you are not aware touch and go transactions can be tracked but people are too stupid to realize it.
For those who think covid is real.
38 volunteers from 4 different countries had snot from active case people injected into them..
3 days later all came up negative cases, 6 days later still negative.
So while governments are playing this bullshit game there is a hidden agenda.
We are all being told that there is an injection which will protect you which is rubbish.
The injection there talking about but will never tell you is to stop the reproductive system working.
Depopulating is the end game.
No conspiracy theory here people just facts, I have nothing to gain by telling you this.
The problem these establishments have is Trump, thats it.
I dont care who you vote in the US elections but his the thorn in this game being played out to perfection.
Here is Melbourne we have the most laughable government.
A fortnight ago small business Hairdresser open here doors and didn't care if she was going to be fined.
Yes the police turn up to fine her, and she tore the fine up in front of them.
She told them "if I dont open I will lose everything, if you find me I will end up broke, so I dont care".
A day later the government allows hairdressers to open up but everyone else remains shut.
What does that say about the stupidity of Government.
We are currently in the mercury retrograde so anticipate more delays Melbournian's.
Mercury goes direct on the 3rd November, yes on the US election day, a lot more crap will come out about Trump, the media must obey to their masters.
But Trump does hold some aces and with the direct on the day expect the media polls to once again get it wrong again.
The one issue is Fraud which is already ripe and happening as we speak.
The astrology does look nasty going forward, but depending on who wins, can mean a parachute jump or not.
Because come March next year if people dont wake up from the current zombie state that there in and call out governments they will lose everything and yes I mean everything.
No superannuation, no 401K nothing.
Example 50 million people live in NEW YORK. NEW YORK has 36,000 police they dont stand a chance.
Example 5 million people live in Victoria. Victoria has 21,400 police again they dont stand a chance against people power.
The above is a astrologial reading and is in no way financial advice
Ask your financial advisor as I am not, on more on the above
Thursday, October 8, 2020
General view
Hi readers
First I just want to say how good are the Packers, We are going to the superbowl baby yeah...
A lot has happened since our last post, so lets see how we go.
The US presidential election is an abosulute joke.
We have the debates and Joe Biden has an ear piece, telling him what to say and do and the moderator doesnt call that out!!
Trump one minute say there is no relief support until after the election and then 6 hours later changes his tune.
I'm betting trump was short the market and needed it to fall so he could cover positions and go long for the next day.
its sad that people are being used as political footballs.
Markets in general are just ploughing around,up down and up again.
Central banks have no idea what they are doing and its the tax payers that will fit the bill to all these money printing ideas.
There are no free lunches in this world, please understand what I'm telling you.
Even the Australia government just put down a budget of spending in the hope people will spend.
What people dont realise once you sober up from the bribe your recieving GST on food will follow close behind.
That will more than cover the spending and tax breaks.
Now as we all know once a tax is on it never comes off so the people will be the end loser.
Yep disposable income will take the hit.
Property investors i really feel for you guys.
I dont know where or how you can possible escape without taking a serious hit.
Most are already down 15-20% and dont even know it yet, its when victoria opens up and banks come down on the property investors that you will see the blood pour.
Victoria is the state which has 690,012 properties vacants at the present time.
Those looking to buy wait time is your friend.
Money is cheap so your capital is earning you equity and you dont even know it.
To stock investors look at the stocks your holding.
If your comfortable holding them great, if not think about disposing them.
Moving forward isnt the time to be worried about investments.
As stocks could start to fall at the end of the month.
My only concern to that is that I dont see a massive fall straight away.
It more likely it will be a slow release down move.
My concern is that its far more likely that this Covid bullshit plays on into next year then we will have issues.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Seek professional advice on the above.
I am a Financial astrologer and the above is based on planetary movements.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
KZA and the US election
Hello readers
So we are seeing some nice moves in DXB and in KZA (KZIA).
For the beginner and the amateur astrologers learn financial astrology.
It's important to look at planetary move and where all the aspects are stationed at the birth chart but it far more accurate once you integrate degrees in the equation when evaluating the company's birth chart.
Yes you do need to look at the CEO's chart as well to obtain a good understanding of intentions.
KZA.ax has had its pop and while there is more to come in regarding news and developments late in the year and next year I'm prepared to take a good 20% of my positions off the table.
Just to raise some money and be ready for another opportunity which might pop up.
DXB.ax is trading up slowly but until we see a 100% return no need to liquidate just yet.
I've done the astrology for the US elections and chaos is coming.
The democrats are such a corrupt party that it's starting to worry me what they stand for, the elected a man who has is as corrupt as they get.
A liar, who has used the loop holes of government to enrich himself and every single member of his family.
Unhealthy with stage 2 dementia who can't to the basic things and this is the person who wants to win the presidency! Seriously.
Yes Trump is a dark horse and we at least we know what his about.
His a patriot where people don't really understand what's his aim is.
The American media is so left that it's no wonder that there always out for blood at his news conference.
Calling him a racist and anti Chinese it's all but that.
The Chinese have slowly been buying American with there own money through the negligence on the Obama administration which the lair Biden had organised.
It's for this reason and why the astrology is so strong of corruption by the democrats that all bases are being covered to make sure Biden wins, but I doubt this will be the case.
The American people aren't stupid and they know what's going on.
While the media world in the US pump out anti Trump news and comments, there once again going to find themselves wrong with there predictions.
Yes a Trump victory is at hand but we won't know until mid December I suspect with the fraudulent votes which will be exposed.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
I'm not a financial advisor, I'm a financial astrologer.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above issues.
Sent from my iPad
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Crypto market
Hi readers
As you can all see the crypto market is firing on all cyclinders.
We are in that beautiful venus aspects which will push prices much much higher.
Yes the market will have its days yes it goes down but again same with the stockmarket there the times to be a buyer.
These moves that are occurring with be until the second week of october of which then will be the time to look at liquidating, yes there will be euphoria and many of you will be some what hesitant but the realisation will come home too roost.
both in stock markets and crypto markets.
As voter fraud is exposed on bothsides markets will react and limit downs are possible but until then enjoy the ride, as we have potection from current aspects.
One other point id like to make for all the superannuation members in Australia.
Dont think for one minute that your safe, your not!
The top superfunds in Australia are 40% minimum exposed to the high rise property sector, which is earning Squat.
Superfunds are refusing to wear the rightdowns of there property holdings on there books as it will mean a negative return to there holders.
As most of you arent aware of it find out how much if your super is in property and make sure you get out now and move it to full stockmarket exposure, not property.
As always as your financial advisor on more on the above.
I am a financial astrologer.
The above is purely on astroligical aspects which are about to take place.
As alwYs do your own reseach.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Deflation not inflation
Hi readers
Markets are powering ahead as expected and while many might be waiting for the second wave down by looking at the past and charts it's not going to happen for a while. Again the flood of money that in the market can't hold the market down. It's those professionals who are talking that it's not over are the ones who have missed the boat and have explaining to do to there members. Once again there is no astrology to forecast a down move until the second week of October. Yes the market is trading higher and is disconnected from economy but that's what happens when you flood one sector with cash. The only thing which is going up in real terms is food. In case some of you didn't know China is starving and is buying everything it can to feed its people, metals are only a matter of time before they collapse in price. Yes the gold and silver traders will start emailing me but I just checked and gold is under $2000 again and will be under $1900 soon. If there was inflation gold would be out $3000+. I've just started doing the astrology for the US election and all I can see is fraudulent voting the whole election will be corrupted with fraud, which is sad. Right now it's a 75%-25% trumps way. But I'm not prepared to put money on it as I was last time around when I was 95% sure Trump was going to win. On our stock trades we put out a couple of weeks ago both are looking quiet good. With further announcement from both regarding developments I don't see why they can't trade higher DXB.ax ,KZA.ax ,KZIA. As always use the above as an indicator to your own research. Ask your financial advisor on more on the above. I am a Financial Astrologer and the above is based on astrological aspects.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Hi readers
Its was a wonderful day today on the market.
A few months back I said that there we come a time where ABR.ax share price will be higher than BUB.ax.
While many said that BUBS had a business model that is proven,I questioned managements ability to execute.
Back then June 4th I put the acid on both the board and on management of bubs.
Bubs share price $1.08
ABR share price 0.64 cents
Fast forward to today
Bubs share price .89 cents
Abr share price .83 cents
So now you can all see what Im talking about.
Bubs management is incompetent, and it starts with Kristy, its nothing personal its just a fact that there is limited direction into the companies forward move.
Until shareholders start to understand this and hold management to account we arent going to see any share price appreciation.
The other issue is that time is running out for Bub to become what its ment to be, a serious play not a puppy player.
I hope that shareholders start to understand whats going hold management and the board to account.
In regards to Abr its steady as she goes, company doesnt start production until next year but the fact that there smart about there appointments says something about management.
For the younger readers as I have said before when researching look at who is running the company and why would he be doing it instead of running a blue chip and banking the millions.
Stop looking at charts and start reading peoples motives.
Yes Im aware your not all going to understand astrology and thats why you need to investigate management and boards.
