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Friday, December 30, 2022

Looking back and forward 2022/23

 Hi Readers 

The markets haven't performed a expected over the year. Last year everyone was calling for 5000 on the S&P and yet it ended up dropping 1150 points. Inflation was running and was called transitory by the Bullshit media.

Interest rates where cheap and we got told they would stay there until 2024. How things have changed!

I can't release  predictions just yet that will come in a months time as professionals have paid for it.

So lets look at the Astrology moving forward, both Jan and Feb show weakness at the start of the months and strength at the end of the months. Its March that the trouble will start and wont stop.

Between March to August the potential for a crash is real. I expect it but there will be more of a sharp down move and then a stabilization and then a drift even lower.

We are seeing inflation growing, I say this because we have moves 3%  on rates and have only achieved a 1% move down on inflation, so as you all know rates don't work as I've stated, tighter lending standards do, but banks wont push that just yet, the bank still want to mop up the remaining smart asses who think they are rich I guess.

Right know you should be all preserving your money, and be ready to buy assets once the shit hits the fan. Property has already begun with agents having to work to get property sales, its no longer a sellers market and while many believe the bullshit there told agents are now being realistic on prices. Peoples buying power has decreased by 20% so the ability to pay and service loans now is being looked at with a fine tooth comb. Anything under a million you can get away with a few things but anything over a million dollars loan's are going through the hopes so to speak..

In the stock market you are seeing that the small cap spec stocks can't find money or buyers, this is very evident with the volumes your seeing. Large cap stocks still have the volume due to super funds and 401K buying. Its for this reason that small and mid cap stocks are bleeding in price while large caps are just down, not by much.

For those of you who don't know we are in a recession the definition doesn't change. By the time the authorities announce it what changes?  

Many of you are being swayed by people who have there own opinions of whats going on and that's fine. 

All I just want to say is that you must think for yourselves, the next 16 months will be the best buying time of your lives in every market, and if you think long term you wont see these prices ever again in your life time. 80% of the population world wide will close in and be slaves to banks while the other 20% will be buying distressed assets at fire sale prices. I say this because people haven't prepared themselves for higher rates, inflation and lower income.Those of you who have will have the ability to purchase assets at bargain prices because you have what the 80% don't have ? MONEY

The world has been educated buy the rich MF that cash is trash ! well I don't think so, as cash is now KING.

I did say to some of you at the start of December that I saw the first sign of Deflation, YES in deflation metals explode, there is one more move down in metals before they start moving higher and I doubt we see these prices again.

Inflation is still here and while its still here I see Commodities going much higher. Yes energy and grains have dropped in price, but have they. Paper tradings isn't a true indication of the real price.Similar to Silver where price is at $24 you cant buy it from dealers at that price,you are paying a premium, this is also occurring in the grains market. So just be aware that it will correct itself at some point.

The Russian/Ukraine war will wane this year, as the Americans are being snookered and don't even know it yet. By the time they realize it the US economy could be in a potential depression and what pisses me off is that the people end up paying for it. 

Please! moving forward work out your wants and needs and stick to you needs for the next 9 months.

You will all thank me for it, at the end of 2023.

As always the above is based on my interpretation of Financial Astrology.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

The above isn't financial advise .


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

3 retrogrades at the one time .


Hi readers 

Hope your all well and spent time with family during Christmas.

For the amateur Astrologers out there we will have 3 retrogrades in affect from the 29th December we will have Mars retrograde still , Mercury retrograde 29th and the Uranus retrograde still.

Such an awesome combination to say the least.

Mars volatility in the markets

Uranus technological delays,

Mercury communication, and planning issues.

Anyone making New year resolutions or plans they should already be done or wait until end of January. 

Making plans now will fail, communicating with people will turn into arguments for the stupidest of issues, any sort of technology issues you have at the present time be it phone, or computer will be hacked .

Since August we have seen a number of companies being hacked and that's due in part to Uranus retrograde. Those of you who direct debt with the multinational companies that got hacked will see exactly what they hacked after the 22nd of January. Loans will be pulled out of banks with your details, that's the game that hackers play, they don't take peoples details for fun or bull shit ransom. That's what the media tells you but that's not true.

The Mars retrograde has see both major countries have issues, Russia and China.  As Mars goes direct motion after January 12th you will see both countries become much more dominant that what they have been over the last 7 months.

We will see energy become a real issue with co-operation checkmating the world on oil prices, and yes the US and NATO will then ask for peace. ( after all of NATO country got rid of there old military hardware).

The Mercury retrograde will have people on edge, earth signed people will feel it more, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo's. Fire sign people will also get shocks from it, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius people will have there moments.In fact from when mercury goes dark this will start for the above signs. That's usually 3-4 days before.

So if you have had any little disputes with people during the dark side of the mercury retrograde then your in for a tough time. Regardless of whether your right or wrong either choose your words carefully or these friendships or family squabbles will explode into an unforgivable event.

People will find themselves stranded also during this period as weather and profits will replace schedule dates for departure.

To the crypto traders/investors blockchain and NFT's are also in the firing line. Expect news to come out which could nail the Alt's market. More fraud is on the way so be patient and wait, 

Yes 2023 will be the year that we start buying at very discounted prices, 2022 has been a year of falls and bankrupting both professional's and amateur traders. There is no reason to accumulate at current prices when they can half again. Yes I expect them too.

Disclosure I do have orders to buy 20 bitcoin at $10k  order is on until 12th of January.

For those who want to know yes I do see a financial collapse next year. and I do anticipate to see the S&P under 2000 at some point but more on that later.

In Metals we might see one more dive, and by April we won't see these prices again for years. For those of you who know me I hate metals but the astrology for them is strong with deflation on the way .

As always the above is based on my interpretation of Financial Astrology.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

The above isn't financial advise .


Friday, December 16, 2022

Inflation only starting

 Hi Readers 

So we had the Fed announcement and they raised 50bsp. So the Fed is keeping it words and the reason is why?

The (PCI Public Confidence Index) which the Fed has stated on a number of times during there Q&A session, is there forward indicator.

While inflation went down and the market took it as that's it for rate moves , the PCI went up.

So what means is that inflation is going higher next month and the month after.

As traders you need to understand that the market is now run by algorithm's, there are thousand's of them some work on numbers while others work on headline words. Journalists know this and make the headlines which will propel the market higher 95% of the time. Why have a buy-est view? because it's about viewers and ratings. 

So now that you understand the game your in you need to understand what comes out isn't what is. you need to make an effort to read and understand whats going on, unless you are a fundamental stock trader and not worried about small percentage moves.

All the bullshit that your being told about any central bank pivoting or cutting rates is a lie. 

The best case scenario's is inflation will take 18 months from it halves from current, and thats not 2%.

The slower the central banks move on rates the longer rates will stay high. I say this because the world economy is so interlinked now that it's all affected. Example, Europe to longer to start raising rates, and as a result they current have a 10.1% inflation rate (15.9%), as we said rates need to be above the rate of inflation for at least 6 months.

Here in Australia we see every excuse under the sun to not raise rates by the RBA. Yes its trying to be compassionate, keep believing that and the nation will suffer for it. Simply put it the RBA is fully aware that people are eating through there savings and are unable to afford there repayments. If they moved as the should on rates the amount of defaults in the property market would have collapsed it by now.

So the approach is to hope that employers pay out wage rises to protect the commercial banks from defaulting loans. This is how dumb people are, 88% of mortgages from 2018-october2022 in Australia paid mortgages insurance as they didn't have the 20% equity to take loans out. So the banks are meant to be covered  with the insurance yet I guess there not. 

Yes people another Australian Banking Scam.

Similar with the other banking scam on rates, in the US you can take out a loan at the current rate at the time and it stays for the life of the loan. Where as in Australia previous loans written at lower rates go up regardless if the central bank raises rates.

This is why I urge those of you who have children to teach them about money, and to look to use banks not be dependent on banks.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Climate change the Biggest Fraud in Society

 Hi Readers 

Markets are trading all over the place at the present time.

One minute the S&P is at 4050 and the next day its back under 3950. Welcome to Mars retrograde.

We also see the negative affects of the Mars retrograde with the loss of life by civilians and police. While I don't for one minute support what occurred police need to be independent of the Laws they enforce. Since Covid police have lost all trust by the public in Australia and around the world. People are prepared to stand up against authoritarian rule and more lives will be lost.

The only way to fix it is if police act independently from government, and by that I mean command not the foot soldiers. The bullshit that came out of the daily mail news is absolutely disgusting. As people the more we accept government into our lives the worse it will become. Don't for one minute believe that governments regardless of who, are looking out for you there NOT.

Yesterday I was at a poker game with friends and one brought one of there mates over. The gentleman is a partner of one of the biggest refrigeration company's in Australia. We got on to the subject of climate change, and he is one of these believers which was great. Personal choice.

There was a banker there who started laughing at him and so did we, the guy asked why are you laughing.

The banker replied  "Greg do you honestly believe that climate change is real? If it was why would any bank invest in property within 15km of the coast, world wide. if its going to be under water in 10 years. 

Climate change is the biggest fraud the world has ever witnessed and there will be no other'.

"when banks stop investing in property around the coasts then you know its real, till then wake up and smell the roses, its nothing but a money grab."