Here another fact or you all Kristy at BUBs has sold million of share while the MD at ABR hasnt sold a share.
Makes you wonder about real motive.
As always the based on Astrological aspects
This is not investment advice, should you require ce please seek it from a payed professional advisor.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
General views
Hi readers
As you have noticed by now the cryto markets have been powering higher as stated.
Sure there will be some sharp moves up and down but the majority of the time they will be pushing higher.
But please be aware that the astrology does change after the first/second week of October and the moves will be brutal.
2021/2022 could be the most distructive years for wealth creation so please be smart.
As we move forward I will explain what the astrology is showing but for know its smooth sailing higher.
Have you noticed the deflation enviroment we are currently experiencing.
Foods and share stock prices are rising but everything else is become stagnate.
Im witnessing property prices being quoted at one price and then being settled at much lower levels, one property lower than the 2016 purchased price. theres plenty more where that came from too.
While astrology has anticipated the current event in the property market i have no sympathy for those who jumped on the property illusion.
Banks are in the business of writting up loans they dont force anyone to take them up same with a casino, doors are always open its up to you if you choose to walk in.
For those who want to know 41% of home loans have defaulted twice.
52% of home loans have defaulted once in the last 3 months in Australia.
thats telling you how badly the banks are leveraged into the property bubble which they created.
Yes the government will bail them out should they find themselves in trouble.
just incase you want to know of the numbers that almost over a trillion Australian dollars.
So there will be no foregoing of any loans im told.
The human side of this is another story ..
Example( husband and wife with 2 kids want to get a divorce, house is to be sold less than what the house mortgage is, house is under both names so both need to pay the balance.Both dont have the funds to pay or support the kids so what happens!)
Its disasters like this that you wonder what the hell is going to happen to both the kids and the individuals involved.
Banks dont produce anything there only there to suck the life out of morgagees, so please live within your means, regardless of what anyone thinks or believes.
I put governments in the same boat, the population is being bribed into giving up there rights and in turn the government is starving middle class out of there wealth.
I put the question to all of you who are reading this.
Our medical staff in hospitals are wearing all the protective masks and sanitation, and yet they are
contracting this fugazi diesease.
That proves that masks and sanitation doesnt work so why force it onto people.
Victoria has become a communist state, whether you like it or not thats the truth, which is so sad.
NSW is next with cases rising and then hey will be force to wear masks and the bullshit continues.
Incase you think Queensland isnt going to get it think again.
The one good thing Queensland does have people dont give a shit and people arent babies.
There is no remmedy for stupidity.
As always the above is an astrology point of view on current event.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
smooth sailing ahead.
Hi readers
By now you can see what we stated previously that the market will go one way and that is up.
Sure you'll get the odd day down but the majority of the time the markets will rise.
Please don't listen to the bullshit analysts who come your TV sets and talk about excuses as to why the market will fall.
Over the next 4-6 week they will all line up to spin there shit.
Bottom line is they simply missed the boat and need a correction to jump back in.
The fact that so many hedge fund managers have missed the present move up that there looking for a way in.
I saw that both George Soros and Warren Buffet are sitting in cash, should we be concerned .
No because the fed is backstopping the market till November.
After October planets turn and the trouble starts.
In regards to the crypto currencies as of the 18th pressure will start building , as there being artificially held back the development that's occurring in the sector is quiet incredible.
A lot of the main coins have been left behind while the alt coins are developing new technologies to improve the way we communicate and live .
Yes Bitcoin like gold is a storage of wealth.
What does that really mean?
Storage of wealth means if it's worth a dollar today it will be a dollar tomorrow. That's it .
It doesn't gain any value regardless of what you might think.
It's investment that gains or looses value.
Yes something only increases in value if there is another party prepared to pay a higher price for it.
Please understand this as many think buy gold is safe.
It's not it's the same as buying a share or a crypto currencies.
Another thing I'd like to point out to many of you all these forks that have been created by Bitcoin are nothing more than a dividend for holders.
There isn't anything behind it.
Yes I do own Bitcoin and lots of it but I can assure you I will be selling it all in the coming months.
As there has been no development in it.
Other coins that's are worth just dollars have seen huge development and partnerships.
Yes I do research on the dark web and there is information which turns up regarding this sector. The amount of active partnerships between both mainstream tech companies and crypto currencies is unbelievable yet we don't hear or see anything through the media channels which is so sad.
Today we saw a nice pop on ABR.ax
As your all aware it won't be until next year when production will commence.
For those who have invested in it the project its almost been totally deleveaged so the only way is a slow grind up.
Should it have traded in the low 50 cent area the answer to that is no! but that was a magical buying opportunity for those who did buy it.
I haven't sold any shares and have just been accumulating to the point that money ran out.
I wouldn't be buying at these levels as there is still 11 months away before money can be made by the company.
Bub.ax is supplying its local market and busy with that. The export side of things is still there but slowing down.local side has picked up the slack.
KZA and DXB are slowly drifting with news soon expected.
KFE.Ax I don't trust management
FRM.AX has started selling and exporting eggs to Singapore and Japan.
This will show up in there numbers and hopefully we might see a pop in August .
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
I'm not a financial advisor.
I'm a financial astrologer and all the above is based on astrology .
By now you can see what we stated previously that the market will go one way and that is up.
Sure you'll get the odd day down but the majority of the time the markets will rise.
Please don't listen to the bullshit analysts who come your TV sets and talk about excuses as to why the market will fall.
Over the next 4-6 week they will all line up to spin there shit.
Bottom line is they simply missed the boat and need a correction to jump back in.
The fact that so many hedge fund managers have missed the present move up that there looking for a way in.
I saw that both George Soros and Warren Buffet are sitting in cash, should we be concerned .
No because the fed is backstopping the market till November.
After October planets turn and the trouble starts.
In regards to the crypto currencies as of the 18th pressure will start building , as there being artificially held back the development that's occurring in the sector is quiet incredible.
A lot of the main coins have been left behind while the alt coins are developing new technologies to improve the way we communicate and live .
Yes Bitcoin like gold is a storage of wealth.
What does that really mean?
Storage of wealth means if it's worth a dollar today it will be a dollar tomorrow. That's it .
It doesn't gain any value regardless of what you might think.
It's investment that gains or looses value.
Yes something only increases in value if there is another party prepared to pay a higher price for it.
Please understand this as many think buy gold is safe.
It's not it's the same as buying a share or a crypto currencies.
Another thing I'd like to point out to many of you all these forks that have been created by Bitcoin are nothing more than a dividend for holders.
There isn't anything behind it.
Yes I do own Bitcoin and lots of it but I can assure you I will be selling it all in the coming months.
As there has been no development in it.
Other coins that's are worth just dollars have seen huge development and partnerships.
Yes I do research on the dark web and there is information which turns up regarding this sector. The amount of active partnerships between both mainstream tech companies and crypto currencies is unbelievable yet we don't hear or see anything through the media channels which is so sad.
Today we saw a nice pop on ABR.ax
As your all aware it won't be until next year when production will commence.
For those who have invested in it the project its almost been totally deleveaged so the only way is a slow grind up.
Should it have traded in the low 50 cent area the answer to that is no! but that was a magical buying opportunity for those who did buy it.
I haven't sold any shares and have just been accumulating to the point that money ran out.
I wouldn't be buying at these levels as there is still 11 months away before money can be made by the company.
Bub.ax is supplying its local market and busy with that. The export side of things is still there but slowing down.local side has picked up the slack.
KZA and DXB are slowly drifting with news soon expected.
KFE.Ax I don't trust management
FRM.AX has started selling and exporting eggs to Singapore and Japan.
This will show up in there numbers and hopefully we might see a pop in August .
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
I'm not a financial advisor.
I'm a financial astrologer and all the above is based on astrology .
Friday, July 10, 2020
September 30th secret is out
Hi readers
So it's official but unofficial the banks in Australia will be underwritten by the Australian government.
Actions taken over the last couple of days has confirmed this with the RBA happy to keep propping up the big 4 banks.
Now for the bad news which shouldn't surprise you at all.
All banks are training teams of managers to provide financial options to mortgage loans which will come out of defer state September 30th .
Banks are not stupid and are looking after there investors and shareholders before there customers.
As they are fully aware of what's coming and won't hesitate to force sales on people with any equity in the loans.
Those who are not servicing the loans at the present time you are in the firing line.
Right now we are see investors putting up property for sale which has been bought in the last 2 years.
Obviously hoping that can at least get there money back, but in Sydney we are see property missing the mark by a long way.
There are a few mortgage auctions in Sydney this weekend and it will be interesting to see at what level of participation comes through.
While numbers are high at auctions I think people are looking at evaluating there own properties.
Just my personal view but I will be surprised if any houses sold in the last 2-3 years have any equity after September 30th.
On the commercial side it's no better.
Foot traffic is what makes these businesses tick over and if it's not there then there is no chance of businesses making ends meat so to speak.
It's surprising that landlords live in dreamland by refusing to budge on rent, and that's why we are see massive empty stores across famous streets.
Looking at the astrology I think by Friday17th numbers in Melbourne will start falling away.
Till then they might keep climbing.
Next will be NSW turn and so on.
As always the above is not financial advice.
I am not a financial advisor.
I am a financial astrologer.
Ps special thanks to the people who contacted me with the banking information.
So it's official but unofficial the banks in Australia will be underwritten by the Australian government.
Actions taken over the last couple of days has confirmed this with the RBA happy to keep propping up the big 4 banks.
Now for the bad news which shouldn't surprise you at all.
All banks are training teams of managers to provide financial options to mortgage loans which will come out of defer state September 30th .
Banks are not stupid and are looking after there investors and shareholders before there customers.
As they are fully aware of what's coming and won't hesitate to force sales on people with any equity in the loans.
Those who are not servicing the loans at the present time you are in the firing line.
Right now we are see investors putting up property for sale which has been bought in the last 2 years.
Obviously hoping that can at least get there money back, but in Sydney we are see property missing the mark by a long way.
There are a few mortgage auctions in Sydney this weekend and it will be interesting to see at what level of participation comes through.
While numbers are high at auctions I think people are looking at evaluating there own properties.
Just my personal view but I will be surprised if any houses sold in the last 2-3 years have any equity after September 30th.
On the commercial side it's no better.
Foot traffic is what makes these businesses tick over and if it's not there then there is no chance of businesses making ends meat so to speak.
It's surprising that landlords live in dreamland by refusing to budge on rent, and that's why we are see massive empty stores across famous streets.
Looking at the astrology I think by Friday17th numbers in Melbourne will start falling away.
Till then they might keep climbing.
Next will be NSW turn and so on.
As always the above is not financial advice.
I am not a financial advisor.
I am a financial astrologer.
Ps special thanks to the people who contacted me with the banking information.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
state government is a corporation
Hi readers
Today's I thought to post due to the pathetic events that are occurring in Victoria.
Talk about political manoeuvring.
Government in Victoria knows full well that the commission homes will comply with there adgenda as there putting the heavy on the vulnerable in our community.
So let's look at the facts the Victorian government is a corporation listed on the NYSE.
Police swore an oath to the constitution not a corporation.
So why are they policing a corporation law.
Makes you wonder what we are allowing government to get away with .
For the record just so you all know the commonwealth iof Australia and every state in Australia is a corporation which is listed.
Politicians have been able to manoeuvre in such away that we the people are loosing our rights.
Do some research on it you will be amazed at what you will find.
As the eclipse is passing through this next week will be a testing week for the financial markets.
Use this dip that's coming to be bottom fishers.
Make sure you have a shopping list and act accordingly.
A dollar devaluation is upon us soon and with that you will see a strong move up in the markets.
To the grain farmers hold your crops in storages as it will pay itself handsomely.
To the trDers out there be smart while we are in retrograde. Levels will be broken only to fly up and down through them.
Position yourself to the next 3 months as manywont believe it possible but it will occur.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above issues.
I am not a financial advisor.
Today's I thought to post due to the pathetic events that are occurring in Victoria.
Talk about political manoeuvring.
Government in Victoria knows full well that the commission homes will comply with there adgenda as there putting the heavy on the vulnerable in our community.
So let's look at the facts the Victorian government is a corporation listed on the NYSE.
Police swore an oath to the constitution not a corporation.
So why are they policing a corporation law.
Makes you wonder what we are allowing government to get away with .
For the record just so you all know the commonwealth iof Australia and every state in Australia is a corporation which is listed.
Politicians have been able to manoeuvre in such away that we the people are loosing our rights.
Do some research on it you will be amazed at what you will find.
As the eclipse is passing through this next week will be a testing week for the financial markets.
Use this dip that's coming to be bottom fishers.
Make sure you have a shopping list and act accordingly.
A dollar devaluation is upon us soon and with that you will see a strong move up in the markets.
To the grain farmers hold your crops in storages as it will pay itself handsomely.
To the trDers out there be smart while we are in retrograde. Levels will be broken only to fly up and down through them.
Position yourself to the next 3 months as manywont believe it possible but it will occur.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above issues.
I am not a financial advisor.
Friday, July 3, 2020
Stockmarket casino
Hi readers
If you ever wanted to see a casino at its best, welcome to the stock market.
It's obvious that those who have culled there superannuation out are in the market day trading with little to no experience, and there just feeding the sharks.
Perfect example of it this week with ESK.AX up 1000% intraday only to come back to reality.
Any daytrader who is even trying to make it would know you don't touch a stock after it's gone up 100% in a day with any announcement regardless.
Yet the regulators ASX compliance didn't even bother to pause the stock trading for an hour.
The asx like any other blood sucking department is only interested in the fees it collects nothing more.
To the poor traders who bought the stock at $3.50-$3.70 and there was a few that went through can now sell them for 91 cents and by next week will be back at 30 cents.
So much for looking after retail investors ASX.
For those of you who have jobs over $120K your jobs are on the line in the next 10 weeks.
Companies are cutting staff and there doing it under the Covid bullshit.
There is a total lack of transparency over the job keeper hand out and companies are taking full advantage of it.
A elites furniture store manager I know just had a record month of sales and management won't take them off Jobkeeper.
The guy would have made at least $3000+ a week yet his only getting the government scrap money $750.
Good luck trying to pay a mortgage on that let alone eat and pay the bills.
The AFR stated that 3000+ off the plan buyers forfeited there deposits ($85million+)as they couldn't go ahead with there purchases, but what they didn't realise that they will have to pay even more costs if the builders have to discount there apartments, it's called a make up.
The dominos are starting to crack readers.
While the real economy will start contracting you won't see the Stockmarket react to it until November onwards, but then again it won't surprise me if the do another make believe lockdown again.
To the astrologers out there we have the Saturn retrograde Capricorn.
Yes it's affecting The total east coast of Australia with a might force.
So if you want to know what going to happen in the property market look at WA. Yearly slump.
To the everyday people a reality check into what's important and wants not is upon us.
Who you are and who you want to be need to be reassessed, this is the Capricorn side of the zodiac.
If you are true to yourself then you'll come out the other end in a much stronger position than you are currently in today.
This is the Saturn (cleaner) upon us all.
If you ever wanted to see a casino at its best, welcome to the stock market.
It's obvious that those who have culled there superannuation out are in the market day trading with little to no experience, and there just feeding the sharks.
Perfect example of it this week with ESK.AX up 1000% intraday only to come back to reality.
Any daytrader who is even trying to make it would know you don't touch a stock after it's gone up 100% in a day with any announcement regardless.
Yet the regulators ASX compliance didn't even bother to pause the stock trading for an hour.
The asx like any other blood sucking department is only interested in the fees it collects nothing more.
To the poor traders who bought the stock at $3.50-$3.70 and there was a few that went through can now sell them for 91 cents and by next week will be back at 30 cents.
So much for looking after retail investors ASX.
For those of you who have jobs over $120K your jobs are on the line in the next 10 weeks.
Companies are cutting staff and there doing it under the Covid bullshit.
There is a total lack of transparency over the job keeper hand out and companies are taking full advantage of it.
A elites furniture store manager I know just had a record month of sales and management won't take them off Jobkeeper.
The guy would have made at least $3000+ a week yet his only getting the government scrap money $750.
Good luck trying to pay a mortgage on that let alone eat and pay the bills.
The AFR stated that 3000+ off the plan buyers forfeited there deposits ($85million+)as they couldn't go ahead with there purchases, but what they didn't realise that they will have to pay even more costs if the builders have to discount there apartments, it's called a make up.
The dominos are starting to crack readers.
While the real economy will start contracting you won't see the Stockmarket react to it until November onwards, but then again it won't surprise me if the do another make believe lockdown again.
To the astrologers out there we have the Saturn retrograde Capricorn.
Yes it's affecting The total east coast of Australia with a might force.
So if you want to know what going to happen in the property market look at WA. Yearly slump.
To the everyday people a reality check into what's important and wants not is upon us.
Who you are and who you want to be need to be reassessed, this is the Capricorn side of the zodiac.
If you are true to yourself then you'll come out the other end in a much stronger position than you are currently in today.
This is the Saturn (cleaner) upon us all.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Inflation or deflation
Hi readers
So inflation is an environment where both asset values and valuations increase with the ample amount of money floating around the system.
Employment is easy to come by.
Wages are supposed to follow the trail with goods and services including at the end of the cycle.
The economy is supposed to feel the slush of money going around, with depreciation levels low due to the level of money floating around.
A Deflationary environment is when money is tightened, paper assets are stagnant or falling.
What you tend to see is depreciation levels rise considerably, and property values play the same tune as paper assets.
Employment is hard to find with low wages and services come down in prices.
The one thing that does increase in prices is essential foods.
The one thing to consider which seriously confuses so many old fashion gold believes.
Gold isn't a hedge to the dollar or a reserve currency.
I've heard the $5000 an ounce on gold when I was a hedge fund manager 15 years ago and there still playing the same tune.
The current money being poured into the financial system isn't being filtered into the economy therefore your not going to see any inflation.
Even tho $6 trillion was pumped into the financial system your not seeing the same bang for the buck as 2 trillion went to hedge funds to bail them out of the loosing position they held.