So readers please don't be fooled by the talk of climate change by anyone regardless of there convincing argument. It always has and always will be cycle nothing more.

In Australia currently we are experiencing a very wet summer, and once again it was the same in the 1970's . Never heard of all these bullshit LAnino, or whatever they call it back then. it just happened and people dealt with it and it was all cycles.

It's great to see that people are finally starting to wake up to it and are pushing back against alternative fuel energy. Coal and Nuclear are the only 2 which are viable.

People believe  in Australia that the solar energy they get from there houses is saving them, nothing can be further from the truth. The government assist with the cost 50% but all the energy first goes back into the grid and then comes back to the resident with the solar panels. Your receiving 5cent kilowatt and being charged 28 cents per kilowatt. I say that because solar works when the sun is out and the most usage for households are when the kids are home 4-10pm. So government takes is cheap as it stores and releases during peak times making a fortune from it. So unless you can store power on a battery before going to the grid, solar is a waste of money, just my personal opinion.

 Astrological Outlook

The full moon is having a massive conjunction during December and January. Speculation and Gambling is abundant. The Mars  Jupiter is indicating expansion more than most people think so while CPI numbers as this is being written could go down, it will be short lived as it will explode higher in the next 60 days. During this time frame be reserved when successful as all good things do come to an end.

The numbers which came out on Friday in the US is the first sign that I can see of deflation. What that means is the window to accumulate metals is starting to reduce. During deflation metals explode in prices. Its just the first sign so just be aware, its in front of us. It usually take 3-6 months before its starts so keep note.

This post is for educational purposes.

Seek professional advise on the above. 


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Crypto Purge.

 Hi readers

Hope your all well. 

The last couple of days of been having it out with crypto people who want crypto to be regulated.

While I fully understand there reasons why I totally DISAGREE.

For those of you who want a regulated market please stay in stocks and stop your nagging about whats happening. You lost your money because you are sheep and need to be slaughtered, while that might seem harsh really it isn't, and I'll explain why.

Decentralized means the onus is on you, to make the decisions to either invest or not to invest in projects.

If you obtain your information from You tubers or getting tips of people without doing your own research to see if its right for you then you deserve to loose your money.

Risk/Reward means just that, your risking your money to make money. No one in crypto said that every project is a guaranteed success, whether you bought it now or 2 years ago. The 2X or the 10X is the reward for people who put the work in to find out about projects spend the time to see if its viable and then make the investment. It's impossible for plumbers or Telstra linesman to be able to pick coins which 5X and think there smart. Its called luck and when there is bullshit money floating around everyone is a genius. It's when the shit hits the fan things aren't going right that you see who you really are. Luck is expected in a bull market, throw a dart and invest but not in a bear market.

So whats happened! Exchanges have transformed from what they originally started out,and becoming  financial institutions. Most have taken the playbook of what central banks do leverage to the extreme in the hope they keep the illusion of growth going. Crypto did 20 times while central banks are doing it 100 times.

So as I've told you all before 90% of the crypto' coins  don't make money, not a cent so they have a value on trust. USDT,ETH,USDC,BUSD,XRP,ADA,and DOGE are in the top 10 crypto's who don't make a cent yet have a combine value of $330 billion. So if your investing in them your investing in trust. 

The staple coins do they have the backing ? I know for a fact that tether doesn't. Do the others ? you will have to do your own research on them. Can they all go belly up ? Yes they can.

 FTT went from $30 billion to now worth nothing so don't be of the opinion that because there in the top 10 or 20 coins there safe there NOT.

Big rewards come with high risk and that's the game called crypto. No one is licensed so anything goes the responsibility is on you. So please enough with the bitch and if you cant accept it then stay in the stock market with the 5-7% returns, and leave crypto to the people who want it to stay deregulated.

There are more lows coming with further coins and projects which are not viable will be culled. It's very healthy and that's how a market should work where shit gets kicked out and new projects will come.

The coins that survive this purge will be much stronger moving forward.

Don 't see a low until 2023 March-May somewhere there we will see a low. Will it stay there of will it bounce back up? I think it be a slow grind down until then and then a massive purge with billions leaving projects which are just shit.

After that you want to set a plan up and start accumulating for a good year and a half because after 2024 December. The wheels will turn very quickly and you might not get a chance to jump on board.

This is what my financial astrology is showing so until then just sit tight. 

As long as you have money your in the box seat. Money always has a seat in the market.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Lunar Eclipse Scalp

 Hi Readers 

How wonderful are these markets at the present time. Such massive volatility but you already knew this was the case with the Mars Retrograde.

Yesterday we mentioned that those born who will be affected by the Lunar Eclipse to be extremely care.

Today we find out that the FTX exchange was acquire by Binance  for $600 million. 

So where did the $15 billion go ? yep crypto market correction has whipped out the owner Sam Bankman out. While many aren't aware he actually stepped in to save the crypto market in April but wasn't able to disperse the debt from his books which the loaned out.

Anyway it is what it is and yes the Sam was born 6th March 1992.

So the all our Crypto readers please don't try and be hero's.

The Bitcoin market is going down and so to are the alt coins also.

Stay in cash and wait until next year when an opportunity will present itself.

Don't be fooled by myths that are saying that the market will bounce, no it won't.

Can you imagine if Microstrategy is margin called, Bitcoin could loose $10k in a day and the alt coins could loose 90%of there value.

So be smart stay in cash and wait. yes your loosing on inflation but the crypto market could drop another 70% from here.

Yes a $20k bitcoin is better than a $50k bitcoin but a $5-10K bitcoin is better.

So lets be prudent and just wait.

Yes even Eth could drop to $200

When market is plentiful then Crypto's will run, but in a tightening period where money is being sucked out and destroyed there is no chance.

Its the same with property when banks have light lending standards even monkeys can get loans. But the minute the banks demand 25% down payment property will go to shit.


There aren't too many smart people around to be able to research whats really going in. 90% if not more just listen to daily news without understand the magnitude.


This post is for educational purposes.

Seek professional advise on the above. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Lunar Eclipse

 Hi Readers

Today we have the Lunar Eclipse taking place and while for many of you this won't affect you to much others it will affect you massively.

For those of your born between the 3rd and the 13th of the month any month of the year, try to remember what you went through in April.

Whatever you went through times it by 5 and this is your path for the next 6 months. Please don't try to fight it as you will make it worse, prepare yourself as not to feel the full effect of the Eclipse is the best way to tackle whatever your going through.

If you made money then in April then this will increase next 6 month. If you lost money then you could get whipped out. 

As an example in this case you wouldn't trade as you will find yourself on the wrong side of the market.

If your arguing with your partner then keep away from them. If your letting off steam to others go to the beach and walk through the water, don't tell anyone some alone time does wonders.

With the Eclipse in Taurus for the Amateurs astrologers, we will see a massive devaluation of asset prices over the next 6 months, when I say assets I mean everything.

While your seeing crypto's and the stock market bounce around I doubt these prices will be around over the next 6 months. Yes we hear that the central banks will pivot but this won't be the case. More trouble is coming. The Astrology is showing this crystal clear.

This post is for educational purposes.

Seek professional advise on the above. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Central banks know what they are doing

 Hi Readers

The RBA came out with there inflation projections moving forward and within a month they have increased because of last quarters numbers.

What does that say about there projections? Exactly unreliable and wrong.

With the FED moving again .75% why would you even consider buying Australian bonds or the Currency when you can buy the reserve currency and bonds and get a better rate.

So lets cut the crap and really understand why the RBA is holding back on wanting to kill demand with interest rates. Its called Debt. Home loan debt, Personal debt, Credit card debt.

Australia is far worse that the US by a multiple of 3.2, so yes while the media is focused of the US the Australian Economy is doomed for a deep recession regardless of what anyone says.

While the RBA is holding back because of the state of the property debt, if they don't move more aggressively soon the Australian dollar will come under pressure and the bond market will force the RBA's hand. As was the case early in the year, after the RBA said they won't move on rates until 2024.

Take note readers All central banks around the world have a very clear idea of what people have in there bank accounts what they debt capacity is to service debt and there threshold.

This information has to be given to the central banks by the commercial banks.

So they are fully aware of what is going on and what they are doing moving forward.

Please don't be fooled by whats the media or commentators say all central banks are fully aware and planning whats going on, governments are just puppets.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Stocks moving forward

 Hi readers 

With next year becoming a real struggle for stocks one needs to understand in what they are investing in.

Please don't be fooled by charts and prices, look at the fundamentals of the companies that your buying.

Don't speculate on moments as the rug will be pulled from you.

Perfect example is stocks are announcing huge developments stocks run up then within an hour they capital raise and then they are pending announcements. Many are being caught out by these action. So please use caution.

My personal investments haven't changed from the last time I put out my holdings.

I love my main investment at the present time

The company has huge fundamentals going forward and in a difficult market will do well in the field which its in.

I still haven't made any significant investments in the metals as yet but am still looking.

I thought with the strong dollar the metals would get shaken out but this hasn't happened. So it shows you how strong the metals really are.

With until Kristy is removed the stock isn't going anywhere in a hurry. So disappointing at the present time with the mismanagement at the company. The word Pathetic sums it up.

For those who are asking if 5EA is worth a trade the answer is I don't know.