The other 1.6 trillion the fed is buying the debt from every zombie company out there.
Money needs to be pumped into the Economy not assets.
The stupidity of old men running an economy, people tends to innovate in a time of adversity, economies fall into recession to clean out the excess. The fact that this isn't being allowed to run its course only enhances the kicking the can down the road scenario for future generations to deal with.
Are we the most incompetent generation where we expect government to do everything for us.
Government are only meant to protect of from threat of an aggression.
It's in the Constitution in Australia, UK and in the US constitution.
Now they have been allowed to run out lives and continue to increase there power with this bullshit virus, which is the flu nothing more at the present time .
So inflation is an environment where both asset values and valuations increase with the ample amount of money floating around the system.
Employment is easy to come by.
Wages are supposed to follow the trail with goods and services including at the end of the cycle.
The economy is supposed to feel the slush of money going around, with depreciation levels low due to the level of money floating around.
A Deflationary environment is when money is tightened, paper assets are stagnant or falling.
What you tend to see is depreciation levels rise considerably, and property values play the same tune as paper assets.
Employment is hard to find with low wages and services come down in prices.
The one thing that does increase in prices is essential foods.
The one thing to consider which seriously confuses so many old fashion gold believes.
Gold isn't a hedge to the dollar or a reserve currency.
I've heard the $5000 an ounce on gold when I was a hedge fund manager 15 years ago and there still playing the same tune.
The current money being poured into the financial system isn't being filtered into the economy therefore your not going to see any inflation.
Even tho $6 trillion was pumped into the financial system your not seeing the same bang for the buck as 2 trillion went to hedge funds to bail them out of the loosing position they held.
The other 1.6 trillion the fed is buying the debt from every zombie company out there.
Money needs to be pumped into the Economy not assets.
The stupidity of old men running an economy, people tends to innovate in a time of adversity, economies fall into recession to clean out the excess. The fact that this isn't being allowed to run its course only enhances the kicking the can down the road scenario for future generations to deal with.
Are we the most incompetent generation where we expect government to do everything for us.
Government are only meant to protect of from threat of an aggression.
It's in the Constitution in Australia, UK and in the US constitution.
Now they have been allowed to run out lives and continue to increase there power with this bullshit virus, which is the flu nothing more at the present time .
Monday, June 29, 2020
More money on the way
Hi readers
Much has been said about what's going on and the markets will collapse and see the March lows again. Nothing can be further from the truth.
The Trump administration will again pump more money into the Stockmarket regardless of the ramifications next year.
The problem which is becoming a major concern is that the Volcker rules which where put into place after the last bailout are being revoked.
While this sharada of the Covidvirus is playing the bankers are loading up the ammunition for the next bull run.
Yes it dangerous and yes it will blow up within the next 36-48 months for the time being it's steady as she goes.
There is no collapse in the financial system or anything like that yet.
Yes investment banks will explode in years to come and maybe the whole system, but for now it's fun and games and we are off to the races as normal.
The current fall in the markets is just a pure book squaring process EOFY, bonuses and redemption process.
Many are ask the great question of are we in an inflationary move or a deflationary move .
While many don't really understand the difference I'll explain both side and you can make your own mind up, in the next post .
Much has been said about what's going on and the markets will collapse and see the March lows again. Nothing can be further from the truth.
The Trump administration will again pump more money into the Stockmarket regardless of the ramifications next year.
The problem which is becoming a major concern is that the Volcker rules which where put into place after the last bailout are being revoked.
While this sharada of the Covidvirus is playing the bankers are loading up the ammunition for the next bull run.
Yes it dangerous and yes it will blow up within the next 36-48 months for the time being it's steady as she goes.
There is no collapse in the financial system or anything like that yet.
Yes investment banks will explode in years to come and maybe the whole system, but for now it's fun and games and we are off to the races as normal.
The current fall in the markets is just a pure book squaring process EOFY, bonuses and redemption process.
Many are ask the great question of are we in an inflationary move or a deflationary move .
While many don't really understand the difference I'll explain both side and you can make your own mind up, in the next post .
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Stocks going forward
Hi readers
It's been a while since I've post another investment opportunity.
Since my fathers death I have focused on the bio tech stocks.
Companies that have the potential to do good for mankind.
Sure there is financial reward behind it but it's more about doing the right think for the human race.
Because looking at the current events out in the world today and it's starting to bother me that people are becoming gullible to media shit.
Both these stocks I have done the astrology on them and look at there financial balance sheets.
Sure this second wave proper gander could dip the markets so you needs to be cautious about how you go about it.
The cent here or there is irrelevant to me as I'm looking at dollars on these stocks.
Do your own research on them and I will look at releasing the astrology on the stock over time .
Kazio has duel listing on both the ASX and the NASDAQ KZA.AX and KZIA.
Dimerix is also listed on the ASX
These stocks are in the biotech industry with trials underway. Both have huge astrological charts which will be successful companies going forward.
As alway please do your research on the above mentioned companies.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Past performances are no guarantee for future performance.
These are research of financial astrology.
It's been a while since I've post another investment opportunity.
Since my fathers death I have focused on the bio tech stocks.
Companies that have the potential to do good for mankind.
Sure there is financial reward behind it but it's more about doing the right think for the human race.
Because looking at the current events out in the world today and it's starting to bother me that people are becoming gullible to media shit.
Both these stocks I have done the astrology on them and look at there financial balance sheets.
Sure this second wave proper gander could dip the markets so you needs to be cautious about how you go about it.
The cent here or there is irrelevant to me as I'm looking at dollars on these stocks.
Do your own research on them and I will look at releasing the astrology on the stock over time .
Kazio has duel listing on both the ASX and the NASDAQ KZA.AX and KZIA.
Dimerix is also listed on the ASX
These stocks are in the biotech industry with trials underway. Both have huge astrological charts which will be successful companies going forward.
As alway please do your research on the above mentioned companies.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Past performances are no guarantee for future performance.
These are research of financial astrology.
Friday, June 5, 2020
Lunar eclipse
Hi readers
It's been so exhausting of late with all business activities occurring that I've forgotten to put up work on the lunar eclipse.
It's a Sagittarius moon being eclipsed by some very interesting planetary aspects.
Venus is presently retrograde so while these two planets going forward are huge for the creative minds, with the eclipse they are making us question what we are doing.
As we are all in the midst of this bullshit corona virus we have all gotten into habits we other wise wouldn't have or have gotten into thing that have taken so much of our time with little reward.
As the solar eclipse approaches changes need to be made now before they will be forced upon you.
This can meaning anything in life or things that your doing.
I can tell you that I for one have got into an egotistic vendetta against a particular brokerage firm.
This will obviously not end well for myself if I don't make changes in my dealings going forward.
I've also got into some old bad habits which have worked well but could undo all the gains I've made.
These are just examples of how the eclipse is bringing things to your attention.
Change needs to happen before issues spiral out of control.
The solar eclipse will affect the Middle East to South America into South Asia, those areas are going to be affected by some major weather conditions.
Those of you that want to understand how energy works head out to a beach or lake one day before, day of and a day after either lunar or solar eclipse, roll up you pants a little and dip your feet into the water or mud up to your ankles deep , for 30 minutes just stand don't walk around.
Great therapy for the mind and body.
I sure some think it's weird but you'll be surprised how much your decisions become clearer.
No, don't stand in the water and play your phones either, just close your eyes.
It's been so exhausting of late with all business activities occurring that I've forgotten to put up work on the lunar eclipse.
It's a Sagittarius moon being eclipsed by some very interesting planetary aspects.
Venus is presently retrograde so while these two planets going forward are huge for the creative minds, with the eclipse they are making us question what we are doing.
As we are all in the midst of this bullshit corona virus we have all gotten into habits we other wise wouldn't have or have gotten into thing that have taken so much of our time with little reward.
As the solar eclipse approaches changes need to be made now before they will be forced upon you.
This can meaning anything in life or things that your doing.
I can tell you that I for one have got into an egotistic vendetta against a particular brokerage firm.
This will obviously not end well for myself if I don't make changes in my dealings going forward.
I've also got into some old bad habits which have worked well but could undo all the gains I've made.
These are just examples of how the eclipse is bringing things to your attention.
Change needs to happen before issues spiral out of control.
The solar eclipse will affect the Middle East to South America into South Asia, those areas are going to be affected by some major weather conditions.
Those of you that want to understand how energy works head out to a beach or lake one day before, day of and a day after either lunar or solar eclipse, roll up you pants a little and dip your feet into the water or mud up to your ankles deep , for 30 minutes just stand don't walk around.
Great therapy for the mind and body.
I sure some think it's weird but you'll be surprised how much your decisions become clearer.
No, don't stand in the water and play your phones either, just close your eyes.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
How to research companies before investing
Hi readers
This is for all the new readers who have found my email I put up many moons ago and are asking how I find companies.
I am a fundamental trader.
I do not look at break out or chart lines or anything of this nature. You can if you like and it a personal choice.
Charts can be manipulated in ways I'm not prepared to discuss .