I have zero knowledge of whats going on with the company, I am not making an investment into the company until I see a reason to. I don't need online conference calls to be told that we are moving forward either, I like to see actions being executed. When you have management and board members leaving that's tells you something. All isn't as it seems.

Just remember people it's ok to have cash sitting, you can't buy something cheap with cash.

If you have to sell something else to buy then your putting yourselves under pressure.


The above should be used for educational purposes.

The above is based on Astrological aspects.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above

Silver and Platinum

 Hi readers 

As your all aware I am not a precious metals believer.

But when the chance comes to make money then that it money is money.

I have been watching the Comex reserves on both platinum and Silver.

Silver is currently down to 36 million ounces and Platinum is down to 142,000 ounces.

With the current silver contracts in the market place silver will be down to 16 million and platinum down to 30,000ounces by the of the year.

Russia is the largest producer of both silver and platinum in the world. With the current bullshit sanctions on Russia next year the Comex will run out of these metals,bank dealers won't be able to open contracts on these commodities if the Comex doesn't have them.

What that will do to price is another thing. Could we have a LME  issue at the Comex absolutely!

So how do we play this moving forward?

Maybe a look into buying some bars of the metal and also stocks that produce this metal is the best way to play it.

 I'd be very cautious about purchasing ETF's as if the EFT's have Russian stocks in them then you wont get the best moves moving forward.


how to fix inflation

 Hi readers 

So the Fed has moved rates almost 2% and inflation in the US has fallen some .3 of a percent.

Ok I'll be honest rate rises don't work in an inflationary environment anyone who has an economics degree will tell you that rates don't do squat to inflation.

The only way to tackle inflation and the reason I'm saying this is because I do know that there are government accounts reading the blog, bank reserves.

The moment you increase bank reserves is the moment you will start to tackle inflation.

Currently bank reserves are at 2% if that was to increase to 10% or even 15%  you would see inflation fall dramatically. Credit is what is pumping inflation and not what people believe. (central banks)

If central banks demand that banks hold 15% capital reserves all credit would stop.

I say this because for every dollar given out as credit banks hold 2% reserve yes thats right 2 cents.

I hope that sinks in.

I found out from the RBA website that $26.6 billion in cash is floating around in the economy.

For those who don't know in Australia you cant take more that $10k in cash out of the bank at the one time. For this amount of cash to be floating around it tells me that people have been slowly storing cash away, and I congratulate them.

Banks are trying to have people move away from cash and use there system of money.

Yet when there technology goes down there is no compensation for loss or damages, just believe in the banking system.

For what its worth I don't believe in banks or the banking system.


RBA has just increased inflation again

 Hi readers 

I've keep to myself to see how the market plays out.We have seen a number of conflicting issue and yet inflation is still rising.

We have seen the Fed raise rates and export inflation around the world.

It shouldn't be a surprise to all of you as I did warn you that it would come.

Markets are bouncing around couple of hundred points side to side trying to suck retail into the game.

Retail is being lured into the belief that the market has bottom but has it really! 

I don't believe it has and I see further falls moving forward.

As this is being typed the reserve bank of Australia has just increased interest rates by .25% yet they just saw inflation slap 7.3% in Australia..

What is the real reason the RBA isn't increasing rates by .50% or more to combat inflation?

The property market is likely to collapse, the same with Canada, both central banks are unable to increase rates as there actions will result in property falling apart.

If property falls apart in valuations as is expected then everyone who has bought for the last 15years will be mortgage slaves, thats when your in negative equity and that your valuation of your property is less that your current mortgage.

This move by the RBA will only increase inflation so all is good for a higher rate in the future.

On a side note in the area I reside the largest shopping center Doncaster Westfield  has been busy as over the last 3 weeks. What I tend to do is just go out and walk around and see if people are shopping or just window shopping. I can  tell you people are shopping regardless of whats happening to them financially. live the moment and we can deal with the ramifications later type attitude. I can tell you that 2023 will be the nightmare year for the world.

With record debt in Australia I fear what will play out but lets see how things involve.

The governments budget what's much of a budget if anything it was smoke and mirrors.

There is no way the government will build 1 million properties in 3 years.

The budget numbers don't add up and with the lower tax receipts due to a stagnant economy and stockmarket there is no way that there numbers will come true

The budget was nothing but a publicity stunt to notify the public that the electricity bills will increase by 50%. 

The question is why when we have coal, oh that right climate change shit. Did I tell you all that the east coast of Australia is being flooded by rain. So mush for climate change its nothing but a massive hoax readers.

As an example and please check this for yourselves, in 1974 the western suburbs of Melbourne was blocked off for 6 days due to rain and flooding.

Its all cycles and Climate change is just that cycles. but people are so foolish to believe that , they forget about the basis of whats really playing out.

So now the worlds energy is increasing in price not because it costs more but only because of climate change shit.

Governments around the world are NOT governing for there people.


Friday, September 2, 2022

Inflation is growing

 Hi Readers

So we have heard from the FED who is being cornered.

The lies and deceit that they have played out for so long is coming home to roost. The bottom line as we have said before unless interest rates are above the inflation rate inflation will continue to rise .

People/investors need to stop believing the bullshit the media is spinning as they are being played.

I say this because we have already seen 2 quarters of negative GDP and yet the government including the Federal Reserve refuse to call is as its is ( a recession). 

So lets look at whats they are really concerned about? 

Sure inflation is the after affect of what occurs before hand.

The biggest feeder to inflation is wage rises and every central banks is fully aware of it.

It's for this reason that central banks are moving aggressively to limit businesses from raising wages. By killing demand they are anticipating that businesses won't be able to offer wage rises. 

Don't think that the central banks have your best interests at hand. they don't and if anything they simply refuse to acknowledge thats its there easy money policy that has created the inflation we are currently in.

Now we see all the countries who have serious inflation on a population recruitment drive. so whether your in the UK ,Canada, Australia or New Zealand all are after skilled migration which is wonderful. My question is what have they been doing for he last 10 years. as this policy was running for 8 years straight from 2010.

Inflation readers has grown a head and with that it is here to stay whether we like it or not .

 Raising rates is only putting further pressure on the consumer nothing else. Its not dropping inflation so don't think that inflation will drop any time soon.

This post is for educational purposes.

Seek professional advise on the above. 

Euro is dead and now script is exposed

 Hi Readers 

So I have finally worked out how the euro will collapse.

From the day the Euro started trading every astrology worth there salt knew that the euro would fail. while the euro has been successful from launch but in the long term it would always fail.

Its only after 20 years I've been able to work out how it will fail.

The collapse will be from the energy crisis which is coming in the winter in Europe. With the biggest economy depended on Russian gas, there is no way that the euro will be able to hold its value .

Its already starting to be anticipated and I think its only just the beginning of what will come .

Currently we see that Europe is in a summer season and that the gas usage is low, yet its just enough to get by for know. For those who don't know European winters tend to be very cold with -1 degrees at best and -10 usual. Without gas how do people keep warm or even cook? 

I totally understand the bullshit regarding Climate change but the world isn't simply ready for this transition yet.more people have died from cold weather than warm weather and if anything when you look into the data the planet is becoming far more colder than hotter.

Yes the media keeps spinning out the fact that the planet is getting hotter but the data shows otherwise.

European countries in the EU will start to walk away from the Euro as the energy crisis hits come the winter. We can see that people are already struggling to pay there energy bills at the present time , but its only going to get worse . Yes this is also whats coming to both the USA and to Australia, at the present time they are being sheltered by elections and climate but this will soon end . Its for this reason both the FED and the European bank know that inflation is going to continue to increase.

You do have to wonder why the US is continuing to pump money into the Ukrainian Russian war when the US has no benefit from it. but lets not go there.


This post is for educational purposes.

Seek professional advise on the above. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

metals no rush

Hi Readers once again we see metals taking a hit after the numbers which came out yesterday.

All but insuring that the Fed will move another 50 basis point in September.

The CNBC goons squad was pushing that the Fed was done only to realize that another move is coming.

I just want to explain how metals are traded in funds as some have asked the Question, while others have no clue.

So an equity fund/hedge fund will have its allocation stocks whatever it is and then will have 5 or 10% in metals physical exposure.

Reason for this is they are only allowed to be in cash of up to 2-5% that's the way most are structured.

 Have more than that amount in cash holding is a violation of the managers fiduciary responsibility to its holders and will be exposed in the quarterly audits.Any violation of there responsibility can have serious legal ramifications.

I say this because both wholesale and retail clients can be pain in the asses, with complaints that the manager was too conservative with there investments or is to bearish on there outlook. Believe me money will move if this is the case, especially in the US.

So what managers do is buy metals and just hold them.

Should they ever get margin called or want to buy a certain stock, rather than mucking up the balance of the portfolio they dumb the metals and have the cash on call for whatever they need to do.

No violations and no drama with cash on call.

So now we come to the other part about when do metals go up?

For those who have been here a while you know that metals don't increase in value on an inflationary environment. Metals like crypto coins are a deflationary tool.Metals will hold and trade much much higher in a deflationary environment. Currently as your all aware we are in an inflationary environment and its for this reason metals will continue to trade sideways to higher but slowly. Please don't believe some of the crap YouTube posters state. they have there own agenda. 