Fundamentals are I believe the foundation of what a company is about, all companies have ideas some good other pie's in sky stuff.
I tend to look at how can it be used ?
What are the benefits or who will it benefit?
Is it a growth market ?
Can the company scale up should the growth come?
What is its export capability should market become available?
In the event of delays can it continue?
Once most of these come back as a potential positive then we look at the structure.
Who's on the board?
Who's running the company.
How much are they being paid and how is there funds being spent.
I don't look at liability and assets because on small cap there are no assets, and liabilities are way more.
If the CEO is young then I'm more open to giving them a chance to prove themselves as they seems to want to make a name for themselves.
Ive notice old guys if there in a small cap then there is what we call a superannuation payout on the horizon.
You need to ask yourself why would someone in there 60s want to start something from scratch on shit money when they can take a CEO in an established firm and be paid millions?
It's usually because they intend to make 10s of millions on the backend as opposed to being paid 1-3 million a year.
Then there is the issue also you need to look into where his been and what has he achieved.
Boards are the same you need to look into that too.
Experience is important.
Then you look at the register how many share are issued, usually on small cap stock as the beginning stages should be around 100-150 million tops. Anymore than that and flags go up for me .
As the business progresses the company will issue more to grow which is fine but be aware more than 500 million I usually start to worry about management ability to execute.
Basically comes back to error made on the top questions.
You will make mistakes and they will cost you either time or money, but you will learn from it to pin point exactly what your looking at.
Then I look into the financial astrology of the company to determine whether it's got a future or if it's a moment thing.
A moment is 5 years , a future is 10+ years
Again this is just to give you an idea of how I look into potential companies to invest in.
If your getting tips from financial chats then it's only a matter of time before you get burnt badly.
As it's been proven that people set out to pump stocks up only to dump them on uneducated traders who follow charts.
If the ASX allowed naked short trading on any stock on its exchange then these influencers/ rogue companies will close there operations as they wouldn't have the protection they enjoy.
That's the beauty the US markets do have.
So yes you do need to investigate to find the gems in the market.
You have to invest the time to find them.
As always use the above as research to your own research.
I am not a financial advisor.
I'm a Financial Astrologer.
This is for all the new readers who have found my email I put up many moons ago and are asking how I find companies.
I am a fundamental trader.
I do not look at break out or chart lines or anything of this nature. You can if you like and it a personal choice.
Charts can be manipulated in ways I'm not prepared to discuss .
Fundamentals are I believe the foundation of what a company is about, all companies have ideas some good other pie's in sky stuff.
I tend to look at how can it be used ?
What are the benefits or who will it benefit?
Is it a growth market ?
Can the company scale up should the growth come?
What is its export capability should market become available?
In the event of delays can it continue?
Once most of these come back as a potential positive then we look at the structure.
Who's on the board?
Who's running the company.
How much are they being paid and how is there funds being spent.
I don't look at liability and assets because on small cap there are no assets, and liabilities are way more.
If the CEO is young then I'm more open to giving them a chance to prove themselves as they seems to want to make a name for themselves.
Ive notice old guys if there in a small cap then there is what we call a superannuation payout on the horizon.
You need to ask yourself why would someone in there 60s want to start something from scratch on shit money when they can take a CEO in an established firm and be paid millions?
It's usually because they intend to make 10s of millions on the backend as opposed to being paid 1-3 million a year.
Then there is the issue also you need to look into where his been and what has he achieved.
Boards are the same you need to look into that too.
Experience is important.
Then you look at the register how many share are issued, usually on small cap stock as the beginning stages should be around 100-150 million tops. Anymore than that and flags go up for me .
As the business progresses the company will issue more to grow which is fine but be aware more than 500 million I usually start to worry about management ability to execute.
Basically comes back to error made on the top questions.
You will make mistakes and they will cost you either time or money, but you will learn from it to pin point exactly what your looking at.
Then I look into the financial astrology of the company to determine whether it's got a future or if it's a moment thing.
A moment is 5 years , a future is 10+ years
Again this is just to give you an idea of how I look into potential companies to invest in.
If your getting tips from financial chats then it's only a matter of time before you get burnt badly.
As it's been proven that people set out to pump stocks up only to dump them on uneducated traders who follow charts.
If the ASX allowed naked short trading on any stock on its exchange then these influencers/ rogue companies will close there operations as they wouldn't have the protection they enjoy.
That's the beauty the US markets do have.
So yes you do need to investigate to find the gems in the market.
You have to invest the time to find them.
As always use the above as research to your own research.
I am not a financial advisor.
I'm a Financial Astrologer.
BUB.AX board and management need to be called out.
Hi Readers.
I hate to give oxygen to stupidity and incompetence but it needs to be called out for what it is.
Yes once again the BUB.AX CEO has sold shares in the company.
At the last AGM when I asked for support from the individual who burnt me it was for this exact issue.
A CEO who sells share in the company she is in charge of says a lot about the company she is running.
Yes I'm no fan of hers and this isn't personal, it's simply business.
Business means money and it's extremely annoying to see the leader of the company selling out.
Claim any bullshit excuse you like about the money.
Last time I check you can borrow agains your holdings and your also paid a good salary and expenses, so why liquidate your holdings.
Shareholders you can only blame yourselves for voting for the options she was given by the company.
Which in turn has to come back to the board for being negligible in the best interests of shareholders.
This is why it's so important when you vote for people on boards.
They need to show strong ethics and once again this board has failed in my view.
The day this board starts becoming accountable for its decisions is the day this stock will explode.
Don't get upset that the stock is churning in shit, if it's run by misfits then it trades like it too.
Well run companies have a direction, there all on board and they stick to the task, regardless of share price.
Perfect example is ABR.AX
I'm more than happy to make the call now .
ABR.AX today closed 64 cents
BUB.AX today closed $1.08 cents
In 18 months from today ABR.AX will trade high than BUB.AX share price.
That statement is purely on the management of both companies and there boards.
I'm 98% sure of it.
I'm so disappointed in Bubs at the present time as the stock should be around the $3 mark now not $1.
So come next AGM when they are all going to be expecting to be paid the deep money options think about if they have really earned it or is it just an organic growth.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
I am not a financial advisor nor do I claim to be.
I am a financial astrologer.
I hate to give oxygen to stupidity and incompetence but it needs to be called out for what it is.
Yes once again the BUB.AX CEO has sold shares in the company.
At the last AGM when I asked for support from the individual who burnt me it was for this exact issue.
A CEO who sells share in the company she is in charge of says a lot about the company she is running.
Yes I'm no fan of hers and this isn't personal, it's simply business.
Business means money and it's extremely annoying to see the leader of the company selling out.
Claim any bullshit excuse you like about the money.
Last time I check you can borrow agains your holdings and your also paid a good salary and expenses, so why liquidate your holdings.
Shareholders you can only blame yourselves for voting for the options she was given by the company.
Which in turn has to come back to the board for being negligible in the best interests of shareholders.
This is why it's so important when you vote for people on boards.
They need to show strong ethics and once again this board has failed in my view.
The day this board starts becoming accountable for its decisions is the day this stock will explode.
Don't get upset that the stock is churning in shit, if it's run by misfits then it trades like it too.
Well run companies have a direction, there all on board and they stick to the task, regardless of share price.
Perfect example is ABR.AX
I'm more than happy to make the call now .
ABR.AX today closed 64 cents
BUB.AX today closed $1.08 cents
In 18 months from today ABR.AX will trade high than BUB.AX share price.
That statement is purely on the management of both companies and there boards.
I'm 98% sure of it.
I'm so disappointed in Bubs at the present time as the stock should be around the $3 mark now not $1.
So come next AGM when they are all going to be expecting to be paid the deep money options think about if they have really earned it or is it just an organic growth.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
I am not a financial advisor nor do I claim to be.
I am a financial astrologer.
ABR is still at the station gearing up
Hi readers
By now those of you who are true believers of financial astrology will realise the great potential ABR is now displaying.
Yes it has been a bloody long time coming but the company has derisked the projected at hand so much so that it can now just go from strength to strength.
As for those who had given it to me with the then GSC/INR miner in the media that it was the glamour, I guess now it's the trash it once always was, you just need to take the makeup off.
So ABR.AX has been fully funded going forward and as you can all see in the announcements.
While yes announcement has potential levels at which the stock can trade at, the astrology is still showing far more potential than those conservative numbers.
The issue being asked is when to take profit by many of you and the answer to that is as you see fit.
ABR.AX can go up and down but if you do decide to take profit, just think about where you will put those funds to work, and will the return be as good.
There is no harm in taking profits if you so choose.
I will not be taking my chips off the table, I still believe this stock is the best small cap stock on the market at the present time.
Which will produce something for the betterment of people as opposed to speculative shit which is hopes and dreams and then can fall in a heap.
I'm not prepared to give my views out to where I think the stock can go but let's just say the numbers on there announcement are very conservative.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above issues.
I am not a financial advisor or claim to be.
I am a financial astrologer.
By now those of you who are true believers of financial astrology will realise the great potential ABR is now displaying.
Yes it has been a bloody long time coming but the company has derisked the projected at hand so much so that it can now just go from strength to strength.
As for those who had given it to me with the then GSC/INR miner in the media that it was the glamour, I guess now it's the trash it once always was, you just need to take the makeup off.
So ABR.AX has been fully funded going forward and as you can all see in the announcements.
While yes announcement has potential levels at which the stock can trade at, the astrology is still showing far more potential than those conservative numbers.
The issue being asked is when to take profit by many of you and the answer to that is as you see fit.
ABR.AX can go up and down but if you do decide to take profit, just think about where you will put those funds to work, and will the return be as good.
There is no harm in taking profits if you so choose.
I will not be taking my chips off the table, I still believe this stock is the best small cap stock on the market at the present time.
Which will produce something for the betterment of people as opposed to speculative shit which is hopes and dreams and then can fall in a heap.
I'm not prepared to give my views out to where I think the stock can go but let's just say the numbers on there announcement are very conservative.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above issues.
I am not a financial advisor or claim to be.
I am a financial astrologer.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Stock market is going much higher
Hi readers
We look at the markets no many investors are at a loss as to what's really going on.
Stock market is going one way while the economy is going the other way.
Regardless of where you are around the world this is because of the money being pumped to inflate asset prices.
Regardless of asset the idea is that by inflating we can continue to kick the can down the road.
But as the old saying goes "someone has to pay the piper".
Doesn't matter where you are , the tax pay is again bailing out the investment bankers.
Yes nothing learnt from the past.
All has been disguised through the bullshit corona virus.
Companies have released the bad news from the closets and can start fresh.
Banks have been serviced with trillions from governments as not to pull the pin on debt.
But this is where it will get interesting!
Mortgages have insurance attached to them which cover loans in case of defaults.
These policies are from the establishments themselves (banks).
Hence why governments around the world have propped them up.
The devaluation of property will be recouped by paper assets (stocks).
Both won't fall as many believe they will.
As I have said to those who email asking the right questions, Dow will make new all time highs, Nasdaq is a couple of percentage points off it high and the S&P is closed to where it was before the lockdowns started.
Yes the market will go down and up many times but by the time the elections come and trump wins the market will be on a tare.
Yes a trump victory. Joe Biden doesn't have the astrological aspects to win and as time comes closer trump will cut him down like a tree.
Joe is a pathetic choice by the democrats. I do believe Bernie was the man and yes he did have the aspects to win this time around. Political power is a wonderful thing.
As this is being typed the riots in America did have merit but now there are Somali thugs breaking windows and looting under this mans death which is such a shame.
We look at the markets no many investors are at a loss as to what's really going on.
Stock market is going one way while the economy is going the other way.
Regardless of where you are around the world this is because of the money being pumped to inflate asset prices.
Regardless of asset the idea is that by inflating we can continue to kick the can down the road.
But as the old saying goes "someone has to pay the piper".
Doesn't matter where you are , the tax pay is again bailing out the investment bankers.
Yes nothing learnt from the past.
All has been disguised through the bullshit corona virus.
Companies have released the bad news from the closets and can start fresh.
Banks have been serviced with trillions from governments as not to pull the pin on debt.
But this is where it will get interesting!
Mortgages have insurance attached to them which cover loans in case of defaults.
These policies are from the establishments themselves (banks).
Hence why governments around the world have propped them up.
The devaluation of property will be recouped by paper assets (stocks).
Both won't fall as many believe they will.
As I have said to those who email asking the right questions, Dow will make new all time highs, Nasdaq is a couple of percentage points off it high and the S&P is closed to where it was before the lockdowns started.
Yes the market will go down and up many times but by the time the elections come and trump wins the market will be on a tare.
Yes a trump victory. Joe Biden doesn't have the astrological aspects to win and as time comes closer trump will cut him down like a tree.
Joe is a pathetic choice by the democrats. I do believe Bernie was the man and yes he did have the aspects to win this time around. Political power is a wonderful thing.
As this is being typed the riots in America did have merit but now there are Somali thugs breaking windows and looting under this mans death which is such a shame.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Cryptos moment for a few months before they fall
Hi readers
A number of you have emailed asking to be educated on how I see/evaluate things before making decisions on what and where to invest.
Over the next week or so I'll put a bit up of how I look at things and what I look for in potential investments.
I don't believe in gold as if anything over the next year or 2 gold might actually decrease in value by 10-20% while I do see the stock markets making new highs before the US elections.
It's after the elections you might want to flip back to cash.
I think bonds are overpriced at the present time and have stayed right away from them .
In the crypto markets at the present time we see the exchanges play the factional lending game and move markets to what suits them.
Futures is a zero sum game people and yes they do have algorithms that's read what side the market is more heavily on.
For you futures traders of cryptos who do you think is in the other side of your trade???? The exchange computer.
So be smart and buy and hold your coins.
At the present time there is side ways action but that won't last long as we are moving into the last power phase before a complete collapse of values of the crypto currencies.
Anytime from the 15 of July till November they could all move 30-40% up , obviously some will move much more , but Bitcoin will move a good $4000 during that time.
As we get closer to the time frame I'll put more up but you will need to make sound decisions as I don't see the prices of October November again for a long time, this is what my astrology is showing.
In stocks
We have been active.
In regards to Bubs we a witnessing a Departure soon.
Just my humble opinion, more to come .
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
The above issues are not financial advice and you should seek professional advice.
I am not a financial advisor, I am an astrologer.
A number of you have emailed asking to be educated on how I see/evaluate things before making decisions on what and where to invest.
Over the next week or so I'll put a bit up of how I look at things and what I look for in potential investments.
I don't believe in gold as if anything over the next year or 2 gold might actually decrease in value by 10-20% while I do see the stock markets making new highs before the US elections.
It's after the elections you might want to flip back to cash.
I think bonds are overpriced at the present time and have stayed right away from them .
In the crypto markets at the present time we see the exchanges play the factional lending game and move markets to what suits them.
Futures is a zero sum game people and yes they do have algorithms that's read what side the market is more heavily on.
For you futures traders of cryptos who do you think is in the other side of your trade???? The exchange computer.
So be smart and buy and hold your coins.
At the present time there is side ways action but that won't last long as we are moving into the last power phase before a complete collapse of values of the crypto currencies.
Anytime from the 15 of July till November they could all move 30-40% up , obviously some will move much more , but Bitcoin will move a good $4000 during that time.
As we get closer to the time frame I'll put more up but you will need to make sound decisions as I don't see the prices of October November again for a long time, this is what my astrology is showing.
In stocks
We have been active.
In regards to Bubs we a witnessing a Departure soon.
Just my humble opinion, more to come .
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
The above issues are not financial advice and you should seek professional advice.
I am not a financial advisor, I am an astrologer.
General observation
Hi readers
Apologies for not posting more often but the opportunity which have presented themselves needed to be taken.
As I said before the corona virus bullshit has given the smart traders opportunity to make money, and those who believe in the media crap loose out.
I say this for 1 reason , the only way to appeal to people's weaknesses is by scaring them.
The media spins out the bullshit about billions being lost on the stock market and puts fear into people.
Ratings go up advertisement slots go up and that's how the system works.
If you don't believe it then ask the people who sold there shares 7 weeks ago 30% lower than what prices are today.
If you go by the numbers and statistics we still haven't seen the worst of it yet in Australia yet the Stockmarket is up 30% from the low.
It's no rocket science people the media screw peoples minds and judgement by hammering into there heads what they want you to know.
The truth doesn't sell to people so they spice it up by over exaggerating potentials.
Example... In March we got told by the modelling companies and the government that they expected 60,000-240,000 deaths in Australia.
Friday 15th May 98 to date and of those all had other issue which could have contributed to there deaths.
In the US and UK I don't believe the numbers at all as every death they put down corona virus.
Yet deaths from infections or cancers and even ammonia are at 25 year lows.
It's a financial incentive to put down corona virus on the death certificates.
Do your research and you will understand what I'm talking about.
Again there is no astrological aspects that showed this happening it has been man made.
There are a number of retrogrades occuring at the present time and with those active a number of truths will come out which authorities prefer to be kept quiet.
The main one is the Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn.
The biggest SCAM in the world will be exposed, yes the corona virus will be the biggest scam to humanity.
The suffering which it's brought upon people, people have lost there jobs, businesses, houses, there identities, the suffering to the elderly, and the list goes on.
Last time I checked Australia has a constitution which doesn't allow governments to do what they like without our consent..
In America is called the 5th amendment...
Does that ring a bell people..
Anyway it's now the turn of property a number of stupid people will buy as prices drop 5-10% thinking they got a bargain.
But the falls will be much more than many of you think.
2-3 years ago I said to liquidate before prices came off, and while the smart money did we still saw the media beating the property market up for fools to buy.
There are over 10 shows a week on television at the present time about buy old homes and renovating and making money.
If that's true then do it but I know for a fact it's bullshit.
Look for a 30-40% discount if your thinking about buying because that's coming readers.
Don't be fooled by media reports, look for 2005-2007 prices.