So lets look as some of the scenario's .

1. We have explained above how managers use metal positions, so if we get a slow winding death in the stock market of economy where do metal prices go?

2. February-March 2023 the potential for a crash is very real? where will prices be then!

3. Does the user case for the metal far exceeds the supply?

4. While its a storage of wealth how do you buy necessary. yes heard about the barter way but I'd like to see it before I'm confident to say that..

 This post is only for educational purposes 

ask your financial advisor on more on the above

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

10.1 UK inflation and its going higher

 Hi Readers markets around the world are trading higher but lets see for how long?

The illusion that the central banks will pivot is nothing more but a dream and hope.

We have just had the Reserve bank of New Zealand increase rates again by .50bps for the fourth time in a row. We have just seen the UK inflation figures and yes over 10% CPI ,so what does that tell you ?

What the central banks are doing isn't working this slow and steady approach is making it worse as inflation is becoming stuck on the economy. 

So what are the options going forward for the central banks? there are a few but they are quickly becoming irrelevant if they don't act soon.

1. Squeezing the balance sheet has to occur this side of Christmas and completed.

2. Raise interest rates way quicker than what they are doing so, the softly softly approach is feeding inflation. Yes central banks are looking to curb demand and allow things to settle down without stimulus, but this idea works well on a computer model not in reality.

3. The biggest fear central banks now have is wage inflation, should the people up-rise for wage rises then this inflation will last for 5 years at the minimum.

4. The other option is to use American economics and have an inflation figure less everything that's going up, if we calculated inflation the same as we did in 1990 the current US inflation would be 16.8% where would interest rates be then ?

5. The only other option which is the right option is to immediately increase rates higher than the rate of inflation. As the IMF said to other countries like Argentina, Brazil and Colombia. These countries got forced to increase rates higher than the rate of there inflation rate. But as the western world is so indebted a interest rate of such would bankrupt or wipe out 30 years of wealth. Now you can see why every government around the world is trying to blame Russia for there inflation which had begun way before Russia's invasion. Inflation begun when all government had started giving stimulus cheque's for free. Regardless of the conditions no government had the right to do what it did. But society has become so entitled in there thinking that instant gratification is a cancer culture.

 So as you can see we are in some very difficult times and those of you who are start can put the two together. The you will own nothing and be happy statement is taking shape infront of our very eyes.


This post is for educational purposes.

Seek professional advise on the above. 


Saturday, August 13, 2022

Is the Rally real or an illusion

 Hi Readers

While the news coming out is continuing to be bad all around the world retail is being lured into believing the illusions that we have seen the bottom, and that the Fed will slow down its rate rises and even cut rates.

Lets get one thing straight which will come but not for a while Deflation.

Many analysts have said it over and over again but this won't play out until the mid to end of 2023 going by what my astrology is showing.

Yes at the present time inflation has stabilized but this is only going to last until the mid term elections, once the republicans take the senate Biden won't be able to use the strategic reserves to lower energy prices. Oil will rise again and the inflation bubble will continue.

The market is so consumed with the economy and that the Fed will pivot and support the stock market, but this is more hope than a reality. Inflation is now stuck on the economy like a tumor and yes its going to get a lot worse than many think of believe.

The Fed has no choice but to raise rates and as a result central banks must increase rates more than the Fed to protect both there debt and currency markets.

In regards to the stock market it is just a derivative to the bond market. The Bond market is where the Fed is more concerned about. The Commercial banks have $2.2 Trillion sitting at the Fed in reverse repo, I don't want to get too technical but if the Fed wants that money to go into the stock market they could stop paying .20% and that money will make its way into both the bond market and stock market.

Get this, firms are cutting back staff, and GDP is falling and companies have already begun guiding lower forward estimates yet we are told that there is 11 million vacancies openings in the US. If that tells you that there is something wrong I don't know what will. But the market has gain 12% for its lower on anticipation of the Fed pivoting.

Yes the astrology was showing a bounce but the move this week has surprised me. I didn't think that the S&P would trade above 4200. So lets see how markets trade over the next fortnight. Please use the next month or 2 to stock up what you require as prices will continue to increase.

The property market has started feeling the pressure of higher interest rates with people being told by banks to put there properties on the market, but there is no panic yet as if there was we would be witnessing massive numbers on the auction front. What we see is property being put on the market for private sale.

The above should be used for educational purposes.

The above is based on Astrological aspects.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above



Wednesday, August 10, 2022

more rate increases coming

 Hi Readers

Its been a while since I've last posted and I do have a number of posts to post.

I deliberately held back posting just to see how the market and peoples views of whats playing out.

I've got to say that I am really disappointed peoples thinking moving forward.

The thought that governments or central banks are going to sign blank checks to people is a massive delusion. 

Interest rates are going to continue going higher for the simple reason, inflation is a nuclear bomb politically. People will tolerate it for a while but once the savings are gone the patients runs out and the blame becomes permanent.

The FED and the Biden administration know this and while the market believes the FED will pivot and cut rates to protect the economy or the stock market, I doubt this will take place and I will explain why?

The FED first made the error of buy junk bonds and keeping rates low for far too long.

They had the opportunity to move in February 2021 but refused to and doubled down on there bond buying.

The FED then when inflation in March started to show up started calling it transitory.

Since when was this word ever used in finance ? never.

Yet the market believed the FED and not what was taking place, its was when the bonds yields started to rise that the FED had to back down and realize that the market wasn't believing the bullshit it was being fed (transitory).

Now that the FED has increased rates repeatedly market participates and trying to convince the FED to pivot, and that the economy will fall into a recession if they don't.

People have become so trained to being told that the media can convince people including in finance of what equates to a recession.

The economy has already been in a recession since March 2022 but the official 2 quarters of negative GDP came out a fortnight ago and now we here the bullshit again about we might get revisions and what have you.

For those who don't know during good times central banks cut the money supply by increasing rates and flood the system with cheap money during a recession, to boost productivity.

So what is the FED doing right now ?  the total opposite and they have no choice  due to the above error. (inflation)

So now lets look at what the FED's hedge is to raising rates and not taking responsibility for there actions.

It's call the Jobs market, people are demanding higher wages and either companies pay up or workers will walk. Over the last month all I've seen is companies laying off staff not employing. Yet the numbers are showing 12 million  job openings.

I put one very simple question to you, if there is basically 2 jobs out there for every unemployed registered worker then why is US GDP dropping.

For companies chasing staff means they are pumping out production and profits yet in the Q2 profit results every company was clearly stating that they missed forecasts or they are experiencing lower sales or production moving forward.

So now that you understand how central banks are playing this game moving forward, you can position yourselves to take advantage of it.

Central banks don't give a shit about the economy's, they will keep raising rates until inflation comes down. 

The world should be watching the FED because all central banks are playing the same game. The FED as stated previously exported the inflation around the world, so watch whats taking place in the US as economy's are just months behind.

As this is being posted there is an hour to go before the CPI numbers come out, and yes they will be lower, but still 4 times higher than what the FED's target rate of 2% inflation.

Media will start spinning out the bullshit of inflation has peaked but I don't believe so.

US government is selling oil from its strategic reserves, Biden has been begging the Arab nations for more oil production but no one gives a rats.

The FED is doing its job by cutting peoples expenditure by raising rates and killing demand.

After the midterm election I think oil will make a come back to higher prices.

Grains haven't changed yet the paper price has fallen, crop yields look very poor but the USDA won't publish real numbers in yields as grains will explode in price.

Unless you do your own research obtaining data from government agencies, it must be taken with a grain of salt.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

I am not a financial advisor, and the above is for educational purposes only

Saturday, July 16, 2022

9% inflation top in yet? I think not

 Hi Readers .

So inflation has now hit 9% of what we are told , Bond rates are dropping in yield and we are being conditioned or should I say convinced that all is fine and there is nothing to see.

Well lets just question that !

The rental component of the inflation measure is just 5.4%, now My understanding is that rents have gone up by at least 20% nation wide in the US, internet websites have said it crystal clear that rents have increased by 26% nation wide.

Food increases on average have gone up 21% yet the inflation numbers don't even come close to that and lets not start about energy component also.

As I said before until rates are above the rate of inflation we aren't going to see inflation come down.

The Fed is going to move again even tho they will regret it, they have no choice but to move on rates.

They are trying to manipulate the inflation by increasing the value of the USD and manipulate the commodity market. But unfortunately what the Fed doesn't realize or understand is that there is a major difference between the paper price of commodities and the real price of commodities.Paper prices is what the media and market participants know. The real price of delivery is what the users are buying and passing onto the consumer. So here is the next level of misunderstanding which all central banks don't get.

All food processes who buy raw commodities increase prices slowly, as not to spook the consumers/customers. So when prices do come down and there costs do come down prices to consumer don't move down they stay where they are until margins and profits have been restored.

Its not discretionary spending where your convincing people to buy something they don't need or peoples businesses income comes from sales of products.It's food which yes is a perishable product but people need to have it, there is no choice.  

Something to keep in mind moving forward the inflation rate in the US is around that 19% mark which shadow stats has shown.

Also note that with the stronger USD inflation as I said months ago is being exported overseas.

We are witnessing countries go broke and people are starving yet the world media isn't showing anything of it.Yes things are going to become more difficult moving forward but as longs as your aware of the truth then you can take measures which can somewhat insulate the blow. 