What that will do to the banks, there is nothing to fear yet, as the banks have been capitalised by the reserve bank in Australia, and of the 80% who are first home buyers they had to have morgage insurance.
Apologies for not posting more often but the opportunity which have presented themselves needed to be taken.
As I said before the corona virus bullshit has given the smart traders opportunity to make money, and those who believe in the media crap loose out.
I say this for 1 reason , the only way to appeal to people's weaknesses is by scaring them.
The media spins out the bullshit about billions being lost on the stock market and puts fear into people.
Ratings go up advertisement slots go up and that's how the system works.
If you don't believe it then ask the people who sold there shares 7 weeks ago 30% lower than what prices are today.
If you go by the numbers and statistics we still haven't seen the worst of it yet in Australia yet the Stockmarket is up 30% from the low.
It's no rocket science people the media screw peoples minds and judgement by hammering into there heads what they want you to know.
The truth doesn't sell to people so they spice it up by over exaggerating potentials.
Example... In March we got told by the modelling companies and the government that they expected 60,000-240,000 deaths in Australia.
Friday 15th May 98 to date and of those all had other issue which could have contributed to there deaths.
In the US and UK I don't believe the numbers at all as every death they put down corona virus.
Yet deaths from infections or cancers and even ammonia are at 25 year lows.
It's a financial incentive to put down corona virus on the death certificates.
Do your research and you will understand what I'm talking about.
Again there is no astrological aspects that showed this happening it has been man made.
There are a number of retrogrades occuring at the present time and with those active a number of truths will come out which authorities prefer to be kept quiet.
The main one is the Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn.
The biggest SCAM in the world will be exposed, yes the corona virus will be the biggest scam to humanity.
The suffering which it's brought upon people, people have lost there jobs, businesses, houses, there identities, the suffering to the elderly, and the list goes on.
Last time I checked Australia has a constitution which doesn't allow governments to do what they like without our consent..
In America is called the 5th amendment...
Does that ring a bell people..
Anyway it's now the turn of property a number of stupid people will buy as prices drop 5-10% thinking they got a bargain.
But the falls will be much more than many of you think.
2-3 years ago I said to liquidate before prices came off, and while the smart money did we still saw the media beating the property market up for fools to buy.
There are over 10 shows a week on television at the present time about buy old homes and renovating and making money.
If that's true then do it but I know for a fact it's bullshit.
Look for a 30-40% discount if your thinking about buying because that's coming readers.
Don't be fooled by media reports, look for 2005-2007 prices.
What that will do to the banks, there is nothing to fear yet, as the banks have been capitalised by the reserve bank in Australia, and of the 80% who are first home buyers they had to have morgage insurance.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Corona virus bullshit
Hi readers
I understand many of you are asking questions about the corona virus and when its going to end.
Others have stated that astrologers have foreseen it yet I never made comment to warn people.
While I'll take some of these comments on the chin, I will state the facts to so your crystal clear what your being told and what's really going on.
Corona virus needs living cells to survive, it can NOT be transmitted from person to person through breathing or saliva.
It can not be caught by touching a surface and then putting it in your fingers in your mouth.
There is no astrological aspect to show this was coming or when its end.
The only time that astrology is showing this sort of disaster is in 2024, not now.
Anyone who has said this is talking rubbish and has no idea about this virus.
As people started to become aware of it the name changed to COVID19.
Let's stop the bullshit and let's look at the fact.
The only way this virus can enter your body is through an injection.
The Government for years has been telling people to get the flu injection, with even telling the elderly that they get it for free.
So if you have had the flu injection in the last 5 years yes you will more than likely get corona virus but don't panic it's not the end of the world.
Your body within two days will activate cells to fight it off.
If your in your 60+ look at boiling a pot of water until it starts to steam up.
Then add cut slices lemons, onion,garlic and ginger in it. Once you can smell the aromas coming out turn the pot off and place a towel over your head and the pot and breath in those aromas.
That will go a long way to disinfecting your body of any virus.
This virus proper gander is a financial reset which the IMF requires.
Australian is just a pawn on a chess board and do as they are told.
If you think the Australian government didn't know about it then why did they pass the cash legislation in August? Money laundering crap.
Don't be fooled by the media coverage.
You will be given another strain of it without even knowing it.
It's unfortunately all about money and power and if we as people are willing to give it up then we deserve to loose it.
Please do some research about it as people in particular have become seriously stupid.
Yes globalisation as we know will no longer be.
I understand many of you are asking questions about the corona virus and when its going to end.
Others have stated that astrologers have foreseen it yet I never made comment to warn people.
While I'll take some of these comments on the chin, I will state the facts to so your crystal clear what your being told and what's really going on.
Corona virus needs living cells to survive, it can NOT be transmitted from person to person through breathing or saliva.
It can not be caught by touching a surface and then putting it in your fingers in your mouth.
There is no astrological aspect to show this was coming or when its end.
The only time that astrology is showing this sort of disaster is in 2024, not now.
Anyone who has said this is talking rubbish and has no idea about this virus.
As people started to become aware of it the name changed to COVID19.
Let's stop the bullshit and let's look at the fact.
The only way this virus can enter your body is through an injection.
The Government for years has been telling people to get the flu injection, with even telling the elderly that they get it for free.
So if you have had the flu injection in the last 5 years yes you will more than likely get corona virus but don't panic it's not the end of the world.
Your body within two days will activate cells to fight it off.
If your in your 60+ look at boiling a pot of water until it starts to steam up.
Then add cut slices lemons, onion,garlic and ginger in it. Once you can smell the aromas coming out turn the pot off and place a towel over your head and the pot and breath in those aromas.
That will go a long way to disinfecting your body of any virus.
This virus proper gander is a financial reset which the IMF requires.
Australian is just a pawn on a chess board and do as they are told.
If you think the Australian government didn't know about it then why did they pass the cash legislation in August? Money laundering crap.
Don't be fooled by the media coverage.
You will be given another strain of it without even knowing it.
It's unfortunately all about money and power and if we as people are willing to give it up then we deserve to loose it.
Please do some research about it as people in particular have become seriously stupid.
Yes globalisation as we know will no longer be.
Part 3 Australian banks are broke
Hi readers
We have seen what's occurred on the stock market with this virus and I don't want to harp on it either.
It's amazing how in the US bailout package (6 trillion) 66% went to the banks and 13% went to corporations.
2% went to hospitals and 1.5% went to the people struggling to put food on the table..
Why bail the banks out when when its the people and hospitals that need it the most.
It does make you wonder what the hell is going on.
In Australia the reserve bank cut rates again and gave banks a 90 billion life line for daily operations and the banks gave a suspension on home loans for 6 months.
How good is that ? Banks are worth $400 billion and yet they have $5 trillion in home loans liabilities not investment or business loans.
You do the maths, but hey there helping out everyone! Not!!!!
Had they not given people loans they know they can't pay they wouldn't be in this position.
But greed for bonuses has handcuffed people with loans they will never pay off.
A 15% revaluation of property prices will bankrupt 3 of the big four banks without government support so it tells you how screwed up the industry is.
Yes people , the tax payer will have to bail out the banks in Australia when the time comes, I don't think the government will be prepared to tell the public tho so the reserve bank will keep pumping money into the system.
Last week I read on Bloomberg that the Australian property market prices fell 16%, yes there will areas that dive quicker than others so wait for more data before you make your own assessment of what I'm stating.
On the investment side of things I have bought PAR.AX,OCC.AX, and ABR.AX
You have to buy when stocks are cheap and I think these stocks are .
I just felt that these stock have fallen far to much and yet they do have something marketable.
OCC.AX management is questionable I will look to start talking and make progress with there vision.
I haven't bought any BUB.AX.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
The above issues are not financial advice and you should seek professional advice.
I am not a financial advisor, I am an astrologer.
We have seen what's occurred on the stock market with this virus and I don't want to harp on it either.
It's amazing how in the US bailout package (6 trillion) 66% went to the banks and 13% went to corporations.
2% went to hospitals and 1.5% went to the people struggling to put food on the table..
Why bail the banks out when when its the people and hospitals that need it the most.
It does make you wonder what the hell is going on.
In Australia the reserve bank cut rates again and gave banks a 90 billion life line for daily operations and the banks gave a suspension on home loans for 6 months.
How good is that ? Banks are worth $400 billion and yet they have $5 trillion in home loans liabilities not investment or business loans.
You do the maths, but hey there helping out everyone! Not!!!!
Had they not given people loans they know they can't pay they wouldn't be in this position.
But greed for bonuses has handcuffed people with loans they will never pay off.
A 15% revaluation of property prices will bankrupt 3 of the big four banks without government support so it tells you how screwed up the industry is.
Yes people , the tax payer will have to bail out the banks in Australia when the time comes, I don't think the government will be prepared to tell the public tho so the reserve bank will keep pumping money into the system.
Last week I read on Bloomberg that the Australian property market prices fell 16%, yes there will areas that dive quicker than others so wait for more data before you make your own assessment of what I'm stating.
On the investment side of things I have bought PAR.AX,OCC.AX, and ABR.AX
You have to buy when stocks are cheap and I think these stocks are .