Your seeing provinces in China where people can't take there money out to buy the normal household items. Yes this started in April and has spread from 1 bank to 6 banks.

In Sri Lanka the government defaulted on debt and the people have rebelled against the government as prices inflation has forced people to go hungry as they simply can't afford the costs of food and energy. As I have said it before the one thing governments fear is there own people rebelling.

In Australia we are starting to see cracks everywhere also, previously covid rules would act on stages, Yet this time around nothing is being acted upon. Which has finally shown people that it was never about there health, there was an agenda to in debt people and small businesses, then when the so called support came along  small business never qualified yet every multinational business/asx listed did. The fear or rebellion was so great this time that the federal cabinet was called in and reinstated stimulus cheques immediately to people to stay home if they have covid.

My concern is that everyone I know who has been double jabbed has had covid a second time. Yet those who haven't been jabbed are fine, just putting it out there as the truth is painful to accept.

 Now here comes the reality check for some of you who don't understand whats taking place.

Covid is going to reduce the unemployed levels and as a result will show that there is a strong labour market, which is the justification the central banks will need to increase rates against inflation. Yet getting away from the reality that it was the central banks that created the environment of cheap money to lure more debt into the market. As the world runs on a debt base system.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

The above is based of  financial astrological aspects.


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

On for the Australian investment community

 Hi readers

We are continuing to read how there is a housing crisis in Australia. 

How is that possible when the census came out with numbers that simply blew me away. Over 1.1 million homes are vacant. 16% of apartments are vacant and 14% of townhouses. I say this because I’m hear of rents going up yet homes are empty.

I understand landlords why they refuse to rent the property out. Bad experiences can lead you to being shy next time around. But how can this be people with debt yet to lease income and hopeful of just selling it at higher prices. 

This is where properly had become a gambling’s spectacle and need to end by all means. House are for people to live in not for gambling and it’s for this reason that I hope rate run to 5% and house prices fall 50%, it’s the only way that this will change people’s view on housing.

 As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

I’m a financial astrology not a financial advisor. 

BBUS is the best investment moving forward

 Hi readers

So where are we looking forward. Inflation is rising regardless of what the number is and the cost of living is outstripping wage rises which in turn is putting people backward even this they don’t realise it.

Those with families at the present time are feeling the pinch with the cost of groceries exploding. Many younger people are only experiencing higher energy cost at the present time but believe me this will change after September . 

So where do we look at investing moving forward? 

As your all aware I hold my core positions of BuB, DXB and BBUS. 

I will be looking to increase my BBUS exposure as I don’t see anything worth buying at the present time. I anticipated that gold and silver  would of been slammed by know but this hasn’t happened yet. Hence why I refuse to buy both gold miners or specs stocks.

There is no rush just slowly look at accumulate at a certain price. We have time until September , after that the trouble will start and if there is manipulation until the mid terms that’s ok too as the longer it takes the heavier the fall will be. 2023 will be the disaster year for the stock market and world economy. 

House prices I think regardless of where you live will see 2005 prices or lower, just depends on how indebted the economy is to the housing market. In Australia for example I can see a  Halving of prices if not more from the peaks.

This is what the astrology is showing and that’s why I’m putting it out there . Wether you agree with it or not is a matter for you. 

Inflation pressure will continue and regardless of what anyone says rates have to go up. The RBA in Australia is so far behind that it won’t surprise me if they move .75% -1% in a weeks time. The Australian dollar is in the firing line as there is no value to hold Australia dollars. I’ve heard the bullshit of don’t fight the central banks on what they say, but on this occasion they are full of shit, if you think that the Fed or the BOE or the ECB is going to dictate commodity prices you are gravely mistaken.

I have 2 businesses which are production firms of foods and a joint investors in another and I can tell you no central bank can dictate prices. 

Not all commodities are cash settlements, they are deliverable, grains, oil, and soft commodities are just that. They are not like gold which are cash settled at the expiration date. It’s for this reason the Fed or any central bank can’t control price’s with interest rate rises. 

Just remember that when you hear the media bullshit. Inflation was were way before Ukraine war but the US and NATO blame the war. 

The media said that Russia defaulted of debt which isn’t true, Russia has shit loads of cash, the Ruble is at a 8 year high to the US dollar. China and India is selling Russia oil to the world and making a 22% commission on the trades. Yet the world is being told that Russia is struggling total crap. 

As always the above is based on financial astrology.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

I’m a financial astrology not a financial advisor.

Tax implications

 Hi readers 

So what a year 2021/22 has been.

ABR/5EA has matured and we liquidated our position of it. It was as I said before a wonderful ride, from 20-40cents to $3.35-$3.50. While many of you have banked the profits and have moved on the little leech in the background called the ATO will be looking at you.

You made 1000% percent return and yet the little maggot will be knocking on your door asking for there cut.

I’ve tried to secure you as much as possible with the 50% rebate on the stock holding over 50% on capital gains but you will still have to pay some tax. So for those of you who have bought new homes while others have bought cars, boats, jet skis or camper vans please be aware that the ARO will visit your paperwork.

I’m not a tax advisor so please talk to your tax account regarding your profits on the stock .

For those of you who haven’t sold you obviously know something I don’t and wish you well on the stock moving forward. 

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.

I’m not a financial advisor I’m a financial astrology.

Seek professional advice on more on the above.

Tax book squaring

 Hi Readers

Once again it’s that time of year where book squaring up is occurring. Those who are holding profits are selling while those who are in losses are also selling.

Many moons ago the bottom line that only matters to fund managers with clients was the profit and losses and today it hasn’t changed. I wouldn’t take to much of what is going on seriously at the present time as it’s simply book squaring.

Manager who have booked losses and selling profitable position to cover losses. You don’t get paid on losses reader only profits. 

We have seen the ASX gain value with the S&P but this is very short term, once the squaring up is over we will see a continuation of the selling. I say that because everything that is occurring is very inflationary but both governments and the central banks. 

The Fed is letting bonds mature from there balance sheet and still buying MBS. Yet they are looking/ talking about increasing rates. 

The economy is shrinking and they are very aware of it and know full well of what there actions are doing to people, but there is no regard for what people are going through. 

Please be aware that rates are going much higher and if you do have debt understanding that depending where you are there is recourse except in the US 

As always. Use the above as an indicator to your own work

The above is based of financial astrology.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

I am a financial astrology not a financial advisor.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Crypto market is going down for 16-18 months

 Hi Readers

Its the first time my email inbox has exploded and its for that reason that I decided over the weekend to do some work moving forward on bitcoin.

I understand that many of you have a number of alt coins too but if Bitcoin moves everyone moves. So over the next 16-18 months the Crypto market is in a lot of trouble.

I don't care whether you take what I say on board or not but the bottom line is we will see lower lows than many expect. Its cost's $11,621 to produce one bitcoin, yes other area's of the world it does cost more.So until Thursday I have orders as I've stated but after Thursday all will once again change.

I strongly believe with the astrology that I have seen going forward Bitcoin will break $10k, and could go much lower. For the time being its not a good idea to put price targets, but after October we can have a much better idea of price levels.

No its not going to zero so please don't be sucked into scare mongering by those who missed the move and hate themselves for selling too early.

Yes it will go up and yes it will make new highs but that wont happen for another 5-6 years so before you invest in it you need to be aware that the investment you make will be long term.

I'm not about to tell you its going to a million dollars per bitcoin because its not. Can it get to $136,000 absolutely, as the astrology after 2025 looks huge for cryptos but it will take time and the volatility will test peoples blood pressure levels.

So please think about investing in don't just jump into cryptos without a plan or long term objective.

Talk to your financial advisor about the above.

All the above is based on Financial astrology.

I am a Financial Astrologer, Not a financial advisor.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Growth is over

 Hi Readers 

What a week it was .

We saw so much volatility that many are starting to become concerned about the future.

The inflation that all central banks have caused has only just started.

The media is being used to full affect to limit the knowledge of participants making future decisions.

I say that because I'm seeing empty building complex's and yet superannuation fund are still showing profit yet no revenue coming in. Losses are being hidden through accounting smarts.

People are struggling and yet all we are hearing is total bull shit from the FED, ECB, and every government around the world.

Now the FED and the ECB are looking to start buying debt to reduce borrowing cost but that will only accelerate inflation two fold.

Tech companies in the US are sacking there work force up to 30% and yet we are get crap that the economy is strong. Its not contracting world wide and they know it but we are not meant to know it.

The public is only allowed to know when its too late.

We see the crypto market falling apart and while the professionals know whats going on, retails is watching there wealth slip through there hands.Asking the question should I crystalize the losses?

I hate this sort of manipulation and its the reason That I started this blog. Not asking for anything other that people think for themselves and understand the macro picture.

Today Bitcoin broke the $20,000 level and the amount of emails I've received is remarkable.

I've clearly stated that things aren't what they seem and you need to be in cash, companies or investments you are prepared to hold for a couple of years. yet people seem to think that buying the dips is the way to go.

I understand the mentality as its worked for so many years but this is different.In 2008 the infection of free money was in the wholesale market. This time around its in the economy (retail)and its feeding on itself and is only going to get worse.

What people don't seem to realize is that the more digital people move to the more clearly the central banks understand peoples behavior and spending patterns.Not a conspiracy theory its a fact.

Central banks are fully aware of what people's savings are so them raising rates with the knowledge of what people can afford on there mortgage.

Also note that all the free money that was given back in 2020 will be taken back with interest something many don't understand will happen.So with all this in mind investments need to be defensive not aggressive as growth isn't coming soon.

The above is only based on Financial Astrology.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

RBA snookered 630,451 mortage holders

 Hi Readers 

I can't resist I need to vent after what I saw.

I just saw the Reserve Bank of Australia Governor come out and say that the economy didn't meet there expectations of growth and now they can't say how high interest rates will go up in Australia.

This is the same Governor who said back in October 2021 that rates won't move up until 2024, regardless of what other central banks do.

When your in public office you are there to serve the people of the nation, its your contribution to the nation. To have a position such as that you need to be careful in what you say.

As you are playing with peoples savings and livelihoods.

Now Philip Lowe seriously is a piece of work, the RBA did there own modeling back in 2018 and knew that a 1% move in interest rates would increase the housing market by 30%. So when Covid hit even tho the Australian housing market was cooling off he decided to cut rate to inflate the housing market more. So the Australian housing market went on a rampaging move up increasing another  22%, with cheap money around why not.

So now we come to the part where the music has stopped and there are no chairs to sit on , so everyone is contemplating heading for the exit doors?

Problem is that what they paid for the property they can't get there money back, those with high LVR are screwed with rates going up and being told to pay up?

Yes we hear the shit from the media about talk to your bank about helping you out during this tough time.Yes they do help you out let me tell you, first you get a major credit downgrade, then you told the best thing to do is sell the property and then your told that the residue we can tailor a loan for you to pay the bank off. So in the end you sell your house you have no where to live and you still owe money to the bank, oh I forgot you did pay mortgage insurance too.

This is what 630,451 mortgage holders are facing, all thanks to people who believed the Governor and his comments.

The real estate agents will tell you its tough to sell at the moment unless you reduce the price and we will do the best we can. 

Also note that for every 1% point rise in rates its a 25% decrease in property prices too..

So where is the accountability from the central banks for causing inflation?

That right there is none, blame Russia for oil prices and inflation but not the central banks for flooding the system with money supply. Now they caused inflation we have to tighten money and everyone who borrowed money is screwed, yes screwed!!! You will end up divorcing due to money issues, and yet everyone will say that it was all your fault but not the central banks for setting people up. Unfortunately the education system has a hell of a lot to answer for too as it doesn't teach money management. People have no idea how to manage money, which is the most important think in life. Everyone can go to work and make money that's great but can you manage it ? the answer to that is 85% can't but won't admit it.

There are people who enjoy work and are workaholics, like myself but there are other in there 60's and 70's who still have to work, because they have awesome skills at managing money. Think about it people.

Again make sure you have money set aside, the way this is playing out we will be able to buy a street for the same money as a house in 2021 in the not too distant future.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Margin calls coming

 Hi readers 

Markets at the present time are dropping, with a lack of bids at these current levels isn't showing bounce with wholesale selling .

Currently market is down 2% and its only a matter of time before the margin calls start on the margin debt the stockmarket currently holds. 

10 year bond yields are over 3.20% at the present time obviously there is good shake out occurring.

Readers its hard for people to understand whats really going on, but the bottom line is cash has a price on it now. For 2 decades people have been educated into debt and not to worry as cash is trash.

For decades of traders (those born in the 80'and 90') only know one thing to expose themselves to more debt, not save cash or hold cash. Regardless of what debt assets is the only way, which did work previously, but now the game has changed. Those now with assets are stuck with them, regardless if they are making money or not. Banks that have been giving out the debt are demanding further collateral, and its forcing the traders, speculators , gamblers or whatever else you want to call them to either front up with money or be liquidated.

No market is safe Crypto's are getting hammered , stocks , bonds, metals you name it is getting hit.

So don't believe the bull shit people spin out about safe heavens its all about self interest.

I was told that gold would hold up if the market got hit? gold is down 2%

Was told that Bitcoin will hold up  currently down 13%.

Oh yes lets not forget property, lets see where lending rates are at the end of the day in the US, it closed on Friday at 5.75. yet the market has moved up another 15 points as I'm typing this post.

The fact that the game is changing people will refuse to accept it and will loose all there wealth.People who had good jobs and walked away to become shall we say gamblers need to be extremely careful moving forward and the potential of being wiped out is real.

Some of you who have either stocks or crypto coins who have lost value, don't bother looking at them anymore. your stuck with the crypto's for 5-6 years at least.

Yes Bitcoin will see $136,000 but that won't happen until 2028 and beyond. in the mean time if you have cash just wait your in the box seat.

For those of you who have stock  shares if they good companies you will see better times in 2025, so until then be patient and wait..


I put bids in to buy Bitcoin, Eth, Dot, Chainlink, StormX and EW at very low prices.

$10200-9500 USD

$250-300 USD

$2.-2.10 USD


$.00150-.00100 USD

$.80-1.20 USD

These orders are on for the next 10 days should I get hit I'm happy to buy, if I don't get them no big deal.

I've said it before cash is king  and now when the shit seriously hits the fan those with cash will make generational wealth, because they had the money to move at a moments notice.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

I'm a financial Astrologer , I am not a financial advisor

CPI out of control

 Hi readers 

Well we saw the CPI numbers come out on Friday and its obviously no way of hiding the truth now that inflation is out of control.

It doesn't matter what spin the the FED, government or the media spin on it, its simply out of control and they are trying to hold it down by manipulating the accommodation part of the CPI where no rents have gone up 4.5%. Every portal in the US has clearly stated that rents are up 15-20% but the agency has put out rents are up just 4.5% annually.

So until that catches up I'm pretty sure inflation will keep rising. Also the Astrology is showing higher inflation rates so I don't see it stopping for a while.

So while the market is starting to realize that the FED won't be around to support the market Friday saw good selling across all sectors of the market.

There was no protection anywhere, when the market falls like that you tend to see bonds hold up, but they also took a hit. The only area which traded higher was the commodities.( Corn and Wheat)

One part of the market which put the fear of god into the financial market was the MBS market. A market has a bid and offer, buyer and a seller.What happen on Friday no bids for MBS's after 20 minutes when bids arrived they wanted premium prices, bid spreads way beyond an orderly market. 

What that exposed was that the FED isn't buying and is prepared to let the market fall away at the expense of fighting inflation. So lets see what happens on Monday and Tuesday as the market now has a FED which isn't going to backstop stocks while inflation is at 8%.

I've said it before the FED is exporting inflation around the world so regardless of where you are in the world inflation demon is coming and what your going through now is nothing to whats ahead. Governments don't care even tho they are the main cause of the problem. Worldwide governments tax revenue will rise with inflation.I've said it before the one thing governments fear is there own people rebelling again them and this is starting to happen in the western world.

This Bullshit about Climate change is forcing people into desperation.

 While many of you will disagree I put a link up for you to look at the truth of whats really going on. Yes we can become self sustainable in the future but not know, people are suffering and governments only worry about impressing the uneducated influencers who can influence the naive public.

Prices at the moment for commodities are tame compared to whats coming and I think its wise to prepare for a serious hike in grocery costs moving forward.


As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Ask your financial advisor on the above.

I am a financial astrologer , not a financial advisor.



Sunday, June 5, 2022

Commerical banks write debt up out of thin air.

 Hi Readers

Spoke to a few readers who have become great friends over time and i noticed that there is a huge myth which people believe. Central banks DO NOT CREATE MONEY.

So lets get a few things out there and clear up the YouTube posters stupidity, how things have become uncontrollable and things are and will continue to collapse.

Regardless of where you are Australia, US or the UK every central banks works the same way.

Economies have dismantled the productivity of economies and have become debt based economies.

China's 30 year investment into productivity has successfully achieved its purpose, whether we like it or not this is such an achievement to be proud of as a country. The stupidity of the world to give China its manufacturing and productivity is by no means the fault of the Chinese, they are smart people and we need to respect it.

The world has become a debt based economy, More debt needs to be taken to pay for previous debt.

Central banks DO NOT write up debt or provide debt to banks or governments.

It is the commercial banks that write up debt to either businesses or people to invest or to purchase.

Back in the 70's banks used to use depositors money to give out loans to people but this ended in 1985, and people still today think that this is the case.

Commercial banks write debt up on a pledge that you will pay it back and produce money out of thin air. Commercial banks have computer algorithms which determine if you can pay a loan back or not. Commercial banks are responsible for the asset bubbles which have occurred in the last 20 years not the central bank as many believe. As money has been cheap to source due to covid and the stimulus cheques people have been given, inflation was being incubated.

I say that because of the way the economy has been managed, big business around the world has had access to cheap money and rather than investing in production they have been buying the own company stock up, Others bought Bitcoin, and others have been buying property. Yet small business which has needed the help and who is the biggest employer in the world has been left out of all stimulus help.

People who got given government assistance to help out with the costs of living back in 2020-2021, went out and started buying new furniture, crypto currencies , stocks, cars or banked the money.I can remember here in Australia everyone was going out buying new flat screen TV or new Fridges. but what occurred was a supply/demand issue, which have just carried and will continue until the balance comes back.