I just felt that these stock have fallen far to much and yet they do have something marketable.
OCC.AX management is questionable I will look to start talking and make progress with there vision.
I haven't bought any BUB.AX.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
The above issues are not financial advice and you should seek professional advice.
I am not a financial advisor, I am an astrologer.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Part 2 Australian banks are broke
Hi readers
Now that you have taken note of what the banks have done with your consent, you need to prepare yourself over time for 2024.
Please don't be stupid and start hoarding cash from now but you do need to be aware of what will take place.
Some of you won't believe this and I am not here to convince you but this agreement which the IMF and the Australian government have done was the doing of Malcom Turnbull.
When Tony Abbott was put in the hot set he refused to play ball and the powers at be through him out.
It's way over the top for most of you to accept but they are the facts.
It's like the majority think the ATO is the Australian government or an Australian entity.
It's not its an American entity registered in America.
Australian does what it's told and anyone who stand up against its powers is thrown out.
That's why readers be smart and think outside the box.
Banks are also in the same boat, the IMF runs banking, and they decide what and who goes.
The only thing which has caught the banking system off guard is crypto coins, and it's for this reason there are so many restrictions between countries.
Some countries have embraced it while others won't allow it.
It's been said that the amount of wealth that has left the traditional bank deposits into the crypto currencies is in excess of $800 billion dollar..
In Australia alone over 1 billion in deposits have moved out of banks and into the crypto markets.
So what can the banks offer to keep the bonuses and the gravy train going with some sort of insurance?
Oh yes that wonderful word called property.
But the one thing that through a spanner in the works was the royal commission.
Mind you it was Turnbull who refused to allow it to occur.
Anyway it's the past but it's good to know the facts.
The ATO with the banks in the future will be able/ trying to monitor everyone's spending and income, with the cashless ideas.
The public is being told that it's easier and more efficient with the tap and go crap to educate you all, to become numbers and easy tracking.
I have asked this question to a number of teachers and principals secondary school (6) why aren't the kids educated on money?
It's not in the school curriculum by the education department.
Both private and government schools. ( I was told)
As soon as they are 18 the first thing they do is get a credit card and max it out without understanding what they just did.
Makes you wonder doesn't it .
Corona bullshit
Hi readers
Ok so the markets are falling and while many are panicking about loosing value of there portfolios the smart money is buying.
In life you need to understand that the media is there to spook the masses.
It's the only way they can have eyeballs watching and therefore have advertisers paying up.
So don't be freaked out by what you read or hear, 95% of it is bullshit.
The common flu kill 75,000 on average per year and this pandemic has only killed 3000.
Yep pandemic people, a total load of shit designed to freak you out and force you to become even more scared of your own life.
Let's get a few things straight regarding it. Yes some will disagree but I have this from a professor at Sydney University.
The corona virus needs humility to survive and spread.
The virus is a strain of Bird flu / SARS and is designed to kill those over 50.
69% of China's population is over 50 years old.
Average age in china in 2000 was 30, the current average age is 38.5
Average age in Australia in 2000 was 35.4, the current average age is 37.9
While China has tried to export the elderly for years they are still left with the burden and unlike Australia the lucky country which is wealthy enough to pay pensions, there is no pension in china, or nursing homes.
Family look after there own.
When families can't any longer there pushed to the streets.
Be smart and think outside the box people.
Due to the discounts in the market I did some buying.
Bought PAR.AX, ABR.AX, UWL.AX and finally waited a year but it came to me OCC.AX.
Do your own research in these companies, there more a trade than a hold as they have come off there prices levels more than average.
ABR.AX is a longer term play.
Those who are avid readers will know that I have discussed these stocks before.
Discounts of 30%-50% are buys for me.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
I'm not a financial advisor.
Past performance is not a guarantee to future performance.
Ok so the markets are falling and while many are panicking about loosing value of there portfolios the smart money is buying.
In life you need to understand that the media is there to spook the masses.
It's the only way they can have eyeballs watching and therefore have advertisers paying up.
So don't be freaked out by what you read or hear, 95% of it is bullshit.
The common flu kill 75,000 on average per year and this pandemic has only killed 3000.
Yep pandemic people, a total load of shit designed to freak you out and force you to become even more scared of your own life.
Let's get a few things straight regarding it. Yes some will disagree but I have this from a professor at Sydney University.
The corona virus needs humility to survive and spread.
The virus is a strain of Bird flu / SARS and is designed to kill those over 50.
69% of China's population is over 50 years old.
Average age in china in 2000 was 30, the current average age is 38.5
Average age in Australia in 2000 was 35.4, the current average age is 37.9
While China has tried to export the elderly for years they are still left with the burden and unlike Australia the lucky country which is wealthy enough to pay pensions, there is no pension in china, or nursing homes.
Family look after there own.
When families can't any longer there pushed to the streets.
Be smart and think outside the box people.
Due to the discounts in the market I did some buying.
Bought PAR.AX, ABR.AX, UWL.AX and finally waited a year but it came to me OCC.AX.
Do your own research in these companies, there more a trade than a hold as they have come off there prices levels more than average.
ABR.AX is a longer term play.
Those who are avid readers will know that I have discussed these stocks before.
Discounts of 30%-50% are buys for me.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
I'm not a financial advisor.
Past performance is not a guarantee to future performance.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Part 1 Australian banks are broke
Hi readers
As most of you are aware the Australian Economy has been robust from strength to strength on debt.
In fact it was reported by Bloomberg that household debt in Australia is 3.4 times more than US household Debt during the GFC in 2008.
Further more Australian households are the most in debt in the world by a country mile.
But hey who cares if there giving money and not asking for it back ..Hmmm
The government is fully aware of this and as a result is colluding with the banks to nail the masses.
In case some of you are not aware the IMF has instructed this action to be taken.
Australia just does what it's told regardless if it likes it or not.
As a country Australia is very wealthy, the masses have created so much wealth that the elite have become irrelevant.
Some of you will bring up the crap about conspiracy theories.
So let's look at the facts before you make judgement.
The government has brought in the law regarding cash, so your not allowed to buy anything of more than $10,000 in cash.
They said its money laundering, total rubbish but let's go along with it.
Then we see banks changed there term and conditions and have you read them ?
I know for a fact that no one reads them unless your looking for something in them.
Everyone who has a bank account gets an updated version of the terms and conditions when they send you out your debit cards to your accounts.
Regardless of savings accounts or cheque accounts there all interlinked.
So what does this tell you about your so called savings or debt obligations to the banks.
Facts are the Australian banking system is broke, you just don't know it yet.
But you will in 1450 days.
Why would banks put these new terms and conditions on every single account in Australia now when everything is going so well.. judge it yourself
Last time I checked cash money has a legal tender in Australia stamped on it so why the law to stop cash.
It's so you don't go to the bank and ask to cash out your money.
Yes readers the European run on banks 12 years ago is on it way to Australia.
It's already in Lebanon but hey no one cares right, but the fact is it's started again.
To our New Zealand brothers your next on the cards to and because the banks are Australian they can enforce there jurisdiction on accounts in New Zealand.
In case you all thought that your savings up to $25,000 was protected by the government think again.
Banks can withhold those funds and you have given them the right to by accepting the terms below when you opened an account with them.
As most of you are aware the Australian Economy has been robust from strength to strength on debt.
In fact it was reported by Bloomberg that household debt in Australia is 3.4 times more than US household Debt during the GFC in 2008.
Further more Australian households are the most in debt in the world by a country mile.
But hey who cares if there giving money and not asking for it back ..Hmmm
The government is fully aware of this and as a result is colluding with the banks to nail the masses.
In case some of you are not aware the IMF has instructed this action to be taken.
Australia just does what it's told regardless if it likes it or not.
As a country Australia is very wealthy, the masses have created so much wealth that the elite have become irrelevant.
Some of you will bring up the crap about conspiracy theories.
So let's look at the facts before you make judgement.
The government has brought in the law regarding cash, so your not allowed to buy anything of more than $10,000 in cash.
They said its money laundering, total rubbish but let's go along with it.
Then we see banks changed there term and conditions and have you read them ?
I know for a fact that no one reads them unless your looking for something in them.
Everyone who has a bank account gets an updated version of the terms and conditions when they send you out your debit cards to your accounts.
Regardless of savings accounts or cheque accounts there all interlinked.
So what does this tell you about your so called savings or debt obligations to the banks.
Facts are the Australian banking system is broke, you just don't know it yet.
But you will in 1450 days.
Why would banks put these new terms and conditions on every single account in Australia now when everything is going so well.. judge it yourself
Last time I checked cash money has a legal tender in Australia stamped on it so why the law to stop cash.
It's so you don't go to the bank and ask to cash out your money.
Yes readers the European run on banks 12 years ago is on it way to Australia.
It's already in Lebanon but hey no one cares right, but the fact is it's started again.
To our New Zealand brothers your next on the cards to and because the banks are Australian they can enforce there jurisdiction on accounts in New Zealand.
In case you all thought that your savings up to $25,000 was protected by the government think again.
Banks can withhold those funds and you have given them the right to by accepting the terms below when you opened an account with them.
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