What people don't understand is that the central banks do have data on whats in savings accounts, and yes the central banks know that people have banked funds which the governments had handed out to people.

So now that you understand how the system works the commercial banks world wide didn't expect for the central banks to ever raise the cost of money as no government will ever be able to pay it back. Whats now happened is that inflation and the rising costs of daily living has become a tax on the consumer so great that it's like 30% draw down on the consumer and as a result discretionary spending has fallen off a cliff.

So the cost of money is rising , which the commercial have been exposed to and now find themselves exposed to losses, which CEO's didn't expect or anticipate. Regardless of where you are in the world all banks are exposed to asset losses. While the Major banks are some what protected due to there association to there central bank the smaller banks or the mortgage originators are not protected at all and have the major losses on there books. So the pledges that banks have written up (which are loans) now cost far more to service and while banks now realize that liar loans have been issued they have no hesitation in defaulting loans and selling assets. Banks won't hesitate to liquidate investments portfolios should there algorithms say so regardless of if your making your repayments or not, they can simply increase the capital requirements and paralyze the mortgage holder.

So the central banks have stopped buy bonds, banks around the world must hold bonds as a safety net should they get into trouble, the cost of those bonds is increasing, so the commercial banks find themselves vulnerable with less mortgages being written up as the demand for investments or discretionary spending falling quickly. So the anticipation which the commercial banks would usually have thinking the central banks wouldn't let the economy fall, is wrong and banks are now vulnerable to all the debt they have written up.

As of said before 2008 was a $1.6 trillion US issue, which didn't end well, this time it a $32.4 trillion issue worldwide.

We are now going to see people demanding higher wages and the cost of living will continue to rise. Yes these costs will be passed on and yes inflation will continue to rise further.

As I've said previously until interest rates are higher than the inflation rate then inflation will keep rising.

Above is for education purposes

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Some financial astrology

 Hi readers 

Some financial astrology for the students, who want to learn about it.

We have a 8 day period where the is a lot of planets moving into new signs.

Venus is moving into Taurus on the 28th 

Mars is moving into its sign of Aries 25th

Jupiter has moved into Aries on the 11th May.

Mercury has gone back into Taurus 24th.

Sun has moved into Gemini 22nd .

As you can see this doesn't happen often where you have a number of planets moving around in a cluster.

So lets go through them all and for the students who are learning will know but for those who don't can take notes .

Venus rules- grains in particular Wheat,Rice,Cattle,Barley and Silver. In Taurus appreciation in price is on the cards for all these commodities, and euphoria is not out of the question especially once it move into 2 degree.Venus is the wealth planet.

Mars  rules- copper, steel, iron ore,bonds, volatility in markets. We are witnessing volatility in financial but it's not showing huge moves to the upside with the Eclipse not allowing this aspect to release its energy.

Mercury rules- communication, multimedia , soybeans, soy products, Lumber, and orange products(juice etc). While mercury is still in retrograde these commodities aren't going anywhere its after mercury goes direct we will see these commodities increase in price not much tho.

Jupiter rules- a number of fruit and vegetables, palladium and platinum. It also feeds gambling and speculation. This planet tends to show its energy a week before it moves into a house. i had anticipated that the market would be much higher than where it is currently but the Jupiter in Aries isn't showing its usual energy if anythings its the total opposite which is somewhat worrisome.Jupiter is full of optimism yet we are seeing the market getting sold on the rips, there isn't any follow through momentum when the market bounces up.

Sun rules- life, Gold, Corn, Crude oil , gasoline, gas, and mining. In Gemini its a double edge sword, what will go up will go up because of errors previously not exposed. Usually its government who are manipulating prices who will be caught out and prices will explode.

Now lets look at both Mars and Jupiter in Aries, Aries is the god of war never backs down and with both planets in there we should be seeing an aggressive optimistic moves in Markets. Not today it was meant to happen yesterday Aries doesn't wait to think about it, it acts first ask questions later. we will see far more violence in Ukraine, with the Russian's loosing patients with the softly softly approach. You will see people seriously getting hurt if the Nato members  in Particular (US) continuing to supply military hardware.

So while everything looks as tho the market should be around the 4300-4500 S&P the eclipses we had doesn't seem to allow this energy to flourish.

With Pluto still in Capricorn inflation isn't going to stop and its only going to keep increasing and if the above aspects run true , then it won't surprise me if inflation Doubles from here.

Node rules- debt and while many seem to be struggling with it rates will go higher and people will load up even more debt to show off who they are. Instead of tightening up the spending people will be giving the credit cards a work out.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Bitcoin Will NOT see $60k in 2022

 Hi readers 

I've received a number of emails about the crypto market and when to buy it, and to be honest instead of emailing 36 people its better to just put it out there for all to read.

Its true bitcoin has never seen a bear market in stock to see if it does have any safe heaven status. 

All we have heard is bull shit which twitter warriors, or YouTube posters put up to convince people to keep buy it up.

The astrology moving forward for the crypto markets is side ways to up some what until early July then its going down and not coming back up for a while, this is what my astrology is showing.

Yes the market will dive 20% and then bounce back 10% but thats trading not investing.

A lot of the alt coins will go under and those that are making money and have a good business model will survive. The bull shit coins which are all promise of the potential will fall away.

I totally understand that you have been sold on the idea the bitcoin will be worth $100k plus by year end but I'm prepared to take any bet against this belief. If bitcoin is over $30K by 30th of DEC 2022 it will be extremely lucky.

I'm extremely confident that bitcoin will see $20K and in April 2023 under $11K is very possible.

This is what my work is showing and while many will dispute and call me crazy, its your money to decide what to do.

I also want to make the point the a digital central bank currency is on the way and regulation towards crypto's is going to increase with the amount of people who will end up loosing money. You already having people who got sucked into to buying NFT's which are full of shit, get Fleeced.

The one thing which disturbs me moving forward is that for the last 35 years we the public have been trained to know that cash is trash, and that debt is the only way to mass wealth.

This era of cash is trash is over, you MUST have cash to take advantage of the opportunities which will present themselves. The drop which is coming over the next 16 months will be decade lows. In everything Stocks, Crypto and in Property, but without cash you have no chance of taking the opportunity.

A client gave me permission to put this on the blog .

Sold his investment property 3 month ago and got settlement on Thursday sitting on $2.4 million his put that money into a fixed income bond for 9 months and is looking to invest those funds next year.

Yes your loosing 8% on inflation,gaining 2%interest, netting a negative 6%, but if the markets drop 30% and you have funds to buy, your up 24% straight off the bat.  

As always the above is based on Financial astrology.

Use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Seek your own financial advice on the above.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Subprime has arrived

 Hi Readers 

On Friday we saw numbers that remind those who where around back in 2007-08 that we haven't learnt a dam thing. Loan defaults on credit cards and Motor vehicles is exploding, its at the point right now that Subprime 2008 on property was. this is excluding property defaults.

That's how bad it is in the US, and its not just there its all around the world but no point harping on it as we have stated it many times on this Blog.

Used cars readers are about to collapse in prices far greater than what they went up in 2021.

Yes everyone wants to buy an electric vehicle but not many are looking at the pit falls of it.

The reason we have an energy crisis and will continue to is because the major investment funds have bought stakes in banks Blackrock,Vanguard and StateStreet, and then used there muscle and forced them not to lend money to the energy sectors. This is why there has been no investment into the Energy sector readers, whether you can accept that or not its the truth. Don't believe me look up the top 10 shareholders in any major bank, and you will see there footprint. What the world is going through has been planned for a very long time ago and is being executed to the T.

30 years of easy money is coming home to roost readers and believe me its going to be nasty, we all know people, businesses or family who have borrowed beyond what they can afford and there isn't anymore free cash to save them this time around.

Some are jumping into the crypto market in a big way, which is ok if your trading it.

If your investing in it then please wait, while many alt coins look cheap at the present time, there is far too much negative astrology for me to buy and hold so if I'm not buying it why are you.

You should be selling the spikes not buying the dips as this isn't a bull market.

I'm not going to get into arguments over the timing as some of you who are huge bitcoin bulls refuse to listen which is fine. Every buyer needs a seller.

The Tether time bomb is ticking, and once it explodes 80% of alts could become obsolete, as for DEFI well lets not go there. I will be a buyer in 2023 as some point not now.

 For those who want to know what I've been doing in my portfolio.

Holding stock which haven't matured.

Selling and raising cash from my matured investments. 

Not buying anything at the present time as I don't see anything cheap just yet. Yes there are some stock that I've been watching which have halved but not ready to pull the trigger as we haven't even started to see a panic yet in the asset markets yet.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

The above is based on Financial Astrology, and is not financial advice.

Seek professional advice as I am not a financial advisor

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Property developers are going bankrupt world wide

 Hi Readers

We are seeing the slow bleed out from the property market in China.

I say that because, Chinese developer are happy to pay local bond investors and refuse to pay all overseas bond holders. This is extremely dangerous as all hedge funds, pension funds, investment banks, crypto coins that hold these bonds will have to expose these losses in the second half of the year.

We have seen small builders in Queensland go belly up from rising material costs. 

Now we have the Elephant of home builders in serious financial trouble.Yes Metricon Homes is in talks to receive an injection of cash to keep operating. They won't be able to pay there trades people or the materials which they have charged there customers. Prices have increased and at fixed prices homes is simply not possible. If they do go belly up over 4100 uncompleted homes nations wide in Australia will sit idle.

We are in recession people whether you can see the writing on the wall or not.

By the time we get into an official recession it will be far to late. The economy is like a giant container ship, once it in reverse it does take a while before it can turn around and move forward.

Recession's are not bad, they clean out unwanted waste out of economies, all excess parts of the economy get cleaned out. All zombie company go bankrupt, which allows new companies who are more leaner  to flourish.

Just a quick note as this was being typed UK inflation came in at 9%, last month it was at 7%.

Just remember that interest rates need to be 1% over the rate of inflation to bring inflation down.

So with that in mind what does that tell you about central banks fighting inflation. They intend to keep pushing it higher on the public so get used to it. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Solar Eclipse.

 Hi Readers 

We are seeing the Mercury Retrograde really play up on the markets.

Just when break out's occur on both sides the market trades in the opposite direction and is doing people's head in. With the Eclipse in Scorpio we are going to witness a number of hidden agenda's rise to the surface, whether we like it or not. People's most deepest secrets will arise and its best to just deal with them. People's insecurities are also a point which will be triggered. With that its best to just own the decision and be done with it accept your call and move forward. Questioning one's worth isn't smart or productive its actually very negative, and I urge you not to consider thinking in this manner. 

Readers you need to trust your judgement in whatever you decide to do, as this eclipse will haunt you until the next Eclipse. Whether your selling your house or selling stocks trust your judgement, don't be fooled by external factors as its very likely to happen. 

A number of events are occurring politically all around the world and they are nothing but smoke screens to whats really going on.

Biden is blaming Russia for inflation yet inflation was running wild before Russia engaged in war.

The FED has been calling inflation last year transitory which they now acknowledge was a lie, and have now come out and said they will move quicker on rates even tho they know full well it will do damage to the economy.

The world is currently in recession but we cant say that as we need to wait for the IMF to give us the all clear first as it will make them all look like fools.

The RBA in Australia had assured borrowers that rates wouldn't go up until 2024 and within 6 months of that comment they moved on rates, leaving borrowers exposed to higher repayments.

These are just some examples of how the Scorpio Eclipse exposes secrets and lies.

I keep going on about this but its just looks so obvious that the USDA has stated that yields will be the same for 2022-23 which is once again a lie. Without fertilizer corn yields will be weak, planting has been extremely late due to weather, so I just don't know how crops will yield the same as last year, this isn't possible.

For those who don't know the Eclipses energy can be felt 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after, with those being triggered by the eclipse can feel its affect until the next eclipse.

In the Crypto market we see the Eclipse affect and this isn't a good sign moving forward. Use caution when investing and should you be trading these markets accept what the market gives you. Please if investing take them off the exchanges, after whats occurred with Luna and Coinbase your money or coins isn't safe on exchanges.

Yes I've bought some Bitcoin as a trade and will be liquidating these positions before the end of the month.

In regards to the stock markets we have seen the first half of the month be volatile both ways up and down, more down now we should see the volatility to the upside.

I can see Fed members coming out and talking down rate moves as the economy is weak in the US.

The smart money will let the market trade higher and slowly sell into it, that might be something to think about if you so choose to.

As always the above is base on Astrological aspects

Financial astrology is not financial advice.

Do your own research on the above 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Grain prices are continuing to climb.

 Hi Readers 

I'm putting up this post as I can see serious issues coming with food shortages and everyone thinks "yes seen it all before and nothing to see".

I've said it before the biggest fear governments have is there own people rebelling. 

You can see that how this is taking shape yet the news media keeps it hidden, as not to stir a panic amongst its people.

India which is the second largest wheat exporter has just banned all exports and is keeping the grain it producers for themselves. People took to the street and clashed with India's elite protest police without fear, which force the police to retreat by the violent clashes. When people are hungry there is nothing that will keep them at bay, no teargas , no rubber bullets nothing.

As I've said before metals are great to secure your wealth but you'll starve without food. Energy and base metals you can bypass by using less or delaying projects.

So when it comes to food there is no choice, we have seen poultry prices increase weekly due to grain prices increase, meat, pork, eggs, bread and milk just continue to rise due to grains increasing prices.

Oh and by the way you can't print more money and grow more grains either, it takes a good 6 months, and yields are definitely coming down due to the fertilizer issues which will have corn explode in price soon.Then we have weather issues around the world which will also affect yields and that's how you have a perfect storm brewing.

To all farmers who are producing grains no need to rush to sell your crops, higher prices are coming especially after September. The inflation we currently have is only going to increase, as I don't see the FED serious about tackling it. FED believes that they can squash demand with higher rates, but again what they don't understand is the grains are the keys to everything inflationary. We don't buy used cars or furniture monthly for the  inflation numbers to show up , but we do buy food and eat daily but  don't worry its excluded from the inflationary numbers.

If you can store dry foods then please do so it will be the best investment. (flour,corn, rice , cooking oils, nuts.

At the present time the world is in a time frame of disbelief of what is possible.

That it will never happen to us mentality, but I will just remind you all that anything is possible and you don't have to look any further than a year ago where governments shut down there countries over Covid and now we are living with it. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Crypto Banking run

Hi Readers

There seems to be a massive panic in the Crypto Markets and I don't think people really understand why other than following squiggly lines and so forth.

As most of you are aware that we did state a while back that bank deposits are owned by the banks even tho they are yours. Yesterday Coinbase came out and told the market that they might go broke if cryptos prices collapse and that all coins and deposits which are on there exchanges are in fact there's. Which can be used as liquidity for up to 60 months.

Its for this reason that the ALT coins got slammed.

Most small traders have funds at exchanges which is understandable but also have coins on exchanges too.

Its for this reason unless your trading daily and are not investing in cryptos all is good.

But if your investing then the  investment is a minimum 36-48 months.

The fact that stable coins are not stable and is starting to freak some traders out.

If you have time please read the fine print on stable coins," in the event of a banking run in the Crypto market stable coins can use backed securities to the value of  potential value of the peg to the dollar.

So what that means is should tether loose the peg to the dollar which it will later, the Stable coin can give you bond which it holds as collateral. So what that mean is that the bonds, which tether paid lets say $1 and could be worth 5 cents you will have to accept worthless paper. So when exchanges are talking in this manner then you need to be concerned.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

No need to fear the markets yet

 Hi readers , so the markets jolting around and there is real fear around. Interest rates have started moving higher and commodities are taking a hit, yet inflation is still high. Crypto currency’s have been taking a bath and there is no where to park your money other than cash. 

So what are investors meant to do in an environment like this! 

Let’s first look at what’s really going on, not the bullshit that your told. Inflation yes it’s real and your seeing it in everything you do. Cost of everything has gone up regardless where you live. Cost have been going up way before the Russian war in Ukraine so let’s just dismiss that full stop. The media loves to blame Russia for inflation but this isn’t true.

The days of cheap money is over, for now but it will come back in 3 years. So yes rates re going up and so they should the should have never been this low in the first place. The fact that a small 50 basis point move has freaked out the market and lenders tells you that everything your being told is a lie. The economy and I don’t care where your from isn’t strong it’s weak as piss. There is so much debt in the system at the moment that it can’t sustain this level of tightening. All central banks know this but are keeping quiet about it. Here in Australia a 2.5% cash rate would default 88% of all mortgage holders, that tells you something about the levels of debt in the system. Those in cash are in the box seat moving forward. There are no white knights this time around. In the GFC it was China who bailed out the world economy, but this time around there is no one. The US is run by a guy with dementia, Australia has an election and looking at what’s playing out it could be a hung parliament. Canada is run by an IMF stooge, and the UK has a clown running the show who doesn’t own a comb . Europe who is there to take the slake. Laggard has no idea what she is doing and to be honest under her watch everything went to shit at the IMF. 

So no that doesn’t mean you build a bunker and hibernate either we manoeuvre our investments around. 

As you can see the metals are taking a nice hit as expected and this will continue for a couple more weeks, you must realise also that with China shut down metals could fall a lot further than many people think in particular base metals, and in that silver is also included.

Remember what we said some posts ago people, we have to eat, we can go without metals for a while but we have to all eat.  

By now all of you should have sold out of your 5EA stock and happy with the return on your investment. Got those who haven’t sold out obviously you see something I don’t and I wish you the very best. I’ll buy the stock again at $1.20 or lower moving forward.

For those who have bought DXB, don’t worry about the price as it’s an illusion of where the company is at. Until you sell your stock there is no loss, where are in the right company moving forward long term and yea this is a long term play for me .

Markets are volatile and many are worried about what could happen but don’t fear, stock will explode soon starting on Thursday with a lower CPI number the market will go crazy and prices will explode. Please remember for every buyer there is a seller. It’s all about price..

My work is showing a nice pop to 4500-4600 S&P before the market stalls and the realisation kicks in. Remember traders we are in a Mercury retrograde so what occurs now will be revised. Yes the CPI number will increase the following month, and we will see Fed members come out over the next fortnight talk about maybe slowing down rate hike also. 

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

The above is based on financial astrology, I am not a financial advisor.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.